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Institute for Statistics and Mathematics: Resources Web Page. VALUE Rubrics. HE Data and Information Framework. Voluntary performance measures from Gates-backed group. There is a growing belief in higher education that if colleges don’t figure out how to measure the quality and value of their product, lawmakers will do it for them.

Voluntary performance measures from Gates-backed group

Eighteen institutions are trying to get ahead of the growing accountability push with the release today of a new set of performance measures. The Voluntary Institutional Metrics Project was more than two years in the works. It seeks to give a “holistic” view of the performance of private nonprofits, for-profits, community colleges, online institutions and one research university that is a member of the Association of American Universities (see box). While the 18 institutions cover every sector, most are community colleges or institutions steeped in distance education or other nontraditional forms of instruction.

As is often the case with higher education data, the final product includes several gaps. University: Undergraduate Admissions: After Graduation: Career Placement. Salary and placement data for the Lehigh University Class of 2012 was obtained through a survey of the students who received bachelor’s degrees between January and December 2012.

University: Undergraduate Admissions: After Graduation: Career Placement

The survey was conducted January 2012–January 2013 by Career Services. Of the 1,022 bachelor’s degree recipients, 90% responded to the survey. Typical response to similar surveys conducted at other colleges and universities nationwide is 60-65%. This information is also available as a PDF. Placement On-Campus Interviewing, Employment Listings, and Experiential Education 1 Includes Lehigh President’s Scholars. 2012 Employment 2012 Continuing Education.


Adjunct Project. Inferential Statistics. « PreviousHomeNext » With inferential statistics, you are trying to reach conclusions that extend beyond the immediate data alone.

Inferential Statistics

For instance, we use inferential statistics to try to infer from the sample data what the population might think. Contact Chaining. The latest "term of interest" in the NSA surveillance discussions is "contact chaining".

Contact Chaining

It is not a new process developed by the NSA. It is adapted process, long used by management consultants and social network analysts. A quick definition of contact chaining: a graph of the (human) network neighborhood around any specific individual -- it shows everyone who is one and two steps/hops away from the individual of interest. A contact chaining map also shows how everyone in the network neighborhood is connected to each other. States That Might Get Gay Marriage Next (or Never) — Polled, Mapped & Ranked - Philip Bump. The Supreme Court's split decision on gay marriage leaves the issue of legalization up to states.

States That Might Get Gay Marriage Next (or Never) — Polled, Mapped & Ranked - Philip Bump

As we've noted, a number of states have existing bans on the practice. But which states might be in line to completely legalize marriages between same-sex couples? It perhaps goes without saying that attitudes toward gay marriage are all over the place — some states strongly oppose the idea, many embrace it. Polling on the subject is equally disparate. Some small states haven't had statewide polls on the topic. We looked at the most recent public polling for each state to try and assess where action might be expected.

Most recent polling. Outcome Tracking: Practical Tips. In this resource brief, community colleges in Civic Ventures’ Encore College Initiative share tips for tracking student outcomes in programs for people 50 and older seeking encore careers in education, healthcare, social services and the emerging green economy.

Outcome Tracking: Practical Tips

Outcome tracking is a hot topic across higher education today. Federal, state and local government, accrediting agencies and private foundation funders are asking for evidence that college education and training is not only accessible, but effectively preparing students with marketable skills employers need. Increasingly, stakeholders expect to know if degree and certificate holders are successfully finding employment in their chosen fields.

Screen-Shot-2013-07-02-at-12.26.07-PM.png (528×474) chart.pdf. Competency Education. Site_images/College_for_America_Presentation.pdf. Complexity Examples. 682/When to use what test.pdf.

Introduction to ANOVA / MANOVA. A general introduction to ANOVA and a discussion of the general topics in the analysis of variance techniques, including repeated measures designs, ANCOVA, MANOVA, unbalanced and incomplete designs, contrast effects, post-hoc comparisons, assumptions, etc.

Introduction to ANOVA / MANOVA

For related information, see also Variance Components (topics related to estimation of variance components in mixed model designs), Experimental Design/DOE (topics related to specialized applications of ANOVA in industrial settings), and Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis (topics related to specialized designs for evaluating the reliability and precision of measurement systems).

See also, General Linear Models and General Regression Models; to analyze nonlinear models, see Generalized Linear Models. Basic Ideas The Purpose of Analysis of Variance In general, the purpose of analysis of variance (ANOVA) is to test for significant differences between means. The igraph library for complex network research. June 24, 2015 Release Notes This is a new major release, with a lot of UI changes.

The igraph library for complex network research

We tried to make it easier to use, with short and easy to remember, consistent function names. Unfortunately this also means that many functions have new names now, but don't worry, all the old names still work. Apart from the new names, the biggest change in this release is that most functions that used to return numeric vertex or edge ids, return vertex/edge sequences now. We will update the documentation on this site, once the package is on CRAN and available for all architectures. More → January 16, 2015. Mr. Data Converter. Data Analysis Examples. The pages below contain examples (often hypothetical) illustrating the application of different statistical analysis techniques using different statistical packages.

Data Analysis Examples

Each page provides a handful of examples of when the analysis might be used along with sample data, an example analysis and an explanation of the output, followed by references for more information. These pages merely introduce the essence of the technique and do not provide a comprehensive description of how to use it. The combination of topics and packages reflect questions that are often asked in our statistical consulting. As such, this heavily reflects the demand from our clients at walk in consulting, not demand of readers from around the world. SPSS Data Analysis Examples: One-way Manova.