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Re: Alright, fess up, who's unhappy with clojurescript? - Google Groupes. The Clean Coder: Why Clojure? I have recently become quite an enthusiast for the language Clojure.

The Clean Coder: Why Clojure?

But why? Why would someone who has spent the last 30 years programming in C, C++, Java, C#, and Ruby suddenly become enamored with a language that has roots that go back to 1957, i.e. Lisp? During my first few decades as a professional programmer, I never learned Lisp. I had heard of it, of course; though mostly in derisive terms. A few years ago, someone suggested that I learn Lisp by reading a book entitled: "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs". I started reading it about two years ago; and it changed everything I had previously felt and believed about Lisp. SICP is a literary masterpiece. And then something important changes! And with that elegant coup-de-grace (which is not the last in this book!) Programming Languages.

Tech Pick of the Week: Clojure. Clojure is a functional, dynamic programming language which is getting more and more popular by challenging many “best practices” while keeping a very pragmatic approach to real-world problems.

Tech Pick of the Week: Clojure

It clearly diverges from the common ALGOL family languages like Ruby, C and Java. On the other hand, it tries to avoid the common pitfalls of other functional programming languages that have lead to them being perceived as impractical, “ivory tower” languages only used by researchers and purists. This is a very ambitious approach, so let’s have a look at our Tech Pick of the Week: Clojure! The main platform for Clojure is the JVM. Functions are compiled to JVM bytecode and make use of Java’s type system, garbage collection, threads, etc. (import ' This imports the Java URL class and calls the constructor `new URL(“ Java interoperability is well thought out, easy to use and keeps the whole Java environment at your fingertips while enjoying the benefits of Clojure. What's so great about Clojure? Clojure Content on InfoQ. News about Clojure Rebecca Parsons on the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar by Shane Hastie Posted on Mar 28, 2014 Prismatic Adds Data Type Coercion to Schema 0.2 by Tom Coupland Posted on Feb 19, 2014 LightTable IDE Goes Open Source, Adds Plugin Support by Tom Coupland Posted on Feb 03, 2014 Om: Enhancing Facebook's React with Immutability by Tom Coupland Posted on Jan 17, 2014 A Few Highlights from QConSF2013- Part 2 of 2 by Martin Monroe Posted on Dec 31, 2013 A Few Highlights from QConSF2013- Part 1 of 2 by Martin Monroe Posted on Nov 30, 2013 Core.Typed Adds an Optional Type System to Clojure by Mirko Stocker Posted on Oct 07, 2013 core.async: A Different Approach to Asynchronous Programming with Clojure and ClojureScript by Zef Hemel Posted on Jul 24, 2013.

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Clojure: All grown up. I want to convince you of one thing: You should adopt Clojure.

Clojure: All grown up

It will simplify your coding life, speed up product development. It will clarify how you think about structure and complexity. And–if you like avoiding unnecessary frustration and boilerplate–it will make you happy. So throw away the plans you had to use Rails or Django or Play to build your next business. Today. I’m serious. Clojure is the most pleasant language I’ve ever worked with, and that’s after 8 years of Ruby. What is Clojure, and why should I use it? Clojure is one of the newer kids on the block, and I like to think it’s shaking things up. At a high level, Clojure makes life simpler and clearer – whether you’re building a Web API, a machine learning algorithm, or the ultimate music synthesizer. Functional programming is standard. Clojure has a lot more going for it too. Why now? So the question is, why is now the right time to build your product using Clojure? These are fair questions. What you’re thinking. Why Clojure will win.

I’m going to make a bold proclamation.

Why Clojure will win

I’m not going to claim that Clojure will ever become the most popular language, but it will win in the next 15 years in a major way, because it is already one of the most interesting, and all signs show that it will continue to build momentum,. This is independent of what happens with the Java ecosystem; Clojure will be ready to go off of the JVM if it needs to do so. It is not in a hurry to make that change, but it that becomes necessary it will happen.

Why am I so confident about Clojure? Partly, it’s the community. On a fundamental level, this is different from the enterprise Java vision that has grown up over the past 18 years. The reason why I say Clojure is a vision more than a language is that it strives to go into messy places that ivory-tower language inventors would avoid, while refusing to compromise on its core vision. Does Clojure have weaknesses? One argument made against it is its lack of a static type system.