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The 34 oddest names for groups of animals - Business Insider. 89 Of The Funniest Protest Signs Ever. Protests happen every day (especially recently in the USA) and while we can all agree that they are necessary and often effective when promoting social change, they can be very intense and tiring.

89 Of The Funniest Protest Signs Ever

Fortunately, some of the protesters decided to lighten the mood by carrying signs that are not that serious. Bored Panda put together a list of the funniest protest signs that are sure to make you laugh. Have you ever captured an interesting sign yourself? Imgur. It's My Cake Day!!! So Hogwarts acceptance letter finally arrived! [Image] Never give up. The Little Girl Obsessed with Michelle Obama's Portrait Dressed As Her for Halloween. Monty Python - Dead Parrot. Wile E. Coyote Genius vs. Bugs Bunny.

Wile E Coyote Best Moments 1. Woman Parodies Celebrity Culture in Hilarious Photo Recreation Series. Creature of lagoon fuck this and that. Mike Pence Is Beginning To Suspect From Context Clues That Donald Trump Has Never Read The Bible – The Halfway Post. Washington D.C.— Vice President Mike Pence may be the most devoutly evangelical Vice President America has ever had, but his religious beliefs stand in contrast to the apparent lack of religious self-examination in President Donald Trump.

Mike Pence Is Beginning To Suspect From Context Clues That Donald Trump Has Never Read The Bible – The Halfway Post

Several aides close to Mr. Pence have told The Halfway Post in anonymous background conversations that the VP is beginning to suspect Mr. A brave hero fighting against all odds despite an injured leg and being badly outnumbered. : gifs. I love you, foot. (reddit) Thug Life : funny. Wait : funny. Philomena Cunk's Moments of Wonder - Climate Change. May the fourth gif. Stewart Humor. WTF is even happening. Buzz Aldrin is all of us these days. Hold my catnip while I bite this thing. The One and Only Real Stable Genius... I f** hate math. "Okay, let's see you fetch this!" Baby Haka. Shots Fired. Theif level 100. Try not to trick the owl. Gal Gadot's husband has the best t-shirt ever. Funniest Clothing Tags Ever (click twice)

Be honest, when was the last time you read the label on your favorite t-shirt or most comfortable pair of jeans?

Funniest Clothing Tags Ever (click twice)

Probably a while ago, right? These clothing labels will convince you to look again - they aren’t your usual “do not mix with colors” or “do not boil me in water over 60 degrees, thanks very much” kind of thing. Some offer serious life advice (seriously, we aren’t joking!) , others are lost in translation, and yet others are offensive… or maybe funny. That’s up to you to decide. If you’ve ever come across any similar labels, please submit them. Show 18 more Add Image Drag Image Select File. "I Love Lucy" Christmas Special - Newly Colorized "Job Switching" Episode. Cool, they got a chocolate fountain! Donald Trump's First 100 Days In Office. Behold! Venus Fly Santa. Kentucky Coal Mining Museum converts to solar power. BENHAM, Ky.

Kentucky Coal Mining Museum converts to solar power

(WYMT) - An unlikely building is switching to solar powered energy. The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum in Benham is owned by Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College. Communications Director Brandon Robinson told WYMT, they're hoping to save money by the switch. "We believe that this project will help save at least eight to ten thousand dollars, off the energy costs on this building alone, so it's a very worthy effort and it's going to save the college money in the long run," said Robinson. The work began Tuesday to power the energy, not by coal, but by the sun. Vicious Tortoise Booping  Father and Son Surfing. Anti-Trump mural spotted near DC. Star Wars: Episode III, redubbed using the English subtitles from a pirated Chinese edition / Boing Boing. This is apparently a Chinese pirated edition of Star Wars: Episode III, but dubbed using the English subtitles offered on that disc.

Star Wars: Episode III, redubbed using the English subtitles from a pirated Chinese edition / Boing Boing

It's amazing, not least because the voice actors are so good I thought for a moment it might have been a TV segment with Ewan, Hayden, Samuel and co. [via] Rowan Atkinson Live - Dirty Names. Mad Lib Theater with Benedict Cumberbatch. Modeling Poses Done Better by Cats. When was the last time you had a good laugh?

Laughter isn’t only fun, but important to your health. Donkey #3 Figures It Out - GIF. Thousands Of British Refugees Make Dangerous Journey Across The Irish Sea – Waterford Whispers News. THE IRISH coast guard has today issued a nationwide warning for the East Coast as hundreds of thousands of British refugees risk their lives to cross the Irish sea in an attempt to flee the impoverished and unstable nation.

Thousands Of British Refugees Make Dangerous Journey Across The Irish Sea – Waterford Whispers News

“Top tips for men juggling a successful career and fatherhood” hilariously nails how sexist the advice given to working women is. @manwhohasitall is a superb Twitter account that highlights the phrasing often found in women’s magazines and reverses it to be about men.

“Top tips for men juggling a successful career and fatherhood” hilariously nails how sexist the advice given to working women is

And the result both highlights sexism AND is extremely funny. So here’s 17 of the best: “I’m not hung up on the term ‘spacewoman’ because I know it refers to both women & men.” Tim, age 44, male spacewomanMEN! This is how you end a wedding. If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans. The Deep Tea Diver. Because I like my tea with puns. Worst hunting dog ever (Good dog)