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The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop. Nature and humankind are both great artists, and when they join forces, amazing masterpieces can be produced. Today Bright Side has collected for you works in which the combined efforts of mother nature and photographic artists have captured magic moments showing the wondrous diversity of modern life and the natural world. This is what happens if you throw hot water into the air in Antarctica imgur A galactic tennis ball © Abhijeet Kumar Modern dykes, windmills and highways in the Netherlands imgur A temple covered in ash from the Ontake volcanic eruption, Japan media.jrn Two worlds divided, New York, USA imgur The Supermoon in a radio telescope imgur Just an ordinary day’s building — catching a cloud © trynidada Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, North Korea’s founder ©Ilya Pitalev A blue universe in Japan © Hiroki Kondu / National Geographic Spider webs in Abernethy forest, Scotland © Mark Hamblin Now I can finally get a tan © Gray Malin Volcanic eruption in Iceland © Fred Johns.

20 sublimes photos du concours National Geographic 2014. En Octobre, vous êtes peut-être tombés sur notre florilège des plus belles photos du National Geographic kontest. Aujourd’hui, on vous propose un 2e volume avec autant de photos surprenantes… Chaque année, le célèbre magazine National Geographic organise un grand concours de photo où le gagnant du Grand Prix recevra la somme de 10.000$. L’année dernière, 7 000 photos en provenance de 150 pays différents ont été envoyés au concours. Un puma court dans la neige à Bozeman dans le Montana Une petite fille en colère dans un centre commercial de Bangkok Le feu de forêt dans le parc national Banff au Canada Un kangourou qui semble marche sur l’eau d’un lac salé dans le parc national Murray Sunset en Australie Une mante Empuse à Kahramanmaras en Turquie Le commerce sur des bateaux à Madagascar Une adolescente de la tribu Arbore en Ethiopie Amadou, un breakdancer français dans une rue de Bordeaux Au large des côtes de l’île de Guadalupe, au Mexique Une grosse cylndrée parcourant les routes de Taïwan.

Section PHOTO de Concours photo septembre 2013 « Qu’est-ce que la rentrée? » – GRATUITTouch-arts/photo s’interroge: « Qu’est-ce que la rentrée ? » Répondez à cette question par la photographie et gagnez un abonnement au site et une présentation au format A3 lors d’une exposition en octobre 2013. Histoire de la photographie: le gélatino-bromure, le rouleau de pellicule, George EastmanL’invention du procédé de tirage gélatino-bromure permit de libérer les photographes du poids du matériel et de la nécessité de développer les images, dès que le collodion humide fut soumis à l’exposition. Plus légers, plus mobiles, les nouveaux appareils photographiques à plaques sèches, plus sensibles, permirent de prendre des images en figeant le mouvement, à l’exemple des travaux de Muybridge, et d’explorer des lieux jusque là inaccessible aux photographes paysagistes.

Les noms des stations de Métro prises au pied de la lettre. Au milieu des années 90, le photographe Janol Apin a mis en scène les noms des stations du métro Parisien avec humour et imagination. De Monceau à Rue de la pompe en passant par Duroc et Dupleix, les stations parisiennes parlent le langage international du mime. Ceci n'est pas une photographie ... ni un montage. L’hyperréalisme comme on ne l’a jamais vu! Les peintures de Robin Eley sont déconcertantes de réalisme. Car ce ne sont pas des photographies mais bien des peintures à l’huile. L’artiste veut combattre l’art « jetable » notamment avec l’apparition du numérique.

Il confie ainsi sur son site : « En réduisant notre capacité d’attention à un clic de souris ou au glissement d’un doigt, les images sont réduites à une folie jetable. L’artiste australien, à l’aide de petites brosses et des heures de concentration, peint des nus et matériaux tels l’aluminium et le plastique. Voici donc les impressionnantes peintures de Robin Eley, plus vraies que nature …


(2) Facebook. - LES ZUMAINS 1 - Architecture Photography by Nina Papiorek. Shots by photographer Nina Papiorek of iconic architectural buildings: The London Tower Bridge, the London City Hall, the Vasco da Gama Bridge, and the Spinnaker Tower. London Tower Bridge – Photography by Nina Papiorek London City Hall – Photography by Nina Papiorek Vasco da Gama Bridge – Photography by Nina Papiorek Spinnaker Tower – Photography by Nina Papiorek. Dream Catchers: Showcase of Ethereal Photography. Jun 08 2012 Photographers are powerful artists, whose manipulations of the images they capture, if not just the images themselves, can be so breathtaking and dream-like, that they almost exist in another world. Images that feel like amazing moments stolen from someone’s slumber, rather than were taken in the same reality that we all inhabit. This kind of ethereal photography is what we are here to showcase today.

Below you can take a walk through worlds so light and airy, created by a range of talented artists who have crafted these dreams and captured them to inspire others. We hope that you will get a boost from the creative energy flowing from this collection of ethereal photography. Dream Catchers Offering to the Sun by Nelleke Tree Spirit v.4 by brenditaworks Frenzy by Hengki24 Tree Swing by GaiusNefarious Beneath the Stars by Dee-T untitled by oprisco crack by haksek Time for Rain by sternenfern Juliet IV by KayleighJune Like You Said… by Khomenko King Canute’s Throne by Ian-Plant Time to Wake. Wonderland by Kirsty Mitchell: heart-breakingly beautiful photographic series in memory of an extraordinary life. Kirsty Mitchell's Wonderland series has been three years in the makingAll costumes, wigs and sets were constructed on a shoestring budgetSome images took up to five months to createShe would often wait an entire year to find the perfect natural setting for her shots By Stephanie Hirschmiller Published: 14:11 GMT, 17 May 2012 | Updated: 09:34 GMT, 18 May 2012 Kirsty Mitchell's late mother Maureen was an English teacher who spent her life inspiring generations of children with imaginative stories and plays.

Following Maureen's death from a brain tumour in 2008, Kirsty channelled her grief into her passion for photography. She retreated behind the lens of her camera and created Wonderland, an ethereal fantasy world. The photographic series began as a small summer project but grew into an inspirational creative journey. 'Real life became a difficult place to deal with, and I found myself retreating further into an alternative existence through the portal of my camera,' said the artist. Naomi Stolow / Photography | Lover of travel, portraits, people, wildlife, landscapes and abstract/art.

33 Stunning Photos Of Our Amazing Planet Earth Taken By A Guy In Space. (1) Facebook. Black and White Photography by Spencer Brown. Johana Marchand. Luis Argerich Photography. Comprendre et exprimer tout ce que vous voulez, sans mots, avec Sclera. Que nous nous adressions à des enfants, à des analphabètes, à des personnes d’une langue étrangère ou, à l’inverse, que des personnes essaient de nous communiquer quelque chose sans l’usage de la parole ou de l’écrit, nous voilà réduits à faire des signes... Justement, des signes ! Sclera a mis au point des centaines de pictogrammes standardisés et esthétiques pour communiquer des concepts plus ou moins élaborés à des personnes handicapées ou que la barrière de la langue sépare.

Celles-ci peuvent pointer le pictogramme désiré ou un préposé peut transmettre son message de la même façon... On peut les exploiter de différentes façons, en agrémenter des documents ou des exercices, en faire des affichettes, etc. On peut les combiner jusqu'à des concepts de plus en plus élaborés. À consulter sur le site ou à télécharger au complet, les pictos sont sous licence creative commons. Picto's. Business Graphics - Billion Dollar Business Graphics. Powerful Facts About Visual Communication | The Mindjet Blog. Did you know that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text? Or how about the fact that they are processed simultaneously? I wanted to share some interesting facts about visuals with you today from an article by Mike Parkinson of Ever wonder why you can process visuals so much faster than text?

This is because visuals are processed simultaneously whereas words are processed sequentially. Did you know that visual imagery is more powerful than words alone when used to communicate a message to an audience. A study commissioned by 3M Corporation, suggests that you can be 43% more effective when using visual aids as a presenter. The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab asked 2,440 participants how they evaluated the credibility of a web site they were shown.

Why is this the case? Graphics do what text alone cannot do. 1) Cognitively: “Graphics expedite and increase our level of communication. As you can see, having the right visuals is incredibly powerful. Photo Retouching. Cs.dartmouth. Deux scientifiques américains ont créé un programme qui décèle les retouches faites sur une image avec le logiciel Photoshop - L’algorithme qui démonte Photoshop. Alors que la communication d’H&M est pointée du doigt pour avoir collé des visages de top-modèles sur des corps de synthèse, deux scientifiques américains ont inventé l’outil rêvé des amateurs d’ « avant-après ». Un chercheur en informatique, Hany Farid, et son élève doctorant, Eric Kee, de l’université de Darwood, aux États-Unis ont publié le résultat de leurs recherches la semaine dernière dans une revue scientifique américaine. Le programme qu’ils ont mis au point permet de faire apparaître, sur une échelle de 1 à 5, l’ampleur des retouches subies par une photo.

Et cela donne lieu à des comparaisons saisissantes. Envolés, rides, bourrelets et teint brouillé ! Voir les « avant-après » Ces chercheurs espèrent que cela poussera les médias et les publicitaires à adopter une attitude autorégulatrice. Cela intervient alors qu’H&M a dû s’expliquer dans le magazine suédois Aftonbladet après avoir eu recours à des corps cyber-dessinés pour sa dernière campagne publicitaire. Temporal Distortion. FotoForensics. Underwater Sculpture by Jason deCaires Taylor. The Incredible Beauty of the Orion Nebula. Learn about the beauty of the Orion Nebula. Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center The Orion Nebula is one of the brightest in the night sky and lies south of Orion’s Belt.

It is 1344 (plus or minus 20) light years away and is the closest huge star formation area to earth. As such, it is the most photographed in the night sky and has taught us much about star and planetary formation. Photo: NASA, ESA, M. The area in the image above is a called the Trapezium and is an area of very young stars; six of the main stars that can often be seen from earth on a clear night. Photo: NASA, ESA, M. The Orion Nebula has been seen from earth for thousands of years. Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/STScI The Orion Nebula includes neutral clouds of gas and dust, ionized gas, associations of stars and reflection nebulae, which are clouds of dust reflecting the light of stars. Photo: Steve Black Orion is a stellar nursery where stars are born, and there are about 700 stars in various stages of birth within it. Photos du mur. Lighting For Liquid Series – EINSTEIN STRIKES BACK « Aurum Light Blog.

Hey Guys! We are almost ready for our AUSTRALIA Milk Workshops 2013 next month, but before the take-off we have a quick test on Lighting For Liquids and a bonus sneak peek into the set of our Bamboo Forest Shoot for The Liquid Series! In this test we will check that our Einsteins can compete and deliver the same results as a high-end lighting gear… Some time ago I saw a video featuring Bronco Scoro and Profoto Pro 8 Air called “A Real World Shootout” featuring a test of the flash duration of both systems.

You can find that video here [click]. While watching it I couldn’t help myself thinking…“… wait a minute, this can be easily done with our 20-times less expensive lights!” So when we worked on our new Babmboo Forrest Shoot for the Liquid series, I decided to run a quick Video Response to the Real World Shootout using Paul Buff’s Einstein E640. .The Setup: We’ve replicated the set and like on the reference video set the camera Phase One P65+ with 110 Shneider lens to f/16. 50% Crop: . 30 abandoned places that look truly beautiful.

1. Christ of the Abyss, San Fruttuoso, Italy Via: 2. Kolmanskop, Namib Desert Via: 3. Via: 4. Via: 5. Image by David Gray / Getty Images 6. Via: 7. Via: baldeaglebluff 8. Via: 9. 10. 15th century monastery, Black Forest, Germany Via: 11. Via: 12. Via: 13. Via: 14. Via: 15.

Via: 16. Via: 17. Via: 18. Source: / via: 19. 1984 Winter Olympics bobsleigh track in Sarajevo Source: 20. 21. Source: / via: 22. Source: logicalrealist / via: 23. Source: / via: 24. Image by Dimitar Kilkoff / Getty Images 25. 26. Source: 27. Source: 28. Source: alveart 29. Via: (15) ♛ The Spirit Of The Water ♛ Thunder Storm Photography.

(3) -Nuages. Black Mirages : un album sur Flickr. Madagaskar stone forest. B-w_living.jpg (Image JPEG, 640x480 pixels) Amazing Planet. ANTILIMIT | Anything Worth Seeing. Early 1900s in Colour - All around the world. All around the world - Franny Wentzel - Thursday, May 6th, 2010 : goo [previous] :: [next] In the early part of the 20th century French-Jewish capitalist Albert Kahn set about to collect a photographic record of the world, the images were held in an 'Archive of the Planet'.

Before the 1929 stock market crash he was able to amass a collection of 180,000 metres of b/w film and more than 72,000 autochrome plates, the first industrial process for true colour photography Autochrome was the first industrial process for true colour photography. When the Lumière brothers launched it commercially in June 1907, it was a photograhic revolution - black and white came to life in colour. A few photos from the collection. Portraits Algeria Dahomey - now Benin Bosnia Brasil Bulgaria Cambodia Canada China Croatia Dijbouti Egypt England France Germany Greece Holland India Iran Iraq Ireland Italy King Faisal Lebenon Macedonia Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Norway Palestine Serbia Spain Sri Lanka. Grèce. Mcnaught3_kemppainen.jpg (Image JPEG, 1337x460 pixels) - Redimensionnée (74.

Shapes & Pattern Photography. Craig Easton Photography. RtmGd.jpg (JPEG Image, 3200x1200 pixels) - Scaled (31. Hsgk1mwj Shared by EmbraceSparkles. Block Posters - Create large wall posters from any image for fre. Ami Vitale. Featured » Photos du jour. Amazing Planet - Filip Kulisev Photography. Vincent Van Google: Artist uses Street View website to travel the world virtually. » Bibliothèque idéale 1 Jean Francois Rauzier Hyperphoto. Scientific Curiosity Captured in Photos.

27 Excellent Digital Photography Tutorials | Tutorials | PelFusi. Scott Stulberg Photography. Yann Le Guennec. Ragnar Axelsson photographer. Découvrez le livre "La vie est belle" (téléchargement gratuit) PhotoGraphe Sylvia Tostain : Portraits, photos d'art, photo-reportage. Faces of the World. Albums de Jason Ferguson. Old Maps Online. Trouver de vieilles cartes historiques. Most Fascinating Geological Wonders On Earth. Extraordinary Examples of Surreal Photography by Martin Stranka from the Czech Republic.

Slideshow: Ten Places to See Before They Disappear - Environment. Brasil 360° experience. p3scduex.jpg (Image JPEG, 800x533 pixels) 201028032332-17235.jpg (Image JPEG, 1920x1200 pixels) - Redimensionnée (52%) Work.145696.17.flat,550x550,075,f.jpg (Image JPEG, 466x550 pixels) 33 Worst Photoshop Mistakes Ever. 00012.jpg (Image JPEG, 627x472 pixels) NounProject. Swick » 10 Beautiful Ocean Waves. Angel-Falls-Venezuela.jpg (Image JPEG, 1024x681 pixels) - Redimensionnée (97. Magic. Abandoned Places: 10 Creepy, Beautiful Modern Ruins.

Nature-Category-Winner-Aaron-Feinberg.jpg (Image JPEG, 900x600 pixels)