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Glossaries from EU institutions and bodies - Terminology Coordination Unit [DGTRAD] - European Parliament. Digital Single Market. Accelerators Seed accelerators are a modern, for-profit start-up incubators.

Digital Single Market

They are selected through an open application procedure, targeting start-ups consisting of small teams. They are eligible for funding, mentoring, training and events for a limited period (usually 3 months), in exchange for equity. While traditional business incubators are often government-funded, generally take no equity, and focus on biotech, medical technology, clean tech or product-centric companies, accelerators are privately-funded and focused on mobile/Internet start-ups. Access (to equipment, facilities, services etc.) The making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications services, including when they are used for the delivery of information society services or broadcast content services.

Access point Access segment Active Assisted Living (AAL), Active Ageing. Contract law - Glossary - Justice. Glossary Links - Terminology Coordination Unit [DGTRAD] - European Parliament. Glossary Links is a glossary search tool with a database of more than 8,000 glossaries and constantly growing.

Glossary Links - Terminology Coordination Unit [DGTRAD] - European Parliament

All the links in the glossary search are regularly checked and updated by TermCoord in terms of relevancy and reliability. You can find glossaries according to topics and by language. The glossaries cover a wide range of domains like, for example, legal affairs, environment, medicine, consumer protection, human rights, economy and many others.

Please note: Glossary Links just searches in the titles of the glossaries. In the ‘Source’ input field, you can search for the names of providers/creators of the glossaries.Feedback: you can send us your feedback by clicking in the “feedback” Icon below. Disclaimer: The European Parliament is not responsible for the terms and the information provided by glossaries. European e-Justice Portal. Content_dynamic_forms-155-cs. EuroVoc. EuroVoc je mnohojazyčný a multidisciplinární tezaurus vztahující se k činnostem EU.


Obsahuje termíny ve 23 jazycích EU (angličtině, bulharštině, češtině, dánštině, estonštině, finštině, francouzštině, chorvatštině, italštině, litevštině, lotyštině, maďarštině, maltštině, němčině, nizozemštině, polštině, portugalštině, rumunštině, řečtině, slovenštině, slovinštině, španělštině a švédštině) a třech jazycích zemí, které jsou kandidáty přistoupení k EU: македонски (mk), shqip (sq), cрпски (sr). EuroVoc spravuje Úřad pro publikace. Správa tezauru nyní volí ontologický přístup a v souladu s doporučeními konscorcia World Wide Web (W3C) a s nejnovějšími trendy v tvorbě tezaurů používá sématické webové technologie. Tezaurus Eurovoc používají mimo jiné orgány a instituce Evropské unie, Úřad pro publikace EU, parlamenty členských států EU a jejich regionů a správní orgány a soukromí uživatelé z různých zemí celého světa.

British and Irish Legal Information Institute. Case-law Database. JuriFast. President's welcome. Portál evropské e-Justice. FreeWebSite. EUR-Lex. IATE - The EU's multilingual term base. European dictionary. Překladatelské středisko.

Translation and drafting resources. An official website of the European UnionAn official EU websiteHow do you know?

Translation and drafting resources

All official European Union website addresses are in the domain. See all EU institutions and bodies Cookies This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Find out more on how we use cookies and how you can change your settings. Skip to main content Translation and drafting resources Page Contents Guidelines for translation contractors Translation guidelines and resources for contractors Clear writing — translation quality Translation quality info sheets for contractors How to write clearly — European Commission booklet (all EU languages) Claire's clear writing tips — practical tips (in English and French) expanding upon How to write clearly [November 2016] Special character sets Need to type special characters or accents but can't find them on your keyboard?

Unicode special character sets (the Cyrillic, Greek and Latin sets cover characters from all EU official languages) Departments. Guidelines for contractors translating into Czech. Skip to main content Guidelines for contractors translating into Czech Departments Translation Page Contents General EU information EU institutions European legislation Contractor guides.

Guidelines for contractors translating into Czech

Vyhledávání TARIC. Úřad pro publikace – Pravidla pro jednotnou úpravu dokumentů – Domů. RAMON - Welcome page.