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When is the social curation bubble going to burst? You just can’t move for social curation services right now.

When is the social curation bubble going to burst?

The biggest noise might be coming from Pinterest, which is growing like a weed — but whether it’s the new-look Delicious, Switzerland’s Paperli, shopping curation site Svpply, image service Mlkshk or another site, the fact is that almost everybody seems to want to help you save and sort and share the things you find on the web right now. With this swirl of activity, then, it’s no surprise to hear that Parisian service Pearltrees — slogan “collect, organize, discover” — has just raised another $6 million of funding, led by local conglomerate Groupe Accueil.

The company, which has been running in public since 2009, welcomed the injection of funds as a way to help expand and scale up its system for bookmarking and organizing, which is based around a clustered visual interface. And it needs that scale. Right now Pearltrees is small and has moderate momentum, building up 350,000 users in the past three years. Top 42 Content Marketing Bloggers. Real-Time News Curation. Content Curation Tools: How to pick the right venue? - HiveFire on Content Curation. By definition, content curation is the act of continually identifying, organizing, and sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific topic or issue online.

Content Curation Tools: How to pick the right venue? - HiveFire on Content Curation

When evaluating which content curation tool to use, there are three primary areas of consideration: 1.The Inputs – Where does the content curation tool get information from? What type of content will this allow me to curate? Will it help identify and recommend relevant content? 2.The Organization – What does this tool offer in terms of organizing content once it has been identified? 3.The Venue – How and where can I share the content once I have decided to curate it? Nine Content Curator Tools for Social Media. If you attended Les Affaires’ social media conference, “Les Reseaux Sociaux Pour Une Implantation Concrete, Mesurable et Efficace” and did not have the opportunity to sit in on the seminar, “Contexte de B2B: Batissez Votre Strategie Afin D’Optimiser Votre Utilsation Des Reseaux Sociaux” then you missed out on some of the tools that will make a big difference in your strategic approach to social media.

Nine Content Curator Tools for Social Media

Do not worry. Like a good content curator, Intelegia is all about sharing relevant and timely information. The seminar touched upon 15 elements which are needed to build your presence on social networks for business-to-business initiatives. One element was how to gather information to provide relevant content for your target audience in order to build or enhance your brand. Below are the nine tools that were discussed in the seminar. 1. Addictomatic. 4 Promising Curation Tools That Help Make Sense of the Web. Steven Rosenbaum is a curator, author, filmmaker and entrepreneur.

4 Promising Curation Tools That Help Make Sense of the Web

He is the CEO of, a real-time video curation engine for publishers, brands, and websites. His book Curation Nation is slated to be published this spring by McGrawHill Business. As the volume of content swirling around the web continues to grow, we're finding ourselves drowning in a deluge of data. Where is the relevant material? Where are the best columns and content offerings? The solution on the horizon is curation. In the past 90 days alone, there has been an explosion of new software offerings that are the early leaders in the curation tools category. 1. The Hunt for the Ultimate Curation Tool: Cliqset is Getting Closer. If a thousand social networks bloom, with cross-network communication and real-time replies, how will you manage to find and share the best things that your friends put into your stream?

The Hunt for the Ultimate Curation Tool: Cliqset is Getting Closer

Innovative social network aggregator Cliqset launched a new version this morning that offers a very interesting answer to that question. Cliqset is a service that lets you publish and subscribe to 80 different social networks, from Twitter to YouTube to Delicious to Foursquare. Long a proof of concept more than an app you'd use, Cliqset can be so forward-looking it hurts. Today's relaunch brings it closer than ever to making it my #1 choice for ways to interact with the river of news - in theory. The next few weeks should be even more exciting for Cliqset, with the introduction of an iPad version, Chrome desktop pop-ups and Facebook search integration. [Curation] : Pearltrees,, Storify,,... à la recherche de l'information ultime.

Cet article a été publié il y a 6 ans 7 mois 20 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour.

[Curation] : Pearltrees,, Storify,,... à la recherche de l'information ultime.

Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. On le sait maintenant, en plus du terme de community manager, celui de curation ou content curator (définition selon Vincent Berthelot : « Le curator est celui qui transforme l’information qu’il a recueilli pour en faire une agrégation concise et porteuse de sens soit pour information soit pour décision. ») fait une entrée fracassante dans le domaine du marketing social. Même si ce dernier n’est pas nouveau, et que les premières théories autour de celui-ci date des alentours de 2006, il semble que l’activité de curation devienne très importante. Ce qui est en même temps normal dans une ère d’über-information, où s’informer correctement et atteindre la bonne information sont devenus une vraie aventure, digne d’un film d’Indiana Jones. The Seven Needs of Real-Time Curators.

I keep hearing people throw around the word “curation” at various conferences, most recently at SXSW.

The Seven Needs of Real-Time Curators

The thing is most of the time when I dig into what they are saying they usually have no clue about what curation really is or how it could be applied to the real-time world. So, over the past few months I’ve been talking to tons of entrepreneurs about the tools that curators actually need and I’ve identified seven things.