March 2020 – multifarious. After attending the xl8cluj conference in Romania a few weeks ago, which was an excellent, and very technical conference for translators, I thought it was about time I wrote an article around the things you can do with the Regular Expression Delimited Text filter since it is so useful for solving all kinds of tasks related to text based files that don’t fit any of the out of the box formats available in the product.
Files such as software string files and csv files are common examples of where understanding how to work with this customisable file type can yield many benefits. So this article is food for thought and a few things that might be helpful to you in the future. It’s also pretty long (I’m not kidding!) , so maybe grab a cup of coffee before you start to go through it! But Studio can handle a CSV file out of the box! Convert to Excelimport to Excel. Translation Tribulations - полезности про MemoQ. Сайт и блог Павла Палажченко. Блог о переводе на итальянском - Mamme con la partita IVA linguaenauti.
Блог переводчика WORDHORD. Wordhord — это англосаксонское слово, означающее сокровища языка, запас слов, а также знания и опыт человека.
Сетевые ресурсы в технологии перевода. Переводчики — подборки книг. Termcoord -Free ebooks for translator. Living in the Digital Age means there is no excuse for not staying updated professionally during Easter holidays.
The blog Infotra of The Falculty of Translation and Documentation at the University of Salamanca, one of the oldest universities in the Western world, features a collection of 150 e-book resources for translators and interpreters on everything from multilingual business practises in the EU to false friends in Spanish and English. Of course there is also our own EP TermCoord page with a large selection of e-books divided into four categories: Terminology, Translation, Linguistics and Glossaries. Ru:статьи:кабель_электрический [ЮниТех] Определение Электрический кабель — кабельное изделие, содержащее одну или более изолированных жил (проводников), заключенных в металлическую или неметаллическую оболочку, поверх которой в зависимости от условий прокладки и эксплуатации может иметься соответствующий защитный покров, в который может входить броня, и пригодное, в частности, для прокладки в земле и под водой 1).
OPUS - an open source parallel corpus. Multifarious. It’s all about the termbase definition when you want to merge termbases, or import data into MultiTerm termbases.
The XDT… otherwise known as the MultiTerm Termbase Definition file is the key to being able to ensure you are not trying to knock square pegs into round holes! I’ve written in the past about the flexibility of MultiTerm and it’s this flexibility that can make it tricky for new users when they try to merge their collections of termbases together, or add to their data by importing a file from a colleague. Top 10 Free Localization Resources - Text United. Game Localization. using quality marks as a political instrument is the de facto network site for translations; a bit like LinkedIn, but then for translators only.
To distinguish between good translators and bad translators, Proz uses so-called quality seals: translators whose translations have been peer-reviewed by colleagues can get a special seal of approval, which the site's visitors are told is a seal of quality. This is called the PRO badge, and it's displayed prominently in the translator's profile. Many potential clients filter on this badge when they are looking for quality translators; there's even a special selection box for it in Proz's searching system.
In fact however, the badge is used as a tool to smother all criticism on the site. Il progetto – linguaenauti. Linguaenauti è un blog rivolto agli amanti delle lingue e a chi le usa tutti i giorni per lavoro, come traduttori, insegnanti, linguisti e autori.
5 business mistakes that beginning freelance translators make and how to avoid them by Olga Arakelyan (Business Issues) - translation articles. As a well-known proverb says, "Learn wisdom by the follies of others".
This article is specifically talking about mistakes in business that start-up freelance translators often make. Podcast Archives - Marketing Tips for Translators. Welcome to another episode of Marketing Tips for Translators – the place to be to learn new tips and tricks for a successful freelance business.
I know that some of my listeners are quite new to the translation business, so today I wanted to cater more specifically to them. I am joined by two translators, Sarah Puchner and Meghan McCallum, and we’ll be looking at tips for a smooth and efficient transition from student to translator. Important things covered in this episode: Translation studies and the professional worldNo work without experience, but no experience without work! SolutionsPresenting ourselves as professionalsCreating an online presenceWhere to find workCAT tools – do you need one, and which to choose? ТРАДОС Заметки на полях. В Городе переводчиков обнаружил статью (название выше), написанную Алексеем Якименко (на фотографии), в которой подробно (подробнее не бывает) описан порядок создания базы терминов из словаря.
Скриншоты сделаны автором.Ссылка на статью в Городе переводчиков Для хорошего товарища (начинающего осваивать Традос и близлежащие программы) сделал ну-очень-пошаговую инструкцию, которая, полагаю, пригодится начинающим (а может, и продолжающим) жителям нашего Города. Гарри Поттер и трудности перевода. Не успела новая книга-сценарий «Гарри Поттер и окаянное дитя», созданная по мотивам серии романов Джоан Роулинг, выйти в продажу на английском языке, как множество российских фанатов поттерианы потребовали от издательства «Махаон», эксклюзивного держателя прав на русский перевод, ни в коем случае не привлекать к работе над книгой переводчицу Марию Спивак, которая якобы плохо справилась с переводами предыдущих книг серии. Впрочем, у Спивак нашлись свои фанаты и спор разгорелся не на шутку. При чём тут слон? — Заметки и пр. Заметки по итогам лекции Александры Борисенко о переводе «неправильной» речи.
Один из любимых кошмаров переводчика — обнаружить в тексте речь, которая не соответствует литературной норме. Например, если литературный персонаж — иностранец, носитель диалекта или странный человек, который как-то странно разговаривает. Проблема передачи речевых особенностей персонажей особенно актуальна для английской литературы, потому что диапазон разных видов английского языка грандиозен, он в разы больше, чем диапазон разновидностей русского языка. How to use wildcard and format searches in MSWord to make sure all your numbers are formatted correctly. (c) Riccardo Schiaffino, 2005 Introduction: The Problem A known drawback of translating using Trados is that segments which contain only numbers cannot be opened in the translation memory tool. This can be a problem when the document to translate contains tables of numbers: for example, you might be translating English into Italian, and you want to make sure that all numbers are formatted correctly, with a comma to separate decimals and a dot to separate thousands.
Traduttori e ricerche: abbiamo testato Elexico - doppioverso. Di recente l’English PEN, associazione internazionale dedicata a scrittori e scrittura che difende il principio della libera circolazione delle idee fra tutte le nazioni, ha realizzato una serie di brevi pillole video, diffuse sul suo canale YouTube, riguardanti la professione del traduttore. Sono clip animate di qualche minuto, in cui diversi traduttori raccontano la loro professione e ne spiegano le peculiarità (sono tutti molto interessanti, e potete trovare la playlist completa qui). Terminology - Translation News: Translations News.
TRANSLATOR'S DIGEST - How I Built My Direct Client Base (without Using Translation Portals) Many years ago (as some of you might recall), there was a huge debate as to whether certain translation portals were directly decreasing translation rates through their bidding systems. Many of us raised serious objections to changes to their job boards and a lot of longstanding and well-respected members fled some of these sites –one site in particular took the most heat. But in that debate, I also remember many translators claiming that without such portals, we would not be able to find clients or get work. Of course, most of these claims came from newbies who could not account for how anyone made a living as a translator before the internet age.