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6 expressions to avoid when asking for a referral. The Right Way to Ask, ‘Can I Pick Your Brain?’ It’s a request that experienced people of any industry have gotten at some point: “Can I buy you coffee and pick your brain?” While well-intentioned, execution is everything, and sometimes these unsolicited requests for a casual, informational interviews can come off as entitled and presumptuous.

And for the receiver, it can be difficult or even unrealistic for a busy professional to coordinate bespoke consultation appointments for everyone who asks. “Any request that requires someone to block off time on their calendar — for a call, for a coffee, to stop to chat with your team — can be, for someone who is running a packed professional schedule, a massive ask,” said Cal Newport, a computer science professor at Georgetown University and author of “Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World.”

She suggests changing the language from, “Can I pick your brain?” To the more friendly, “I would like your advice.” The Only Three Networking Emails You Need To Know How To Write. I’m all about being up front when you network.

The Only Three Networking Emails You Need To Know How To Write

It’s helpful to be honest about why you’re reaching out (for example, you’re going through a job search or moving to a new city). It can combat nerves and help the process feel more genuine. Career Benefits of Networking. How many times have you been told how important networking is?

Career Benefits of Networking

Plenty, I’m sure. So, at this point, you know that who you know can be the difference between you getting that new gig or not. But, if that’s not motivation enough for you to go out and meet new people, here are four more ways networking can help you, beyond just growing your network in preparation for you next big career opportunity. 1. Gather Info on the Industry Whether you’re changing industries or furthering your knowledge of your current one, networking and conducting informational interviews are a great way to figure out what’s going on in your field of interest. Ask people you meet or sit down with about their recent challenges and accomplishments or about trends they’re seeing in their work. 2.

Sometimes it can be difficult to get people talking, even if you’re meeting one-on-one and not at some large awkward networking event. Don’t feel weird asking about personal experiences. 3. 4. Photo courtesy of Nana B Agyei. The Secrets To Successful Networking From The Most Connected Women. Until the age of 40, Judy Robinett thought she was shy.

The Secrets To Successful Networking From The Most Connected Women

As a result, she'd go to corporate events and stand in a corner because she felt awkward around others. At some point in her career, the management consultant realized she wasn't getting anywhere by keeping her head down and working hard. She needed to make useful connections. Today, the author of How to Be a Power Connector describes herself as a "raging extrovert. " Most people know 632 other people, says Robinett, yet we go to networking events thinking that there's only one person who can help us. “It’s fine to have friends, but quality relationships plus strategy should be your goal in business," she tells Fast Company. The women who know how to "be scrappy" and cultivate their relationships are the ones getting things done. Below, some of the most connected women share how they make and maintain their relationships.

Britt Morgan-Saks, head of Artist Services at Spotify. Hate Small Talk? These 5 Questions Will Help You Work Any Room. Mastering small talk will help you find common ground to create a mini-bond with new contacts. Small talk may feel trite and unimportant, but it's the small talk that leads to the big talk. Ideally small talk will uncover common interests, business alignments, the six degrees that separate you, potential need for your product or service, and basically whether or not you enjoy each other's company. The goal is not to become best friends or a new client on the spot. Although it's nice when those instant connections happen, usually that's not the case. The goal of conversation at functions is to establish enough common ground to determine a reason to connect again.

Tongue-tied and standing in a corner? When looking for a conversation partner in a crowded room, there are three likely scenarios that make it easy to initiate dialogue: --Fun, inviting groups --White-knuckled loners who look uncomfortable and will welcome your attempt to initiate dialogue --Familiar faces [Image: Flickr user Aquila] How To Get People To Like You: 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior Expert. Before we commence with the festivities, I wanted to thank everyone for helping my first book become a Wall Street Journal bestseller.

How To Get People To Like You: 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior Expert

To check it out, click here. Meeting new people can be awkward. Six Secrets to Winning at Office Politics. Six Secrets to Winning at Office Politics The most qualified people don’t always get the most done or earn the best promotions.

Six Secrets to Winning at Office Politics

We all know someone who got promoted because they knew the right person. Being great at your job is essential, but not enough. Being good at office politics is being good with people, without manipulation and deception.