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Why My Husband's Boner Pills Are A Sexy Compliment. After my husband and I had dated and lived together for a couple of years (I like to move in instantly so I can date someone 24 hours a day), I became a notorious sock-stealer.

Why My Husband's Boner Pills Are A Sexy Compliment

He has a variety of those low ankle-sport socks that are clearly too small for him and he never wears them, so they are ripe for the swiping. Some random morning, I dug a little deeper in the back of Mike’s sock drawer to find the ones that actually fit sort of well, and came across something hard stuffed into a winter-weight black sock. Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls... SO I WILL. (All images by the incredible Liora K) Things that I wish I knew earlier Things that I've learned in real life.

Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls... SO I WILL.

Things people really need to talk about more: Everyone has rolls when they bend over. Everyone. Lets just get this out of the way right off the bat. You're not stunning despite your body. A guy can pick you up off your feet, and it won't break his back. You don't need to exercise every day in order to feel better about yourself. You're allowed to fall in love with yourself. Healthy Sex Talk: Teaching Kids Consent, Ages 1-21. A list of parenting action items, created in the hope that we can raise a generation of children who have less rape and sexual assault in their lives.

Healthy Sex Talk: Teaching Kids Consent, Ages 1-21

The ongoing horror of rape in the news, from Penn State to the young women raped and killed in India to Steubenville, has proven to be a wake-up call for many parents. We always knew that rape was a problem, but never before have we been so mobilized to create change. As writers, educators, and advocates of sex-positivity and healthy consent, the four of us have been inundated with requests from parents for advice on how to help create a future with less rape and sexual assault. We believe parents can start educating children about consent and empowerment as early as 1 year old and continuing into the college years. It is our sincere hope that this education can help us raise empowered young adults who have empathy for others and a clear understanding of healthy consent. It Happened To Me Contest Entry: I Didn't Cheat, But He Acts Like I Did. [If you like this IHTM contest entry, comment to that effect below and that will help the writer win big money.

It Happened To Me Contest Entry: I Didn't Cheat, But He Acts Like I Did

Feel free to critique below too, so we can weigh that in our decision. By Liz Labacz. The truth about female desire: It’s base, animalistic and ravenous. There is a conspiracy theory at the heart of this book.

The truth about female desire: It’s base, animalistic and ravenous

Even to the most casual observer of human history, it isn’t news that women’s sexuality has been feared, suppressed and lied about. But “What Do Women Want? : Adventures in the Science of Female Desire” by journalist Daniel Bergner uses groundbreaking sex research to show the ways in which our supposedly enlightened society still has female sexuality backward — completely, utterly, profoundly.

In accessible and entertaining prose, “What Do Women Want?” Details everything from individual women’s fantasies to the search for a “female Viagra.” How we do it: Maybe monogamy isn’t natural! It is tempting to assume that mating arrangements directly match the typical social pattern.

How we do it: Maybe monogamy isn’t natural!

For instance, in a pair-living species it might seem obvious that the adult male sires any offspring of the pair. In other words, pair-living social organization and strictly monogamous mating may appear to be two sides of the same coin. Take, for example, the thousands of pair-living bird species that have traditionally been regarded as strictly monogamous. Countless hours of observation by dedicated bird-watchers failed to reveal any deviation from strict limitation of mating to the partners in a pair. However, the advent of DNA-based paternity tests changed all that.

Theorists have leapt in to explain these exciting new findings, incautiously borrowing loaded terms from the human arena. The Super-Awesome Guide To Dating Yourself. I'm currently at a point in my life where I really like myself, but it wasn't always that way.

The Super-Awesome Guide To Dating Yourself

In the past I always seemed concerned with the approval of others, whether it was the people I was dating, my friends, or even just strangers. How I Learned To Embrace My STD. I was in the middle of a classic post-messy-breakup move: getting over someone by getting under someone else.

How I Learned To Embrace My STD

His name was Steve. He had the kind of good looks described in Jackie Collins novels as all-American, with sandy blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and broad shoulders kissed by the California sun. His profession? An artist. And if reading copious amounts of Jackie’s frothy works had taught me anything, that meant he was going to be good with his hands. The man he was supposed to erase from my memory didn’t matter anymore. 6 Overused Creepy Sentences That I Wish Always Had These Surprise Endings. City Brights: David Steinberg. If you were to take seriously Matt Smith’s inflammatory SF Weekly article on (“Whipped and Gagged — Is Government Spending Obscene?”)

City Brights: David Steinberg

, you would think that all sorts of nefarious things are going on at the huge old armory at 14th and Mission that is’s home. Smith claims that — which turns out 60-70 SM-related porn films a month and operates 14 websites focused on different BDSM themes — produces “torture-based pornography.” He is openly delighted that his revelation that some filmmakers have received training from the California Entertainment Training Program has resulted in those filmmakers being eliminated from the program. Anti-porn activist Melissa Farley apparently agrees with Smith.