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Beautiful-streams?utm_content=buffer38937&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter. ESLint for Better Productivity and Higher Accuracy. What is focus?

ESLint for Better Productivity and Higher Accuracy

Concentration of power. When writing Javascript code, most of us focus on solving very complex problems. While dedicating intellectual capacity to the solution, small code quality mistakes are often made. It takes time and effort to fix these mistakes, provided that you notice them. If you don’t, your teammates will definitely point them out. Many people have realized in the past that code quality checks have to be automated. Never Violate Agreements Excellent code quality is a necessary condition for excellent maintainability. Small formatting and indentation errorsforgetting to remove debuggers and console.log statementstypos in variable namesusing the wrong type of quotes using == instead of === Kolodny/nip.

Useful.js: JavaScript examples, too useful not to share. Cms-23997?utm_content=buffere3a25&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter. Benchgraph. We have a problem with promises. Fellow JavaScripters, it's time to admit it: we have a problem with promises.

We have a problem with promises

No, not with promises themselves. Promises, as defined by the A+ spec, are awesome. The big problem, which has revealed itself to me over the course of the past year, as I've watched numerous programmers struggle with the PouchDB API and other promise-heavy APIs, is this: Many of us are using promises without really understanding them. If you find that hard to believe, consider this puzzle I recently posted to Twitter: Mattias-Petter-Johansson?utm_content=buffer0eafb&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter. Codemix/babel-plugin-macros. By example: Continuation-passing style in JavaScript. What is continuation-passing style?

By example: Continuation-passing style in JavaScript

If a language supports continuations, the programmer can add control constructs like exceptions, backtracking, threads and generators. Sadly, many explanations of continuations (mine included) feel vague and unsatisfying. JavaScript With Dragons: Learning call() And apply() Methods In Depth. Kill A Dragon With call() If you have worked with scopes in JavaScript you are already familiar with the use case of call() method.

JavaScript With Dragons: Learning call() And apply() Methods In Depth

With this method you can call a function with a given this value, for example if you want to write a function to kill a dragon, you may have something like this : var dragonName = 'Haxorus'; Sgentle/catenary. ES6 In Depth: Template strings. ES6 In Depth is a series on new features being added to the JavaScript programming language in the 6th Edition of the ECMAScript standard, ES6 for short.

ES6 In Depth: Template strings

Last week I promised a change of pace. After iterators and generators, we would tackle something easy, I said. Something that won’t melt your brain, I said. We’ll see whether I can keep that promise in the end. Time-Travel Debugging for JavaScript/HTML Applications. How do you judge a Javascript programmer by only 5 questions?

How do you judge a Javascript programmer by only 5 questions?

How do you judge a Javascript programmer by only 5 questions?

I was recently asked this on Quora, and here are my answers. Please note -these questions only indicate if someone knows JavaScript, it does not assert their general programming knowlege. Also, these are hard. Answering all five doesn’t mean that you’re bad at JavaScript, but if you can’t answer them, you’re not awesome … yet. Can you explain the difference between call and apply to me? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, please don’t feel discouraged. The Vanilla JavaScript Repository. JavaScript Frameworks in the Real World. By James Chesters on Mar 02, 2015 | JavaScript frameworks can be an essential tool for advanced JavaScript programming.

JavaScript Frameworks in the Real World

While one could do everything needed purely with just the JavaScript code, without the need of a framework, both they and JavaScript libraries provide some very useful foundations to build on. Parsebool/ at master · bucaran/parsebool. Everything is an array index. Javascript engines never cease to amuse me.

Everything is an array index

Let’s look at our good old Array.prototype.splice [1,2,3].splice(0,1) //returns [1][1,2,3].splice(1,1) //returns [2][1,2,3].splice(undefined,1) // 1[1,2,3].splice(false,1) // 1[1,2,3].splice(true,1) // 2! Ok, so splice is accepting non-numbers and it’s casting them to booleans and then to numbers, right? The end of JavaScript? We will no longer write pure JavaScript really soon I’ve been keeping an eye on the arrival of some ES6 and ES7 features and proposals, as well as some trending JavaScript technologies (particularly Compile-to-JavaScript languages like TypeScript and BabelJS) and I dare to predict that we will not longer write pure JavaScript really soon.

The end of JavaScript?

What are your arguments? I have some arguments to backup my idea: 1. Compiler emitted metadata We can find online proposals to add Decorators to ES7, along with a prototype for an ES7 Reflection API for Decorator Metadata. Practical Web Audio -Telerik Developer Network. There is little debate that Web Audio is cool.

Practical Web Audio -Telerik Developer Network

Take for example Stepkit by Brent Jackson (embedded below). It’s definitely a fun toy to play with, but most of us probably couldn’t think of how this might be relevant to our jobs. When I presented 8-bit game music with the Web Audio API at last year’s Fluent Conference, I readily admitted that it was intended to be purely fun rather than practical. Recently I explored the idea of adding audio to web apps, but I think the big problem isn’t that web developers were unsure how to add audio to their app, but that they don’t think they should add audio to web apps. In this article, I’d like to make the case that you should be considering audio when designing your web application user interface. Lodash and ECMAScript 2015 – Marius Schulz.

Lodash and Underscore are two well-known and popular JavaScript libraries that offer a plethora of functions which the language itself doesn't provide. They have always been quite easy to use, but starting with ECMAScript 2015, writing calls to the provided library functions will feel even more seamless. Besides big novelties like a native module system, ECMAScript 2015 introduces smaller language features as well.

Pattern matching, array destructuring, arrow functions, and string interpolation are some examples that lead to shorter, more expressive, and more readable code. Destructuring and Recursion in ES-6. Array literals Arrays are JavaScript’s “native” representation of lists. Lists are important because they represent ordered collections of things, and ordered collections are a fundamental abstraction for making sense of reality. Node.js cms framework comparison - Cms framework Ghost keystone.js node.js Node.js is becoming more and more popular and we can find an increasing number of frameworks available for different purposes.

As the community is growing, so grows the user base of all of these frameworks. Regarding the WEB, one framework type is exceptionally important. If we examine the World Wide Web today, we see, that 40% of the existing websites are using some kind of content management system. ES6 Fiddle. 6 New Features in io.js 2.0.0. This week io.js, a community fork of Node.js, released version 2.0.0. This latest version comes with many bug fixes and some very cool new features. So today I want to briefly cover 6 of these features, some of which are from the upcoming version of JavaScript (ES6 or ES2015) and are no longer behind a staging feature flag. 1. Better way to inspect Promise, Map, and Set objects In previous versions of io.js, the output of printing Promise, Map, or Set objects to the console wasn’t very helpful. A_re-introduction_to_JavaScript?utm_content=bufferc5bf6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter. Why a re-introduction?

Because JavaScript is notorious for being the world's most misunderstood programming language. It is often derided as being a toy, but beneath its layer of deceptive simplicity, powerful language features await. JavaScript is now used by an incredible number of high-profile applications, showing that deeper knowledge of this technology is an important skill for any web or mobile developer.

It's useful to start with an overview of the language's history. Stubbing with SinonJs. In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we learned the basics of using Mocha and Chai. Rowanmanning/pacer. An API Document Generator For JavaScript(ES6) w8/ at master · kolodny/w8. SodhanaLibrary/Background-Color-Thief. ES6 — strings. An introduction to JavaScript-based DDoS.

CloudFlare protects millions of websites from online threats. One of the oldest and most pervasive attacks launched against websites is the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. In a typical DDoS attack, an attacker causes a large number of computers to send data to a server, overwhelming its capacity and preventing legitimate users from accessing it. In recent years, DDoS techniques have become more diversified: attackers are tricking unsuspecting computers into participating in attacks in new and interesting ways. Currying in ES6 - Hemanth.HM. ES6 In Depth: Iterators and the for-of loop. ES6 In Depth is a series on new features being added to the JavaScript programming language in the 6th Edition of the ECMAScript standard, ES6 for short. How do you loop over the elements of an array? Basket.js: Script loader that caches scripts in localStorage. Basket.js: Script loader that caches scripts in localStorage One of common concerns I faced in web/frontend development is libraries like “Angularjs, Bootstrap, JQuery… etc..” loading time, and how that affect on website performance, when you need to load several libraries to your website/page.. specially with low internet speed connections.

Const is the new var. Hacker Finds a Simple Way to Bypass Google Password Alert. Less than 24 hours after Google launched the new Phishing alert extension Password Alert, a security researcher was able to bypass the feature using deadly simple exploits. On Wednesday, the search engine giant launched a new Password Alert Chrome extension to alert its users whenever they accidentally enter their Google password on a carefully crafted phishing website that aimed at hijacking users’ account.

However, security expert Paul Moore easily circumvented the technology using just seven lines of simple JavaScript code that kills phishing alerts as soon as they started to appear, defeating Google’s new Password Alert extension. Google shortly fixed the issue and released a new update to Password Alert extension that blocked the Moore’s exploit. Vorlon.JS. Party tricks with ES6 symbols — Code & Meta.

Using the Redis multi object in Node.js for fun and profit. Using the Redis multi object in Node.js for fun and profit. ES6 Generators: How do they work? - X-Team. Everyone has JavaScript, right? Your user requests your web app Has the page loaded yet? “All your users are non-JS while they're downloading your JS” — Jake Archibald. On problems with threads in node.js. Testing JavaScript. Richtr/NoSleep.js. Node’s `require` is dog slow. JavaScript is not Java – JavaScript is to Java as hamster is to ham. Sotownsend/BooJS. Javascript Cheatsheet.

Common Misconceptions About Inheritance in JavaScript — JavaScript Scene. Raine/treis. Explicitness over Language Sugar - array vs. object - uxebu. Solar System of JS. 600k concurrent websocket connections on AWS using Node.js - Jayway. Touchingdom. WebKit equivalent to Firefox's "moz-chunked-arraybuffer" xhr responseType. Hunting a JavaScript Heisenbug. KoreBlog. Remove Console.log statements using this grunt task. Loverajoel/timeance.js. Measuring Performance. New number and Math features in ES6. Annotate the world. Pluralization for JavaScript. Lucastan/ Where is this, and what is that ? Search · "var that = this" language:js. A 90 minute overview of ECMAScript 6 (video) Julien Crouzet sur Twitter : "#JavaScript #ES6, i <3 you. (And @firefox too for your implementation). Javascript les générateurs (generators) Promises Javascript.


Jquery. Lint. JsContract. Perfection kills » Javascript quiz. JavaScript RegExp Example: Regular Expression Tester.