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Nelson Mandela Spent 27 Years In Prison — And Had This To Say When He Got Out. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years by the South African apartheid government.

Nelson Mandela Spent 27 Years In Prison — And Had This To Say When He Got Out

His crime? Standing up against a government that was committing egregious human rights abuses against black South Africans. He was released from prison in 1990 and went on to lead the way for the abolition of apartheid in 1994. He was elected as South Africa's first black president that same year. His most astounding accomplishment after suffering years of abuse was to create the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which focused on healing the country's wounds from human rights abuses using truth-telling and forgiveness. Mandela later established the Nelson Mandela Foundation to combat poverty and HIV/AIDS.

He passed away on Dec. 5, 2013. Click image to Zoom. Muhammad Ali - Photos du journal. Nelson Mandela: An ideal for which I am prepared to die. Nelson Mandela's First-Ever Interview. Note: This post was originally featured on our site in 2010.

Nelson Mandela's First-Ever Interview

In light of the news that Nelson Mandela has passed away at age 95, we’re bringing this vintage clip back to the fore. Here you can see a young Mandela making history, and without perhaps realizing it, building the remarkable legacy that remains with us today. In 1962, Nelson Mandela was arrested on allegations of sabotage and other charges and sentenced to life in prison, where he spent 27 years before becoming South Africa’s first president elected in a fully democratic election. When I Finally Realized What I Was Seeing, This Was The Coolest Thing Ever. Look Closer. Meet Michael Paul Smith.

When I Finally Realized What I Was Seeing, This Was The Coolest Thing Ever. Look Closer.

For over 25 years, he has been creating an imaginary world called “Elgin Park,” filled with scaled models of old cars. They’re 1/24th the size to be exact. He chooses appropriate surroundings for these models, and then uses his camera to capture the most realistic shot possible. Greatest Speech Ever Made - Charlie Chaplin The Great Dictator Full HD Best Version. Debbie Saporta - Photos du journal. Photos du journal - The New York Times. Lyndon Johnson Orders New Pants on the Phone and Requests More Room for His … Johnson (1964) “Lyndon Johnson was indeed …. a being of Shakespearean dimensions—a hulking, bush-country colossus, gargantuan of ego and energy, of self-delusions and glooms and paranoias, crass cruelties and rampant vulgarities, but gargantuan also in his benevolent ambitions.”

Lyndon Johnson Orders New Pants on the Phone and Requests More Room for His … Johnson (1964)

Noam Chomsky on Commemorating the JFK Assassination: It “Would Impress Kim Il-Sung” Down in the Dumps? How to Become a More Positive Person. Having a positive outlook on life has many benefits, both to your mood and your physical health.

Down in the Dumps? How to Become a More Positive Person

Personality traits like optimism or pessimism can have an effect on your overall well-being, so it’s important to cultivate a positive frame of mind. Health benefits of optimism and positive thinking include greater resistance to colds, increased life span, reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease and better coping skills during periods of stress. Positive people tend to live healthier lifestyles, getting more exercise, eating healthier diets and avoiding excessive use of alcohol.

They also enjoy better psychological well-being and suffer less depression. We can’t feel good all the time but there are ways to encourage positive feelings and overcome negative ones.


Nature. News. Babies. Obituaries. Humor. Pets. A Nightly Dinner Out That’s Like Therapy. Dave Sanders for The New York Times Harry Rosen with a photo of himself from his early 20s.

A Nightly Dinner Out That’s Like Therapy

Photos du journal. Christopher Colombus: raping, murdering, enslaving, genocidal pedophile. The latest of The Oatmeal makes a pretty compelling case for hating Christopher Columbus, whose achievements ("discovering" America, sailing from Europe to America, proving the curvature of the Earth) are all BS.

Christopher Colombus: raping, murdering, enslaving, genocidal pedophile

More importantly, though, is what Columbus did do: launched a campaign of genocide in order to terrorize indigenous people gold-mining slavery, a program buoyed up by mass slaughter, mutilations, and systematic sexual slavery of girls as young as nine or ten. Matthew Inman, the Oatmeal's author, proposes celebrating the life of Barolome de las Casas, who also set out to slave and murder his way through the New World, but changed his mind, took the cloth, and spent 50 years defending indigenous people. Inman cites Howard Zinn's excellent People's History of the United States as a primary reference for the piece, and I concur: Zinn's work and those derived from it (like the graphic novel and the audio of dramatic readings) are important and fantastic works.

Photos du journal. 46.1 Miles - Diana Nyad. Photo Christi Barli Monday 7:30pm EDT 51:47 Swim time Status Update As of this evening, Diana has traveled 46.1 statute miles.

46.1 Miles - Diana Nyad

She is well into the gulf stream and doing fine although chilly at times. This wind forecast chart shows a gently breeze marked in purple. The team is preparing for the dusk hours which have proven to be prime hours for jellyfish. photo by Angel Yanagihara Diana had a mental lift today when her ‘friends boat’ arrived to surprise her with friends and family making the trip and showing support. --Angie Sollinger aboard Quest Join the Xtreme Dream Team!