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Les personnages féminins forts : bagarre mais pas seulement. Ficklefandoms: peonymoonflower: supercargautier:... Oui, on peut être charmant et sexiste en même temps   Photo : Istock Un homme ne peut pas être sexiste s’il adore les femmes et qu’il les « traite comme des princesses », n’est-ce pas?

Oui, on peut être charmant et sexiste en même temps  

Pas tout à fait. Selon des chercheurs américains, un homme sexiste peut se comporter de manière tout à fait amicale avec les femmes, et même idéaliser ces dernières. Benny - Little Game. Le sexisme ordinaire illustré en pictogrammes. Avec une série de dessins minimalistes, la designer Yang Liu basée à Berlin, se penche sur les stéréotypes entre les sexes.

Le sexisme ordinaire illustré en pictogrammes

Son livre « Man meets Woman », qui sortira le 6 octobre prochain, elle utilise de simples pictogrammes pour illustrer ce sexisme ordinaire (vert pour les hommes, rose pour les femmes). « Is this a man’s world? Bright, bold pictograms from Yang Liu revisit the roles, relationships and age-old clichés of male and female expérience. » Derrière la porte. Guys With Fancy Lady Hair. What Does It Mean to Drink Like a Woman? I am a woman who likes whiskey.

What Does It Mean to Drink Like a Woman?

I order Manhattans. I drink Old Fashioneds. And nearly every time I announce this request to a bartender, I get the knowing nod—the unvoiced approval and the respect that comes along with defying the expectations of what a woman usually drinks. And usually this approving bartender is a male. By nature of its history, bartending is a male-dominated industry, one in which women tend to work a little harder to earn the same credibility bestowed upon our dark-spirit swilling counterparts. This Is What Happens When You Replace The Women In Ads With Men. Kevin Spacey Hilariously Answers Questions That Female Celebrities Get Asked On The Red Carpet. Majorité opprimée : quand les rôles masculins et féminins sont inversés.

REPORTAGES - Sur Bienvenue Dans La Vraie Vie Des Femmes ★ Doing Gender with Wallets and Purses. I once heard a transgender woman give a talk about the process of socially transitioning to being recognized as a woman.

Doing Gender with Wallets and Purses

She discussed various decisions she made in taking some final critical steps toward the social identity of woman. She talked at length about her hair. She asked, “What kind of woman am I and how is my haircut going to indicate that?” Men and Women! They Talk Like People! Your Relationship Failed Because You're A Girl. Photo: Shutterstock Why is your dating life unsatisfactory?

Your Relationship Failed Because You're A Girl

Probably because you’re a girl. In the course of one misogyny-packed Huffington Post column, blogger Amy Chan manages to shame women for being too feminine and not feminine enough, too selective and too slutty. Real Men Eat Quiche: Recipes for Manhood. A look at an ad that’ll leave a bad taste in your mouth, as well as how our relationship with what we eat is spoiled by outdated recipes of gender.

Real Men Eat Quiche: Recipes for Manhood

I decided to try going Vegan on Sept 4th. It was a moment of either congratulation or crisis intervention for some friends. “Is everything ok??” Or “Whoa, why are you giving up meat?!?” My reasoning was to instill more mindfulness in my life, starting with the planning and preparation of what I eat. Gender and the Body Language of Power. We’re celebrating the end of the year with our most popular posts from 2013, plus a few of our favorites tossed in.

Gender and the Body Language of Power


Produits genrés

Socialisation des enfants. Jouets et produits pour enfants. Dogs are Boys; Cats are Girls. By Lisa Wade, PhD, Nov 9, 2012, at 11:00 am I’ve posted more than once, and gleefully, about the weird American habit we have of associating dogs with men and cats with women.

Dogs are Boys; Cats are Girls

Well, Adrienne H. sent in a particularly humorous example: an advertising image from Pajamagram, featuring “hoodie-footies” for the entire family. They are color-coded — pink for girls, blue for boys — all the way down to the dog and cat. So, there you have it; I’m not crazy after all.

Entretien ménager

Rose. Cerveau. Quote of the Day: Scarlett Johansson Tired of Sexist Diet Questions. Cross-posted at Women and Hollywood.

Quote of the Day: Scarlett Johansson Tired of Sexist Diet Questions

Wow, who knew I could love Scarlett Johansson so much?? I posted this on Bitch Flicks‘ Facebook page but thought it was too great not to post here too. At The Avengers press conference in London, a reporter proceeded to ask Robert Downey Jr. an in-depth, thought-provoking question about his character (Tony Stark/Iron Man) and then asked Johansson about her diet.

I shit you not. Reporter: “I have a question to Robert and to Scarlett. “And to Scarlett, to get into shape for Black Widow did you have anything special to do in terms of the diet, like did you have to eat any specific food, or that sort of thing?” Stéréotypes sexistes dans les médias: au tour des électrices! Mon souhait à moi, en regard de la couverture médiatique de cette campagne électorale qui s’achève, c’était que disparaissent une bonne fois pour toutes le fameux double standard et les stéréotypes qui infiltrent ou caractérisent le traitement des femmes politiques.

Stéréotypes sexistes dans les médias: au tour des électrices!

En fait, consciente qu’on partait de très loin, j’espérais surtout qu’ils s’estompent ou deviennent un «phénomène» marginal, à tout le moins. Project Implicit® Heightism Is A Social Construct Based In Gender Norms. By Guest Blogger Geoffrey Arnold, Oct 24, 2011, at 11:51 am Cross-posted at The Social Complex. Take a look at these two images.

The people in Image A and Image B are identical, save for their relative heights and the way that their heads are tilted in order to maintain eye contact. Now how do you think each of these images would be independently perceived by the average person? How do you perceive the events depicted in these images? (see full sized image here) Do one of these men seem “assertive” while the other seems “submissive” or “pushy”?

If you are being honest with yourself here, you probably are imagining many differences in the social interactions depicted in these two images that don’t actually exist outside of our cultural framework. What's wrong with gender stereotypes? - Pink & Blue: Telling the Boys from the Girls in America.


Sexualisation. Sport, force physique. Emploi.