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When is the social curation bubble going to burst?

When is the social curation bubble going to burst?
Related:  Témoignages.caissons.caissonsEquipe Pearltrees 2 SUCKS!

About Svpply is a community of people discovering the products they love. Every one of the 1.1 Million products in our Shop section has been selected by hand by one of our members, and brought to our site using our bookmarklet. We bring in a little over 3,000 new products a day from all across the web. We unofficially represent over 70,000 stores and brands. We are actively working towards giving them access to their inventory and their audience. The Svpply Team & Founders: Contact 625 Avenue of the Americas - 3rd FloorNew York, NY,

Pearltrees [Curation] : Pearltrees,, Storify,,... à la recherche de l'information ultime. Cet article a été publié il y a 6 ans 7 mois 20 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. On le sait maintenant, en plus du terme de community manager, celui de curation ou content curator (définition selon Vincent Berthelot : « Le curator est celui qui transforme l’information qu’il a recueilli pour en faire une agrégation concise et porteuse de sens soit pour information soit pour décision. ») fait une entrée fracassante dans le domaine du marketing social. Même si ce dernier n’est pas nouveau, et que les premières théories autour de celui-ci date des alentours de 2006, il semble que l’activité de curation devienne très importante. Heureusement, afin de toujours retrouver le nord, il existe des boussoles très efficaces. Pearltrees, des perles très sociales : Dans les outils de curation précédemment cités, Pearltrees se distingue de ces derniers par son interface et son ergonomie particulière.

Web Analytics for Social Media inShare0 Everything you learned about Web analytics three years ago is now wrong. What to measure in social media. Most marketers approach social media in the same way they've approached broadcast media for decades. Traditionally, marketers focused on quantity metrics like impressions. Web analytics, like much of the marketing world, has tended to focus on the short term, measuring marketing to do better marketing. But social media is different than transaction, and it calls for a different approach to measurement. We also look at the amount of user-created content, but we're more interested in measures of qualified content consumption. True Business Intelligence On today's crowded Web, the winners are the people who create the most value for both the customer and the business over time. Is it still important to strive for quantity? How Do You Measure Social? And sometimes getting started is the biggest hurdle. The real challenges aren't technological, but operational.

Social Media: Pearltrees Ha Rediseñado Radicalmente su Servicio de Curaduría en Línea para Llegar a un Público más Amplio Pearltrees, el servicio de curación en línea con sede en París que puso en marcha a finales de 2009, siempre fue conocido por su interfaz basada en Flash, bastante peculiar que le ha permitido organizar favoritos de Internet, fotos, fragmentos de texto y documentos en una estructura en forma similar a un mapa mental. Para los usuarios que recibieron esa metáfora, que era un servicio muy potente, pero su interfaz también presentaba una barrera de entrada para los nuevos usuarios. Hoy en día, la compañía está poniendo en marcha un rediseño radical que elimina la mayor parte del equipaje de Pearltrees 1.0. Esto es lo que en Pearltrees 1.0 aparecía: Y aquí está la nueva versión: Pearltrees tienes todavía la misión para permitirle organizar todo lo que quiera sobre el servicio (en ese sentido, casi compite con Evernote). La nueva "rejilla" definitivamente elimina muchos de los problemas de la versión anterior. En términos de funcionalidad, nada ha cambiado realmente en esta versión.

Online Landscape Evolves With S-Commerce - Direct Internet Catalogue - Retail Early adopters of Facebook commerce, or F-commerce, are dropping it like flies — but so what? Department stores such as Nordstrom and J.C. Penney recently shuttered F-commerce storefronts and ceased selling on the digital platform, but it doesn’t matter, experts contend, because the landscape has already shifted to social commerce, or s-commerce. “Facebook fan page stores are only 10 percent of the total shopping activity on Facebook,” said Wade Gerten, co-founder and chief executive officer of technology solution 8thBridge. “Social commerce is so much more than a brand or retailer’s fan page store.” Experts are priming social commerce to be the next big thing in digital and, going forward, retailers must focus less on F-commerce specifically and more on s-commerce. “There’s been so much overhyping about it that’s its not surprising that there’s going to be a bit of backlash. In fact, it’s just the beginning of it. Brands should rapidly embrace the platform’s new functionalities.

What problem does Pearltrees solve? Review: pearltrees and Evernote | Kip McGrath Professional Tutoring Leeds Here are recommendations for two online services or cloud services I am using at the moment. Under review for about 6 weeks, pearltrees is new to me but I’ve been using Evernote for a couple of years. Both are great for everyday use but there are particular ways they are good for teachers and tutors and for students. pearltrees (Free or Premium is $44 a year) Well Done! Pearltrees showed up on StumbleUpon quite a few times over the last year or so. As a tutor, there are several things I love about pearltrees. Pearltrees is essentially an online bookmarks bar. Collaboration is great too. One last great thing about Pearltrees is that it can show similar subject areas. See me! Premium is $44 a year but that does enable privacy. Evernote (Free or $35 a year/$4 a month) Well done! I think I also found Evernote on StumbleUpon but it has become so embedded in what I do I can’t quite remember! Evernote does do some of what pearltrees does but collects all your personal notes as well. See Me!

VisionWiz By Martin at December 9, 2009 | 10:45 pm | Print What Company Is Offering: Pearltrees will let users create, enrich and share the world of their interests. It is called a human-powered interest network because its content is made and organized by its community. How It Works: Everyone creates its world and uses parts of others’ worlds to extend it. Why To Use It: Use Pearltrees to keep at hand the contents you find everyday on the Web, to discover new contents from people who share your interests, to drive them through your own Weband contribute to the first human-powered organization of the Web. More at: Internet And Web 2.0 community, network, share interest

Saviez-vous qu’il existe des perles de S.I.Lex ? (Pearltrees et le droit) Serait-ce une perle de silex ? (en fait, du silex rubané poli). Krzemień pasiasty kula. Dans la jungle foisonnante des services 2.0 et des médias sociaux, il en est vers lesquels on se tourne d’abord pour leur esthétique et leur élégance, plus que pour leurs fonctionnalités. Il faut dire que Pealtrees est un outil assez atypique, situé quelque part entre les bookmarks sociaux et la cartographie heuristique, qui propose de fournir aux internautes les moyens d’ « éditer » par eux-mêmes le web en construisant sous la forme d’arbres de perles des parcours de page en page. Pearltrees est une start-up française et je vous conseille d’aller faire un tour sur le blog de Patrice Lamothe, son CEO, où il développe la vision qui est à l’origine du projet et notamment la critique d’une certaine conception du web 2.0 : La démocratisation de la création n’a cependant pas entrainé la démocratisation de l’accès aux contenus. I Cartographier le droit en arbre de perles J'aime :

Get inside their heads: 12 factors that impact whether customers click "buy" As I started to take notes, I was a bit startled to hear Amy’s opening question: “If you and I were alone in this room, how would you kill me?” A self-described usability specialist, Eight by Eight’s Amy Africa knows how to get one’s attention – but more importantly, what gets people to buy (and not). In the First Look “Neuromarketing and the Influence on Buying Behavior” session at Retail’s BIG Show this week, Amy delved into what makes us tick – as human beings and as shoppers – which in turn are keys for retailers to entice customers to buy. Amy Africa, CEO of Eight by Eight talks about the human brain and shopping. So back to that unusual opening question. Amy used that – and a series of follow up “what if” scenarios – to get the audience to think about how we make decisions. And this has what to do with retailing? We are self-centered.

au secours pas de mode cartographie des proches Pearltrees Ajoutez des pages web, des fichiers, des documents, des photos, des vidéos, des notes et plus encore. Organisez-les dans de superbes collections. Explorez et partagez des millions de contenus sur vos sujets préférés. Avec Pearltrees, organisez tout naturellement ! Des versions dédiées de Pearltrees existent pour les établissements scolaires et les entreprises. Ce que disent les médias :"La façon la plus élégante de collecter et de partager des contenus". Pearltrees est utile : Dans votre vie personnelle : Vous aimez la littérature ? Au travail : Sur Pearltrees, vous pouvez collaborer avec vos collègues pour une gestion optimale de la connaissance et partager des notes avec tous vos collaborateurs. Éducation : Dans toutes les matières (science, économie, histoire-géographie, maths), les enseignants utilisent Pearltrees pour sélectionner et organiser des documents, illustrations et exercices qui seront essentiels pour leurs cours.

i agree with you s243a. my motivation to join pearltrees was not to import my bookmarks, but to have a useful and fun learning application. especially the web design developement content. of course, once hooked on pearltrees my motivations changed. i am an information junkie and a great place version 1 is for that addiction. haha. so yes, for me, the quality content of version 1's power curators definitely solidified my upgrade to premium membership. was that not a money hit for the power of quality curation and strickly in the version 1 format. and since then i have upgraded to a premium membership plan that allows me to offer premium membership to my husband, family, and friends if they choose. in my world that's called income generated via membership of quality curators . make sense? by ebbead Jun 2

Sur le "make money"; eh oui, les utilisateurs vont commencer à réfléchir sur ce qu'est un cloud. by reel Jun 1

> J'ai écrit ça moi ? ? ? On est le 26 avril 2023 sniff sniff je vais pleurer, sniff.
Presque ten years after, je me souviens du séisme de 1974 sur les squares.
Faudra demander de passer aux triangles dans un an; 10 ans après ! ! ;-))))
Cet article de presse, de 2012, cursif, était obnubilé par le côté interconnectivité "objets" de Pearltrees et n'avait pas anticipé le côté interconnectivité "sujets" (en train d'être créé en 2014).
La mise en contraste avec Pinterest (confondant personnalités et profils stats) est savoureuse... by reel Jun 1

This article gives some insight on what they mean by “democratize”. Essentially it suggests that they think that there may be more money in potential users than in their existing user base. The article claims that only 1% of people invest much time in curation. However. Isn’t there something to be said for quality content? Couldn’t quality content be a big driver of traffic for the site? by s243a Jun 1

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