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Internet and Civilizationnal changes

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The Server Needs To Die To Save The Internet. O we have the Internet we deserve?

The Server Needs To Die To Save The Internet

There’s an argument to say that yes, we absolutely do. Given web users’ general reluctance to pay for content. We are of course, paying. Just not with cold hard cash, but with our privacy — as digital business models rely on gathering and selling intel on their users to make the money to pay (the investors who paid) for the free service. How Excel is ruining the world. FORTUNE -- Apparently some really smart people have trouble mastering Microsoft Office.

How Excel is ruining the world

Early Wednesday morning, in an e-mail that went out to reporters around 2 A.M., Harvard professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff copped to making an Excel error in their research paper tying high levels of government debt to low levels of growth. The paper, "Growth in Time of Debt," has become a powerful data point for those who argue against government spending even to revive the economy -- Congressman Paul Ryan cited it in his most recent budget -- and is the basis for the two professors' best-selling book This Time is Different.

Related: Latest study doesn't settle the growth and debt debate. Newsring - Faites progresser le débat. The 'Busy' Trap. Anxiety: We worry.

The 'Busy' Trap

A gallery of contributors count the ways. If you live in America in the 21st century you’ve probably had to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. Michel Serres : "Cette campagne présidentielle est une campagne de vieux pépés !" Zettaset raises $3M for the consumerization of big data — Cloud Computing News. Lecture du quotidien sous l’angle de la vitesse et du culte de l’instant – Partie 1. Mardi 8 novembre 2011{par Vincent} Un sentiment éprouvé au quotidien me questionne avec insistance, un sentiment désagréable et envahissant qui s’insinue dans la plupart des strates de nos vies.

lecture du quotidien sous l’angle de la vitesse et du culte de l’instant – Partie 1

Stressés, fatigués, oppressés, bousculés ? 2012 : la bataille du Web. Concentrez-vous ! Faut-il se féliciter que des Anonymous traquent les pédophiles ? Un groupe se revendiquant du mouvement des Anonymous a réalisé, via une action baptisée "DarKnet", une opération de démasquage d'un groupe de 1626 membres du site Hidden Wiki, décrit par Zataz comme "un espace dédié aux documents mettant en scène des enfants lors d'actes sexuels".

Faut-il se féliciter que des Anonymous traquent les pédophiles ?

Selon le site spécialisé dans la sécurité informatique, le groupe d'Anonymous aurait "fait sauter un cercle de pédophiles", et publié la liste des 1 626 membres. "Pseudo, nombres d'images mises en ligne, logs iRC... et beaucoup d'autres données sont dans les mains des Anonymous. Clay Shirky: How social media can make history. Political Sons Launch, A Social Engagement Platform Based On Issues, Not Parties.

In honor of President Obama’s LinkedIn town hall meeting today — and the impending campaign — we bring you a political startup.

Political Sons Launch, A Social Engagement Platform Based On Issues, Not Parties

Defending Freedom in the Digital World. Twitter to be allowed in House of Commons. MPs have voted to allow the use of Twitter during Commons debates after parliamentary authorities moved to ban it in January.

Twitter to be allowed in House of Commons

On Thursday, MPs voted by 206 votes to 63 against a move to block the use of Twitter. Speaking against Twitter, the Conservative MP Sir Alan Haselhurst said he appreciated his position might make him "a leading candidate for the dinosaur of the year award". Luciana Berger, Labour MP for Liverpool Wavertree, spoke in favour of Twitter and said only two countries in Europe currently banned MPs from tweeting during proceedings and the UK should not join them. Those MPs concerned about losing the "decorum" in the chamber, Berger said, should consider those of their colleagues who sometimes have "a little snooze" in the house. The MP for Devizes, Claire Perry, also spoke in favour of allowing the use of Twitter, making an intervention which she asserted to be 138 characters and therefore around the length of a tweet. The V for Vendetta mask: a political sign of the times.

The now emblematic Guy Fawkes mask, made famous by the film V For Vendetta (somewhat based on the graphic novel of the same name by Alan Moore) has surprisingly become a worldwide bestseller.

The V for Vendetta mask: a political sign of the times

More than 100,000 masks a year are now being sold. This number seems destined to keep rising, since the accessory has become the en-vogue revolutionary symbol for the younger generation, perhaps even challenging the previous revolutionary iconography of the famous photograph of Che Guevara by Alberto Korda. The New York Times has already noted the irony: a symbol embraced by anti-establishment activists is, thanks to its popularity, helping to fill the coffers of a large Hollywood corporation. But it is worth noting that the adoption of the mask as a political symbol hints at a more significant change in the way the younger generations view protesting and political dissent.

Anonymous, the hacking collective, is perhaps our best example. - Apprenez à tout réparer. La génération Y : la génération Geek. Online dating is eroding humanity. The internet is changing the way society communicates, processes information and knowledge, and configures its relationship towards authority.

Online dating is eroding humanity

Some of these developments are exciting and challenging, but in one particular sense the internet poses a fundamental challenge to the way humans interact. Worldometers - real time world statistics.

Paul Virilio

Mécanismes NTIC vecteur culture Occidentale. Pierre Bourdieu 1996 La Télévision - une vidéo Actu et Politique. Les nouvelles technologies : révolution culturelle et cognitive. Embrasser la complexité. Pour préparer la 3e édition française de la conférence Lift qui aura lieu du 6 au 8 juillet à Marseille, nous vous proposons de redécouvrir quelques-unes des plus stimulantes présentations qui s'y sont tenues ces dernières années et que nous avons couvertes.Retour sur l'édition 2010 avec les présentations de Manuel Lima, Stefana Broadbent et Ivo Gormley...

Embrasser la complexité

La complexité n'est-elle pas devenue une caractéristique de nos sociétés, plutôt qu'un bug ? Comment pourrions-nous regagner le contrôle de nos flots d'information, de notre temps ? Pouvons-nous aborder la complexité d'une façon plus productive ? Pouvons-nous mieux la comprendre, mieux la maîtriser ? Mon avis sur " Les métamorphoses du calcul" de Gilles Dowek.