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Grad Zagreb službene stranice. Uz Doru Krupić, koja ima čak i spomenik na Kamenitim vratima (izradio ga Ivo Kerdić), svakako najpopularniji naš ženski literarni lik je kontesa Nera iliti "Grička vještica" , popularna podjednako kod svih generacija Zagorkinih brojnih i zahvalnih čitatelja.

Grad Zagreb službene stranice

Kontesa Nera u stvarnosti se, međutim, nije zvala Nera, niti je bila kontesa, dapače, bila je daleko od plemićke titule i ugledna roda. VIDEO Svi smo taoci naših telefona, a ovaj nam čovjek želi pomoći. Screenshot: TED Talk.

VIDEO Svi smo taoci naših telefona, a ovaj nam čovjek želi pomoći

30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class. One day, in front 36 riotous sophomores, I clutched my chest and dropped to my knees like Sergeant Elias at the end of Platoon.

30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class

Instantly, dead silence and open mouths replaced classroom Armageddon. Standing up like nothing had happened, I said, "Thanks for your attention -- let's talk about love poems. " Classroom Behavior Management: A Comprehensive Set of Strategies. Introduction Classroom behavior management, as I'm sure you will agree, is a constant challenge for ALL of us.

Classroom Behavior Management: A Comprehensive Set of Strategies

Whether we like it or not, kids are just going to act up in class--and, why on Earth do they do that? BusyTeacher: Free Printable Worksheets For Busy Teachers Like YOU!


Leading Teams for Impact: Overview. Change the Group Dynamic The ability to lead teams of all shapes and sizes is an essential skill — the key to getting things done in many organizations.

Leading Teams for Impact: Overview

But working in teams doesn't come easy. Team leaders and influencers need a strong grasp of group dynamics — plus a clear picture of their own skills and behaviors — so they can: Engage team members. Bring together a diverse group of people, often geographically dispersed. Leading Teams for Impact is for Managers Seeking to Maximize Team Performance Leaders of cross-functional teams.Leaders who are responsible for creating team-based organizational systems.Team members who can influence leadership and collaboration on teams.

How To Handle Students Who Lie And Deny. While observing your class gather materials for a science experiment, you notice a student kicking the heels of the boy in front of them.

How To Handle Students Who Lie And Deny

But because you’re in the good habit of letting misbehavior play out, you decide to watch a bit longer before jumping in. You see the boy turn and ask the student to stop. After a brief pause, however, the student resumes the practice. You mentally record every move, and as soon as they sit down, you approach. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Nurturing Growth Mindsets: Six Tips From Carol Dweck - Rules for Engagement. Rohn: A Good Life Contains These 6 Essentials. The values that make up the foundation of a life well lived—and, no surprise, money isn’t one of them The ultimate expression of life is not a paycheck.

Rohn: A Good Life Contains These 6 Essentials

The ultimate expression of life is not a Mercedes. The ultimate expression of life is not a million dollars or a bank account or a home. The ultimate expression of life is living a good life. 8 Ways to Be a More Confident Person. Because there’s power in self-confidence.

8 Ways to Be a More Confident Person

Here’s how to get it. Look at yourself. Who do you see? Superhero, muscles bulging, cape flying—ready to conquer the world? Even Creative Geniuses Create Things That Don’t Work. For the past year I’ve been fascinated with creative work and the people who do it for a living.

Even Creative Geniuses Create Things That Don’t Work

I think it all began with this quote from Ira Glass: “Nobody tells people who are beginners—and I really wish somebody had told this to me—is that all of us who do creative work… we get into it because we have good taste. But it’s like there’s this gap, that for the first couple years that you’re making stuff, what you’re making isn’t so good, OK? It’s trying to be good, it has ambition to be good, but it’s not quite that good…. A lot of people never get past that phase. 3 Questions Highly Productive People Ask Themselves Every Day. I teach people how to become ultra-achievers for a living.

3 Questions Highly Productive People Ask Themselves Every Day

I’ve seen the habits, philosophies and motivation of hundreds of the world’s most productive, influential and successful people. Events, Instructional Design and Learning. The Golden Principles of High-Quality Instructional Design. The quality of instructional design is often gauged on three things: effectiveness, efficiency, and cost.

Effectiveness has to do with how well the instruction enables learners to achieve stated goals or expected outcomes. Efficiency deals with the energy and time invested to complete the instruction while cost covers all expense incurred for its design and delivery. These are good points to begin with. It's equally important, however, to zero in on the details involving the design and development of quality instruction. As with any other good design principles, there are human characteristics deeply involved here. Richard Buchanan, a professor of Design, Management and Information Systems, said it best: “a good design can be defined not only to be creative, stylish with an extraordinary visual look, but it must consider human engagement in its activities.”

Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Response: Working With 'Difficult' Students - Part Two. UserID: People, Quote Friendship and Mental Strength. I need to blow this up and hang it above my bed so it's the first thing I see everyday!!! 13 Reasons Why You're Not Successful. Events, Instructional Design and Learning. 8 ways teachers can talk less and get kids talking more. If you do fewer teacher-directed activities, that means the kids will naturally do more talking, doesn’t it?

Not necessarily. I have often found myself talking almost constantly during group work and student-directed projects because I’m trying to push kids’ thinking, provide feedback, and help them stay on task. Executive Functioning, People and Canning. 5 Common Mistakes that Will Lead to an Out-of-Control Classroom.

Guest post by Linda Kardamis at Teach 4 the Heart My first year teaching was not very pretty. I thought I knew how to manage a class, but I made some critical errors that left me in the situation every teacher dreads – standing in front of an out-of-control classroom. While I certainly don’t want to go back and repeat that first year, I’m very thankful for the lessons I learned. And once I learned from my mistakes and corrected them, the next year went much more smoothly.

Effective classroom management can be challenging, but the key is to keep learning and growing. 5 Common Classroom Management Mistakes. 10 Ways To Sabotage Your Classroom Management. By Jennifer Gonzalez You know the basics: Establish clear rules and consequences, be consistent, keep students engaged. But even with all that in place, the small things you do could be wreaking havoc on your whole system.

Here are some habits you might have developed that are messing with your classroom management, along with more effective alternatives. 1. Smiling at the Wrong Times. 30 Most Important Classroom Procedures. The key to getting your classroom to run smoothly and minimize behavior issues is to establish procedures and routines. This takes significant work and practice in the beginning but is well worth the effort! The following procedures are key to a successful teaching experience: Beginning the day — Enter the room politely; put away your backpack, lunch, and coat; turn in your homework; sit at your desk and read alone or do before-school work silently.

Classroom helpers; learning a classroom job — If you get a job on Monday, see the person who did the job last week during silent reading time, ask him or her for the job description card, and have him or her help you on the first day. For the rest of the week, it is your responsibility to remember to do your job. Classroom library — When I am not teaching the whole group, you may check out a book. Learning Disabled For a Day. THE TEACHER is an ogre, one of those dreaded, domineering types whose class offers a window into the Inquisition. Within five minutes the students are bumbling, staring at the floor. Will You Sprint, Stroll or Stumble Into a Career? Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest. In many ways, the young men who take my seminar — typically, 20 percent of the class — mirror national trends. Excerpt from An Absorbing Errand, by Janna Malamud Smith. Što je dvanaest i nastavnika s periferije EU moglo naučiti u Hrvatskoj - Život -

Ako neusmjerenost prema korisniku, djetetu, bilo u privatnoj bilo javnoj školi, postavimo kao prvi problem hrvatskoga obrazovanja, logika kaže da bi drugi problem morao biti učitelj. Quantum21 Znanost i umjetnost vođenja. Intervju: dr. Why should we include Critical Thinking (Good thinking) in Preschool. “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle. The Owl Teacher: Creating Independent Thinkers. Komunikacijski savjeti - Kako brzo i jednostavno naučiti govor? - Ciceron. Best Dumbledore Quotes. Challenging Advanced Readers in Upper Elementary School. Interactive Reading Strategies. Strategies for Encouraging a Love of Reading. Homework is wrecking our kids: The research is clear, let’s ban elementary homework.

Messy Works: How to Apply Self-Organized Learning in the Classroom. Psychologists Say There Are Only 5 Kinds of People in the World. Which One Are You? Teach the Dying Art of Note Taking: When Students Take Notes, They Learn More. Teach the Dying Art of Note Taking: When Students Take Notes, They Learn More. People Learn To Turn On The Motivation Center In The Brain. 12 Rules for Learning Foreign Languages in Record Time — The Only Post You’ll Ever Need. The fantastic new ways to teach math that most schools aren’t even using. Things Teachers Unknowingly Do That Harm Education. So What Exactly Is a Math Circle? - Time and Learning. Critical Thinking in Everyday Life: 9 Strategies.

10 Tips for Teaching Kids to Be Critical Thinkers. 28 Reading Incentives That Really Work. How to Be Successful (and 3 Things You Should Stop Doing Immediately) 8 ways teachers can talk less and get kids talking more. Ovako se odgajaju sretna djeca. Changing the Ask: Shifting the Questions Around Teaching and Learning - Teacher-Leader Voices.

How to Turn on the Part of Your Brain That Controls Motivation. How Can I Teach Guided Reading if The Other Students Won't Work Quietly and Independently? - Learning at the Primary Pond. 50 books to read in 2016: TED-Ed Educators and TED Speakers share their picks. Što će od jeseni biti novoga u školama. 17 Great Resources for Building a Student’s Self Image. 6 Neuroscience Tips to Detox Your Mind and Stop Overthinking. Behavior Expectations and How to Teach Them. Steps to Create the Conditions for Deep, Rigorous, Applied Learning. Teach100 - Starr Sackstein, MJE, NBCT. When Students Design The Assessment, Everyone Wins - Work in Progress. Human Creativity, Evolutionary Algorithms, and Predictive Representations: The Mechanics of Thought.

Beyond Carrots and Sticks: How Teachers Can Really Motivate Students. Developing Responsible and Autonomous Learners: A Key to Motivating Students. 5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Unmotivated Students. Blog : Cjelovitost. Zašto se neka deca više trude, a neka olako odustaju. Ljudi koji puno čitaju su uspješniji: evo 10 prednosti koje im knjige daju -

Ljudi koji puno čitaju su uspješniji: evo 10 prednosti koje im knjige daju - Growth Mindset: Clearing up Some Common Confusions. The perils of “Growth Mindset” education: Why we’re trying to fix our kids when we should be fixing the system. 3 Ways to Create Growth Mindset in a Student : Mindsetmax. Elementary Matters: The Importance of Failure. 8 ways teachers can talk less and get kids talking more. Habits to Help You Create a Growth Mindset: Mindsetmax. How to Know If You’re Dealing with a Manipulator. How to Spot and Stop Manipulators.

5 Signs Someone is Trying to Manipulate You – The Earth Child. DePaul University Teaching Commons. Seven Principles of Effective Teaching: A Practical Lens for Evaluating Online Courses. Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. Seven Principles for Good Teaching. Study: Classroom-Management Fixes Work Best When Addressing Social-Emotional Needs - Teaching Now.

5 Ways to Develop Emotionally Intelligent Behaviors. Luckeyfrog's Lilypad: Why I’m Doing Genius Hour In My Classroom. Kako postati jutarnja osoba, čitati knjige i naučiti jezik u godinu dana? Manifestiranje obilja - N.D.Walsch: Zašto nisam sretan? Untitled. Education Week. Soul's Talking Brain. » The Famous Social Experiment: 5 Monkeys and a Ladder. What millennials can learn from Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Zašto nam je potrebna nauka o neznanju - BUKA Magazin. If people say "follow your passion", how could I know what my passion is? - Quora.