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Olivier de Schutter - ONU

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20110308_agroecology-report-pr_fr. Rapport accès à la terre - 2010. Mandat. Le 26 mars 2008, le Conseil des Droits de l'Homme des Nations Unies a approuvé la proposition du Président de nommer le Prof.


Olivier De Schutter le Rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur le droit à l'alimentation. Le Prof. De Schutter succède ainsi au Prof. Jean Ziegler, qui assumait ce mandat depuis 2000. Aux termes de la résolution adoptée le 26 septembre 2007 par le Conseil des droits de l'Homme (A/HRC/6/L.5/Rev.1), il est demandé au Rapporteur Spécial : Sortir du faux débat sur les accaparements de terres. [12 January 2011] Op-Ed - BRUSSELS: In the international discussion surrounding the phenomenon referred to as ‘land-grabbing’ – the acquisition or long-term lease of large areas of land by investors –, the debate has focused on whether or not this development can be regulated at regional or international level, and if so, how.

Sortir du faux débat sur les accaparements de terres

But what we really need is a vision that goes beyond disciplining land deals and providing policymakers with a check list of how to destroy global peasantry responsibly. If that were the only problem, then appropriate regulation – and incentives to manage such investments correctly – may indeed be a solution. Hunger is not the result of there being too little food produced; it is the result of massive rural and urban poverty, the latter often the result of former as slums around large cities have grown, following rural migration, because small-scale farming was not a viable option for many.