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First North Carolina Got a Hurricane. Then a Pig Poop Flood. Now It’s a Coal Ash Crisis. Trump Walks in Front of Queen Elizabeth, Causing Social Media Frenzy. ‘It’s a nightmare scenario’: how Trump’s North Korea spectacle fits his pattern. The stage was set for what some saw as Donald Trump’s greatest triumph as president: a high-profile summit with Kim Jong-un, in what would have marked the first face-to-face encounter between a sitting US president and a North Korean leader.

‘It’s a nightmare scenario’: how Trump’s North Korea spectacle fits his pattern

Billed by the Trump administration as unprecedented progress in one of the world’s most troubled hotspots, political observers speculated if the president’s unpredictable style held the key to what eluded those who came before him – a peace deal on the Korean peninsula. Republicans floated the idea of a Nobel peace prize. The US government even issued an official commemorative coin featuring the likeness of Trump and Kim, facing one another against the backdrop of the two countries’ flags.

And then came the letter. On Thursday, Trump abruptly canceled the meeting in a brief letter addressed to his North Korean counterpart. “This fits a pattern,” Joel Rubin, the former deputy assistant secretary of state under Barack Obama, told the Guardian. Trump blocked me on Twitter. Not any more. For the first time, a federal court has ruled that President Donald Trump is in violation of US citizens’ first amendment rights.

Trump blocked me on Twitter. Not any more

Was it because he was silencing the media? Not for lack of trying, but no. Was it because he was handing down dictums from on high about whether football players should be able to kneel or not? Facing Trump, a historian appeals to America's soul: 'I think we'll survive' The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy had two giant words on the front, imparting un-improvable advice: “Don’t panic.”

Facing Trump, a historian appeals to America's soul: 'I think we'll survive'

Jon Meacham’s new book, a sort of hitchhiker’s guide to the American soul, could easily bear the same cover legend for anyone in a state of perpetual alarm about Donald Trump. The historian isn’t suggesting we can all let our guard down. But with the perspective of centuries rather than the frenzied 24-hour news cycle, he does make a persuasive case that the present crisis is not unique – or, to put it another way, that there were plenty of causes for panic in the past yet, so long as attention was paid and citizens stepped up, the republic endured. “My fear with this book was that people were going to say, ‘Oh, he’s saying relax, everything’s going to be fine,’” Meacham told the Guardian. Donald Trump says there's 'substantial evidence of voter fraud.' There isn't. President Donald Trump is closing the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, a panel to investigate voter fraud that had attracted controversy during its short life.

Donald Trump says there's 'substantial evidence of voter fraud.' There isn't

The commission -- headed by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach -- had been "bedeviled by internal dissension, threats of litigation and the refusal of some states to provide information. Its last known meeting was Sept. 12," NBC reported. The panel included a few Democrats, but its membership was majority Republican. One Democratic member of the commission even filed a lawsuit, demanding to be kept abreast of its activities. Separately, the Government Accountability Office, a federal agency, announced in October 2017 that it would probe its handling of voter files and other issues, in response to calls by Democratic lawmakers.

Dump Trump. Has Donald Trump signed more bills than anyone? No. (His count ranks last) President Donald Trump is known for boasting about his achievements.

Has Donald Trump signed more bills than anyone? No. (His count ranks last)

But is he correct that he’s enacted more legislation than any other president? At a West Palm Beach fire station on Dec. 27, Trump said, "You know, one of the things that people don’t understand — we have signed more legislation than anybody. We broke the record of Harry Truman. " This was a variation on an earlier, Mostly True assertion by his former press secretary Sean Spicer that Trump has "worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any president since Truman. " What you need to know about Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium. A 2016 campaign attack involving former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her role in a uranium sale that involved Russia is back in the news.

What you need to know about Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium

With new revelations, increased media attention and reader requests, we decided to take another look. Because the details of the story are murky and based in part on anonymous sources, we won’t put any claims to the Truth-O-Meter. Instead, we’ll explain what we knew previously, what new information has come to light, and what we still don’t know. Welcome to The Trump Family Swamp. The presidency was never meant to be a profit center for a nepotistic, money-grubbing family.

Welcome to The Trump Family Swamp

But that was before the Trumps moved in. This scandal is lying in plain sight, overlooked because of the constant stream of missteps, outrages and distractions that come and go at an exhausting pace. While everyone watches his Twitter feed, President Trump is using the White House like a marketing agency for his family brand. This is not normal or acceptable — and it surely isn’t what laid-off factory workers and coal miners had in mind when they jumped on the “populist” Trump train. Last week, Ivanka Trump opened a retail store inside Trump Tower, her father’s New York skyscraper, to sell her eponymous foreign-made handbags and other items. Opinions Orlando Shooting Updates News and analysis on the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. Trump’s newest enemy: Gravity. President Trump speaks to the press before departing the White House.

Trump’s newest enemy: Gravity

(Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post) Donald Trump learned a powerful lesson while running for president. The rules don’t apply to me. Trump blew through one political stop sign after another as he sped recklessly past the competition; again and again, he burned rubber away from the feckless, doughnut-munching cops of the media, the swamp and academia. While you’re looking the other way, Trump is changing America for decades to come. Now twice as long, his tweets are half as good.

While you’re looking the other way, Trump is changing America for decades to come

The early-morning dispatches from the iPhone of Donald Trump, often sent while he lies in bed, propped up on a pillow, lack the poison punch they packed in the 140-character era. They ramble a bit now, losing focus. The sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump – the full list. Mensa Offers To Host An IQ Test With Tillerson And Trump. Earlier today, it was revealed that the President of the United States challenged his very own Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to an IQ test to prove who was the smartest of them all.

Mensa Offers To Host An IQ Test With Tillerson And Trump

If you thought that was strange, well things just took a turn for the surreal. As reported by The Hill, American Mensa – the US chapter of the high IQ society – said that they would “be happy to hold a testing session for President Trump and Secretary Tillerson.” Charles Brown, the organization’s communication director, declined to state if any former Presidents had already joined this fairly exclusive group, but he hinted that a few of them – including George H.W.

Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton – may have come across similar IQ-testing examinations in their earlier lives and that they were likely to be eligible to become members. To this offer, we have but a simple question: Who wouldn’t pay good money to see this IQ showdown? Trump Administration: The Most Corrupt and Unethical in American History? “The plane is very much an extension of the Trump brand,” Donald Trump told The New York Times of the Boeing 757 he took to calling “Trump Force One” during the 2016 presidential campaign. It was an outdated model, and, as the Times drily noted, “an odd choice for a man who put his net worth at $11 billion.” But the plane was huge, and lined with gold on the inside, communicating to his supporters both might and prestige. It was a jalopy, but it did the trick. Given Trump’s goofy fixation on private jets as a symbol of luxury, it should come as no surprise that an astonishing number of his cabinet members are ensnared in scandals involving air travel, whether on private or civilian planes: Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, Treasury Secretary Steven T.

Mnuchin and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. What we have is a private jet presidency, a low-class orgy of first-class kleptocrats. Keep up with this story and more by subscribing now U.S. Mitch McConnell Is Trump's Latter-Day Ed Koch - Bloomberg. If we lived in a different world, the joke could begin in a familiar, guy-goes-into-a-bar way: "So the president walks into a convention center in Phoenix and …" But this is the Trump era.

Only slices of White House life are just comic. Much more of what the president serves up to American voters, legislators, policymakers and the rest of the world routinely smacks, at best, of the tragicomic. The president's speech on Tuesday night in Phoenix is just the latest case in point. Trump's Phoenix rantathon also deployed personal broadsides against two members of his own party who are also Arizona's senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake.

Pounding on McCain and Flake lacks political decorum, of course, and the shabbiness of it is only enhanced by the fact that McCain is struggling with brain cancer. CBO Analysis Finds That Ending Reimbursements To Insurers Will Raise The Deficit. An analysis by the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday found that ending cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers, a move that President Trump is contemplating, would raise the deficit by $194 billion over 10 years. Melina Mara/The Washington Post/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption. Sorry, Mr. President: White people are not oppressed in America. Donald Trump is a political rock star who is stuck on an oldies tour. He plays the greatest hits because that is what his fans want. Steve Bannon, Michael Anton, Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller are Trump’s songwriters and band members. Over the last few weeks Trump has played an arena-scale concert where the unifying themes of his music are racism, bigotry, nativism and prejudice.

The One Thing We Should Always Remember About Donald Trump. In this web exclusive, Bill Moyers and four historians dissect the big lie Trump rode to power: the Birther lie. Nell Painter, historian and Edwards Professor of American History, Emerita, at Princeton University; Khalil Gibran Muhammad, professor of history, race and public policy at Harvard Kennedy School; Christopher Lebron, assistant professor of African-American studies and philosophy at Yale University; and Philip Klinkner, James S. Sherman Professor of Government, Hamilton College discuss the fertile ground on which the birther lie was sown: our nation’s history of white supremacy. Credits: Gail Ablow, Producer; Sikay Tang, Editor BILL MOYERS: I’m Bill Moyers. Was Trump a 'draft dodger'? 7 Trump–‘Game of Thrones’ Comparisons that Blur the Line Between Fact and Fiction. On Sunday night, millions of people will tune into the latest episode of HBO’s Game of Thrones to watch the deadly wheeling and dealing in Westeros.

With all of the backstabbing, political machinations, and drama among allies and enemies on the hit television show, it is inevitable that Game of Thrones would be compared to the current drama unfolding in President Donald Trump’s administration and the country at large. When you think about it, there are some similarities: a wall meant to keep people out of a country, people turning a blind eye to significant issues, scheming in every level of government, fractions among even staunchest of allies—the list is as long as winter itself. Here are some of the best. 33 Things You’ll Never Hear Out Of Donald Trump’s Mouth.

Trumpy Dump Visual Delights

Guarding Trump's Mar-a-Lago club cost taxpayers $6.6 million: report. Trump's best plan to save the Rust Belt is telling upstate New Yorkers to move. AFP/Getty Images Donald Trump won the presidency in part on the promise of reviving the Rust Belt, ending job loss and population stagnation, and bringing back the halcyon days of meaningful factory work. Henry Grabar is a staff writer for Slate’s Moneybox. But if that doesn’t work, the president conceded in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, you should probably just move: I’m going to start explaining to people: When you have an area that just isn’t working like upper New York state, where people are getting very badly hurt, and then you’ll have another area 500 miles away where you can’t get people, I’m going to explain, you can leave.

With that, Trump appeared to acknowledge—to the chagrin of whoever penned his inevitably ignored talking points—what most economists believe about migration and job growth, but that his campaign was premised on denying: It’s easier to move people to jobs than to move jobs to people. Slightly less popular now. Trump Wrong About Campaign Donations - Twice in two days, President Donald Trump falsely tweeted that acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s wife received $700,000 in campaign donations from Hillary Clinton. The nearly $675,000 — not $700,000 — donated to Dr. Jill McCabe, who unsuccessfully ran for a Virginia state Senate seat in 2015, came from the Virginia Democratic Party and Common Good VA. Assessing the Implications of Allowing Transgender Personnel to Serve Openly.

Recent U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) policy banned transgender personnel from serving openly in the military. Potential changes to this policy raised questions regarding access to gender transition–related health care, the range of transition-related treatments that DoD will need to provide, the potential costs associated with these treatments, and the impact of these health care needs on force readiness and the deployability of transgender service members. A RAND study identified the health care needs of the transgender population and transgender service members in particular. It also examined the costs of covering transition-related treatments, assessed the potential readiness implications of a policy change, and reviewed the experiences of foreign militaries that permit transgender personnel to serve openly.

Trump Wrong About Campaign Donations - Donald Trump could be prosecuted for abusing his pardon power. Alex Wong/Getty Images The Washington Post reported on Thursday that President Donald Trump has been asking advisers about his power to pardon aides, family members, and even himself. Six-Month Update for Trump Voters.

Trump grudgingly admits Obama's Iran nuclear deal is working. The Demolition of US Global Power – President Trump delivers a speech during the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) summit in Brussels on May 25, 2017. Trump can’t make a health care deal because he doesn’t understand health care. The blame in the Senate’s health care omnishambles is attaching to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and understandably so — he wrote the bill, he designed the process, he owns the result. Donald Trump Jr. Met Russian Accused of Laundering $1.4 Billion. Trump-fans and Russia probe. Tobacco companies tighten hold on Washington under Trump.

Trump's New Project: Legalizing Discrimination Under the Guise of Religious Freedom. The Trump Administration’s Own Data Says Obamacare Isn’t Imploding. Ken Burns: ‘Trump Lusts After His Own Daughter’ Upper hand: Trump and Putin's body language shows who's the boss. Peasants for Plutocracy: How the Billionaires Brainwashed America (Mini-Documentary)

The obstruction of justice case against Trump is already a slam dunk. Donald Trump on the Golf Course: Here's How Much He's Gone Since Becoming President. Donald Trump’s Populism Decoded: How a Billionaire Became the Voice of the “Little People” Howard Jacobson talks Pussy, his Swiftian satirical novel about Donald Trump. The Real Story Behind Donald Trump's Wealth. Mapping Donald Trump's Many Ties To Vladimir Putin's Russia. Kansas abandons massive tax cuts that provided model for Trump's plan. Sanders's report on Trump's infrastructure package.

Comey and Trump's interactions: what we know so far - Washington Post. Enabling a Dangerous President: The Jared Kushner Timeline. 'The world's doors were closed': Jared Kushner's grandma on refugee life. Jared Kushner’s life as a predatory capitalist. Opinion: With his London tweets, Trump embarrasses himself - and America - once again. Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work. Trump Budget Deals 'Devastating Blow' To Low-Income Americans, Advocates Say. Psychiatrists Noticed Something Extremely Disturbing About Trump's Behavior This Past Week -

Trump Decimated By Award-Winning Journalist. Don’t Know Much About History - Trump. Top Journalists Just Leaked The Childish Notes Trump Has Been Sending Them. Seven whoppers from Trump’s first 100 days. Donald Trump is a terrible negotiator. The Persistence of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Former Trump adviser Carter Page held 'strong pro-Kremlin views', says ex-boss. 12 Sure Signs Your President Is About To Start A Nuclear War. The Trump Resistance Plan – Conclusion - 220 Cities Losing All Passenger Train Service per Trump Elimination of all Federal Funding for Amtrak’s National Network Trains. This all-male photo op isn’t a gaffe. It’s a strategy. Does the 'Cyrus prophecy' help explain evangelical support for Donald Trump? Presidential Travel Costs: Obama vs. Trump [OC] : dataisbeautiful. Trump overstates credit for $700 million in savings for F-35s.

PolitiFact - As of March 13, 2017, we've fact-checked more... The Trump Resistance Plan: A Timeline – Russia and President Trump. Say It With Me Again: James Comey Elected Donald Trump President. AP FACT CHECK: Trump takes credit where it's not deserved - - March 07, 2017. The complete list of all 33 false things Donald Trump has said as president so far. First-Ever Tracker Of Hate Crimes Against Asian-Americans Launched : Code Switch. What does Donald Trump’s handshake say about him? With Conflict And Drama, Trump Hooks You Like A Reality TV Show. This guy runs US economic policy now. Librarians know ... Protesters pack the Mall for women's march on D.C. Robert Reich on Trump "business success" reality. How Colin Woodard's 'American Nations' explains the 2016 presidential election - The Portland Press Herald.

Donald Trump has lost popular vote by greater margin than any US President. 101 Trump Lies: Non- President's Pathological Dishonesty 2 clicks. Trump lied non stop -US prison population falling as crime rates stay low. The swamp is deep, and here are five bipartisan ways to drain it. Trump LIED About College Degree (DETAILS)

What Are Trump's Potential Conflicts Of Interest? Here's A List. Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia. Ivanka Trump Will Not Fix "Women's Issues." She Will Distract From Them.