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Fertility Testing & Fertility Screening Program. Did you know?

Fertility Testing & Fertility Screening Program

Fertility declines as women approach age 30 About 10% of women lose their fertility sooner than expected About 1 in 20 men have male factor infertility Factors causing infertility - 40% male, 40% female, and 20% combination Who Qualifies? Men and women interested in learning and taking charge of their fertility status. What is involved? Simple tests that provide valuable information about your fertility potential. Why is Fertility Testing important? Whether doing a semen analysis or an AMH blood test and an Antral Follicle Count, this program provides important information for individuals concerning their future fertility potential.

Cost of Fertility Testing? The program is provided at a special cash price of $90. Where? You can have any of the tests (from the semen analysis to the AMH Blood Test and Antral Follicle Count) performed at one of Chicago IVF 5 different locations: Surrogacy and Gestational Carrier Program. The Chicago IVF Gestational Carrier Program has been designed with you, the Intended Parents, in mind.

Surrogacy and Gestational Carrier Program

We understand that building a family through gestational surrogacy can be a complex, emotionally challenging, and costly endeavor. We have thoughtfully addressed both larger issues, and minor details. The surrogacy and gestational carrier program has been designed to be user-friendly and to help you achieve your dreams step-by-step. Step One: Program Identification We encourage Intended Parents to educate themselves regarding available reproductive options. We believe that well-educated Intended Parents will see the benefits of choosing a renowned surrogacy and gestational carrier program like that offered by Chicago IVF.

Step Two: Financial Understanding Understanding the complicated financial interactions of the gestational surrogacy process can be confusing. Our fee estimate is thoughtful, comprehensive and transparent. **Please refer to the Surrogacy Financial Overview for more details. Chicago IVF Infertility Financial Information. Proceeding through infertility care can be emotional, demanding, and stressful.

Chicago IVF Infertility Financial Information

Much stress can come from financial uncertainties regarding health insurance coverage and out-of-pocket expenses. In order to serve you better, we offer the following resources: Front Desk Staff – Our Front Desk Staff is especially trained to assist with basic insurance questions regarding co-pays, filings, and potential out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, they can assist you with balances due. Please remember to bring in your current insurance card at each visit.

Billing Department – Our Billing Department Staff is especially trained to assist with the more complicated questions regarding insurance filings, co-pays, balances due, payment plans, mandatory fertility coverage laws, and related issues. We make every effort to reduce the stress and improve our service to you.

We offer several payment options to help you with your balance remaining. How Does the Billing Process Work? Chicago IVF Male Infertility, Diagnosis, Testing and Treatment. A common myth related to infertility is that the woman is almost always to blame.

Chicago IVF Male Infertility, Diagnosis, Testing and Treatment

When infertility becomes a problem, the female's reproductive ability is often the first to become suspect. However, problems in males are not uncommon. In fact, for infertile couples, male reproductive issues account for roughly 30 percent to 40 percent of problems. An issue with sperm can be the sole problem of infertility, or it can simply be one of many factors. A doctor can determine whether “male factor infertility” is a reason for concern. During the semen analysis, the doctor could spot abnormalities and recommend a more thorough examination by a specialist.

At a molecular level, sperm may have the inability to swim straight or fast, and they might be unable to detect an egg. Egg Freezing Program. The Egg Freezing Program at Chicago IVF helps women delay motherhood due to health or personal reasons.

Egg Freezing Program

Women can freeze and store their eggs, so they are not restricted by their fleeting reproductive biological clocks. There are a wide variety of circumstances where egg freezing might serve as a viable solution. These include. Frozen Egg Program. Chicago IVF was the first provider of frozen eggs in the Midwest USA through partnership with My Egg Bank My Egg Bank at Chicago IVFMy Egg Bank is a leader in cryogenic egg freezing, and is the first multi-center network of fertility centers to offer the cryogenic egg vitrification process.

Frozen Egg Program

Chicago IVF has been partnering with My Egg Bank since the spring of 2013 to obtain frozen oocytes (eggs) for our patients in need of donor eggs. What is Oocyte Cryopreservation (Egg Freezing)? The process of oocyte cryopreservation, or egg freezing, simply involves stimulating the ovaries for egg production by injecting hormones. When enough eggs are produced, they are harvested under anesthesia and cryogenically frozen to be used later.Many women know that a few years down the road, they may not be as fertile as they are now. Becoming an Egg Donor in Chicago. Basic Egg (Oocyte) Donation Steps To Follow Donating eggs is an extremely selfless endeavor, and we try to make it as comfortable as possible for you.

Becoming an Egg Donor in Chicago

Our nurses have been voted the most compassionate in the industry and our doctors are recognized far and wide for their abilities and success. Together, our team can make your egg donation a very simple and efficient process. Please follow the steps as listed below: 1. In Vitro Fertilization Infertility Services. Infertility is faced by many people of child-bearing age around the world, and through the years there have been developments in the ways in which we can move beyond these challenges and successfully conceive.

In Vitro Fertilization Infertility Services

These fertility treatments are commonly referred to as Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). They are not exclusive to the male or female reproductive system, as treatments include the egg as well as the sperm. There are several forms of ART, but the most commonly used is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and it is has proven to be quite successful as a method of embryo transfer. The process of IVF is when the egg is manually fertilized by the sperm outside of the body in a controlled laboratory setting. Once this occurs, the embryo is then implanted into the uterus. In Vitro Fertilization. Our team of doctors and nurses will provide the highest level of care to help you through this journey towards parenthood.

In Vitro Fertilization

In order to achieve the best results possible, we have several treatment programs and options in place. Led by Joel G. Brasch MD, our staff is highly skilled and trained in the latest ART treatments and has helped families bring more than 12,000 babies into the world. In Vitro Fertilization: Many couples who are facing fertility issues may benefit from in vitro fertilization treatment. Here, doctors manually fertilize an egg with sperm outside of the body and then implant the embryo into the uterus.