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THiNK Thursday #1: First day of class activities - getting to know your students. Published 13 April 2017 Each Thursday we will bringing you practical ideas and resources for the teenage classroom from the THiNK team.

THiNK Thursday #1: First day of class activities - getting to know your students

We start the series with Product Manager, Laura Sigsworth’s favourite activities for the first day of class. The first day of class can often be as nerve-wracking for teachers as it is for students, particularly if you have completely new classes of students! Will they be silent and uncommunicative, or rowdy? How will you remember all their names? Here are some simple ‘getting to know you’ activities to break the ice and get your students speaking. What’s the question? At the beginning of the class, write a list of 4 or 5 questions about yourself on the board. Extensive reading in ELT: Why and how? Free whitepaper. Published 12 January 2018 Extensive reading is a useful practice that can manifest itself in different ways depending on the teacher and class, however it remains a relatively underused language teaching technique.

Extensive reading in ELT: Why and how? Free whitepaper

Dr. Peter Watkins has created an Extensive reading in ELT whitepaper as part of the Cambridge Papers in ELT series to discuss why extensive reading is important and how we can implement it in the classroom… Characteristics of the reading activity The paper is based around the 10 key principles you should keep in mind when considering such a task in the classroom. The benefits Why it’s important for learners to undertake this type of reading and how they develop through an activity like this. Seven tips for English language beginners. Winner of the TeachingEnglish blog award Larissa Albano shares seven ways to make learning English easier for beginners.

Seven tips for English language beginners

Once upon a time, an Italian woman in her 40s wanted to learn English. Maria was a widow and came into a bit of money when her husband prematurely died. She was keen to travel around the UK, but she only had a poor grasp of grammar learnt at school. So she bought an English language audio box set and started to parrot everything the recordings said. 25 BEST WEBSITES FOR LEARNING ENGLISH - Fluency Spot. We all know how important English is nowadays, it’s the international language, and everyone needs to know it.


Maybe you want to study abroad, attend a conference or just travel. English isn’t my mother tongue but knowing it opened new doors for me. How to boost your lessons with 20 online tools « Cecilia Nobre ELT Blog. After two years of teaching online, I am convinced that this was the best decision I have made in my 17-year career in ELT.

How to boost your lessons with 20 online tools « Cecilia Nobre ELT Blog

Don’t get me wrong, I love teaching face-to-face, but I also love the freedom and flexibility that online teaching offers. 10 Recommended Books for the CELTA Course - ELT Experiences. It has been a number years since I took the CELTA Course, at least seven years since I actually completed the course at the British Council Seoul.

10 Recommended Books for the CELTA Course - ELT Experiences

What exactly do we mean by speaking skills? 467953 teaching language in chunks. What Makes A Good Speaking Class? Posted at 13:00h in Skills by Adriano Zanetti.

What Makes A Good Speaking Class?

The role of Rigor in the English classroom. Carolyn Nason, a recent guest on the Oxford Adult ESL Conversations podcast, discusses the role of rigor in the Adult ESL classroom.

The role of Rigor in the English classroom

Recently I signed up for a professional development project focused on infusing rigor into ESL instruction. Knowing the 21st century challenges that my beginning adult English language learners (ELLs) face and their language proficiency level, I was quite skeptical about the idea. However, I was delighted to discover that adding rigor doesn’t have to be difficult for the student or for the teacher. It also doesn’t require a lot of extra work, and the payoffs are spectacular. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy as modeled by Jessica Loose. Advice and tips if you’re thinking of teaching English abroad. On the over-use of concept-checking questions: part 1.

There aren’t many things that I think should be comprehensively banned from EFL classrooms, but the use of closed CCQs (Concept-Checking Questions) for items of vocabulary is one!

On the over-use of concept-checking questions: part 1

For those of you unfamiliar with CCQs, they seem to have come into the ELT mainstream via International House and the very early teacher training courses offered there, and have gone on to become part of what is now widely considered to be CELTA orthodoxy. The basic idea is that simply explaining what something means is insufficient and therefore teachers need to ask their students questions to check whether or not they’ve actually grasped the ‘concepts’ that have been laid out for them. Activities for correcting writing in the language classroom.

How can teachers encourage learners to correct their own writing?

Activities for correcting writing in the language classroom

Second-time winner of TeachingEnglish blog award, Cristina Cabal, offers a few tried and tested error-correction activities. Does every single writing error need to be corrected? In the learning of a second language, this is a question that stirs up great controversy. Responding to students’ writing. I have called this post responding to writing, rather than error correction on writing, as I believe that there is a lot more to responding to written work than simply correcting errors. To begin with, it is very important to respond to the content of the writing as well as the form. Otherwise we risk being like this teacher: By Jon Marks, as featured in ETp. Our Favourite Online Course Providers - Active English. We all know that a good quality teacher development course is a worthwhile investment to give your teaching practice and career a boost.

However, what happens when the city you live in or your busy timetable makes attending face-to-face classes impossible? Many teachers these days are turning to online education as a viable option that allows them to access quality training from anywhere at almost any time. The options are seemingly endless with everything from MOOCs, webinars, short courses, online conferences, and even university qualifications. Index. P is for Practised Control. Practising control. Elt-resourceful. There is a huge difference between what our students see printed on a page and what we actually say in everyday speech.

In a recording of a TESOL Spain Presentation on Youtube (well worth watching), Mark Hancock makes the following joke: Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I’ve got two theik, a near rake, sore rise, bruise darms a stummer cake and I far tall the time. The 'Bi-literate' Brain: The Key to Reading in a Sea of Screens. Paper or screen? How to create content for private ESL lessons - Off2Class. Dear Teachers! The following is an excerpt from a guest post we did a couple months back for the mighty ELT Jam covering the building of content for private ESL lessons. Lingoda. Lingoda. 70 useful sentences for academic writing.

Back in the late 90s, in the process of reading for my MA dissertation, I put together a collection of hundreds of sentence frames that I felt could help me with my academic writing later on. And they did. Immensely. After the course was over, I stacked my sentences away, but kept wondering if I could ever put them to good use and perhaps help other MA / PhD students. 70 useful sentences for academic writing. 12 tiny tips for writing lesson plans. Grammar Police: 30 of the Most Common Grammatical Errors We All Need to Stop Making.

Even after years of education, there are some things that some people still mess up. 30 Skills Every Online Teacher Should Have - Teach ESL Online. The freelance language teacher. 12 Tools That Made The Biggest Difference In My Teaching - 12 Tools That Made The Biggest Difference In My Teaching This Year Rachelle Dene Poth. Challenges in ELT: Teaching online. Conheça 6 ferramentas digitais para facilitar o dia a dia dos professores. 24 resources for bringing AR and VR to the classroom. How to create lesson content for online ESL lessons « Cecilia Nobre ELT Blog. Hello and Happy 2017! It’s Monday, January 2nd and I have already delivered my first online lesson of the year. 40 Things to Do with a Text. This article was written by Dominic Braham and Anthony Gaughan and originally appeared in English Teaching Matters, the English Language Teachers’ Associations journal.

9 mistakes you need to stop making with your teaching. Teaching English in Spain: “The traditional method of teaching English isn’t working” The 6 Stages Of A Teaching Career - Training the Brain to Listen: A Practical Strategy for Student Learning and Classroom Management. Applied linguistics for the language classroom. 'Th' sound to vanish from English language by 2066 because of multiculturalism, say linguists  Viviane Talks Weekends – Teach Pronunciation. I Want To Get Better At... Classroom Management. The Atlantic - Americans greet each other with huge... Wait … is that a rule? Ten everyday grammar mistakes you might be making. How to get freelance work from ELT publishers. Whiteboards: The Force Awakens. Boardwork Tips for Teachers. - InnovateELT 2017.

Pronúncia: o que os professores brasileiros precisam (mesmo) saber. CELTA Anticipated Problems: How to find problem words quickly and easily. A different side of EFL: 7+1 tips to make CLIL work with your class. Metro - Listen up, it's pronounced scone. Help! My students think their course book is too easy - Oxford University Press. Natalia Guerreiro on Braz-TESOL. Webinário Higor Cavalcante. When We Listen to Students. 25 maps that explain the English language.