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Python - Constant instance variables? Python3 Tutorial: Global vs. Local Variables and Namespaces. The way Python uses global and local variables is maverick.

Python3 Tutorial: Global vs. Local Variables and Namespaces

While in many or most other programming languages variables are treated as global if not otherwise declared, Python deals with variables the other way around. They are local, if not otherwise declared. The driving reason behind this approach is that global variables are generally bad practice and should be avoided. In most cases where you are tempted to use a global variable, it is better to utilize a parameter for getting a value into a function or return value to get it out. Like in many other program structures, Python also imposes good programming habit by design. So when you define variables inside a function definition, they are local to this function by default.

All variables have the scope of the block, where they are declared and defined in. Just to make things clear: Variables don't have to be and can't be declared in the way they are declared in programming languages like Java or C. Def f(): s = "I love London! " Style Guide for Python Code. Help for Instructors — Runestone Interactive Overview. If you are an instructor who is wondering what this interactive textbook is all about you may want to take a look at the An Overview of Runestone Interactive.

Help for Instructors — Runestone Interactive Overview

This shows you the various features that are incorporated into our interactive textbooks. If you are thinking about using this book for your course but have some questions then this is a good place to start. The rest of this help document is structured like a FAQ so you can quickly find the question you may have from the Page menu and hopefully it will be answered here. Can I build my own course and host it here? Yes, we are currently hosting many courses for many different institutions around the world. The best approach is to use our system to build your own textbook. A simple grading interface for homework problems at the end of each chaptersome simple reports on your students activities within the a glance information about the multiple choice and fill in the blank questions embedded in the text. Computer Science Circles. A list is a sequence of several variables, grouped together under a single name.

Computer Science Circles

Instead of writing a program with many variables x0, x1, x2, … you can define a single variable x and access its members x[0], x[1], x[2], etc. More importantly, you can put other expressions and variables inside the square brackets, like x[i] and x[i+1]. This allows us to deal with arbitrarily large data sets using just a single small piece of code. Learn Python The Hard Way. Benefits of this Interactive Textbook — How to Think like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition. This interactive book is a product of the Runestone Interactive Project at Luther College, led by Brad Miller and David Ranum.

Benefits of this Interactive Textbook — How to Think like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition

There have been many contributors to the project. Our thanks especially to the following: This book is based on the Original work by: Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris MeyersActivecode based on SkulptCodelens based on Online Python TutorMany contributions from the CSLearning4U research group at Georgia Tech.ACM-SIGCSE for the special projects grant that funded our student Isaac Dontje Lindell for the summer of 2013.NSF The Runestone Interactive tools are open source and we encourage you to contact us, or grab a copy from GitHub if you would like to use them to write your own resources. Hacking Education with Python - Data Mining Coursera for Popular Courses // Adil Moujahid // Data Analytics and more.

In a few years, massive open online courses, most commonly referred to as MOOCs, have exploded in popularity.

Hacking Education with Python - Data Mining Coursera for Popular Courses // Adil Moujahid // Data Analytics and more

These online courses provide high quality content taught by the best professors in their respective fields. With more that 20 million students, Coursera is one of the leaders of the MOOC movement. Coursera provides a platform that connects leading universities with students worldwide. I took my first Coursera course back in 2012, and since then I try to take one course a month.

In 2015, Coursera has around 1000 courses offered by 100+ universities in more than 10 languages. In this tutorial, I will combine coursera data together with social media data to assess the popularity of courses. The source code for this tutorial can be found in this github repository. Analyzing the Web For the Price of a Sandwich. Posted by Ben C., Software Engineer I geek out about the Common Crawl.

Analyzing the Web For the Price of a Sandwich

It’s an open source crawl of huge parts of the Internet, accessible for anyone to use. You have full access to the HTML and text of billions of web pages. What’s more, you can scan the entire thing, tens of terabytes, for just a few bucks on Amazon EC2. These days they’re releasing a new dataset every month. People frequently use mrjob to scan the Common Crawl, so it seems like a fitting tool for us to use. mrjob, if you’re not familiar, is a Python framework written by Yelp to help run Hadoop jobs locally or on Amazon’s EMR service.