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Python: tuple indices must be integers, not str when selecting from mysql table. Googlecalendarsync - googlecalendarsync is a tool to bidirectional synchronize a local iCal (.ics) file with Google Calendar. Pythonista. Online Python Tutor - Visualize Python, Java, and JavaScript code. Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization. How to install Django on Windows. This document will guide you through installing Python and Django for basic usage on Windows.

How to install Django on Windows

This is meant as a beginner’s guide for users working on Django projects and does not reflect how Django should be installed when developing patches for Django itself. The steps in this guide have been tested with Windows 7 and 8. In other versions, the steps would be similar. An Epic Review of PyCharm 3 from a Vim User’s Perspective. Learning Reaper + Blender + Unity and Upcoming Project - Yoke Harn.

I haven’t been able to update my blog for the past 2 months.

Learning Reaper + Blender + Unity and Upcoming Project - Yoke Harn

During this time I play 3 PS3 games. Uncharted 3, Tomb Raider (2013) and The Last Of Us day in and out. I finished 5 manga that is on my to-read list for 10 years. I’ve been working out tirelessly to get fit for my pre-wedding photoshoot in less than a month. None of the above is true btw, excpet the part I’m having my pre wedding photoshoot in 3 weeks and I’m still way off from my target weight. For real, during this period, I’ve picked up some knowledge and skill so I can work completely independent in building a mobile game. Some of you may know that I am a programmer and I love to draw stuff and design just about anything.

When I begin to build game a while back, I knew something was missing in me to complete the game. I understand these 2 topics are different species all together and one should probably taking the degree to learn and master it, but I believe I can work something out by putting effort on it. Blender Unity. 7. Input and Output — Python 3.3.4 documentation. There are several ways to present the output of a program; data can be printed in a human-readable form, or written to a file for future use.

7. Input and Output — Python 3.3.4 documentation

This chapter will discuss some of the possibilities. 7.1. Fancier Output Formatting So far we’ve encountered two ways of writing values: expression statements and the print() function. (A third way is using the write() method of file objects; the standard output file can be referenced as sys.stdout. Often you’ll want more control over the formatting of your output than simply printing space-separated values. The string module contains a Template class which offers yet another way to substitute values into strings. One question remains, of course: how do you convert values to strings?

Arrays - Python struggling with data.

Karolina Project

Lists — How to Think like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition. A list is a sequential collection of Python data values, where each value is identified by an index.

Lists — How to Think like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition

The values that make up a list are called its elements. Lists are similar to strings, which are ordered collections of characters, except that the elements of a list can have any type and for any one list, the items can be of different types. 4.7 Slicing Arrays. The standard rules of Python slicing apply to arrays, on a per-dimension basis.

4.7 Slicing Arrays

Assuming a 3x3 array: >>> a = reshape(arange(9),(3,3)) >>> print a [[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8]] The plain [:] operator slices from beginning to end: Sublime Text: One Editor to Rule Them All? Sublime Text is a proprietary, cross-platform text editor designed for people who spend huge amounts of time shuffling code around.

Sublime Text: One Editor to Rule Them All?

A programmer's editor, Sublime Text is a third option to the long-standing "Vi or Emacs" conundrum. Going beyond the basics of syntax highlighting and code folding, Sublime offers a litany of innovative and unique features. With version 3.0 just around the corner, I'm taking you on a tour of Sublime's most compelling features and add-on packages. At the time of this writing, Sublime Text version 2 is $70 US, and the upgrade to version 3 (which is currently in beta) will be paid. Introduction — virtualenv 1.11 documentation. Virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments.

Introduction — virtualenv 1.11 documentation

The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions. Imagine you have an application that needs version 1 of LibFoo, but another application requires version 2. How can you use both these applications? If you install everything into /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (or whatever your platform’s standard location is), it’s easy to end up in a situation where you unintentionally upgrade an application that shouldn’t be upgraded. Or more generally, what if you want to install an application and leave it be?

Also, what if you can’t install packages into the global site-packages directory? In all these cases, virtualenv can help you. Warning.

HCS_CSV_Data Wulf Project

How to use Dia with Python on Windows. How to use Dia with Python on Windows Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2013 Steffen Macke.

How to use Dia with Python on Windows

How to iterate over values in dictionary Python. Can Python test the membership of multiple values in a list. API. Karolina project. Re – Regular Expressions. Regular expressions are text matching patterns described with a formal syntax.

re – Regular Expressions

The patterns are interpreted as a set of instructions, which are then executed with a string as input to produce a matching subset or modified version of the original. The term “regular expressions” is frequently shortened to as “regex” or “regexp” in conversation. Expressions can include literal text matching, repetition, pattern-composition, branching, and other sophisticated rules.

Python and BASH

Python Basics. Learning Python.