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Sexy Shrimp, Anemone Shrimp - Thor amboinensis. Planted Aquarium Tank Portal - Project Aquarium. Aquarium Fish for Sale at


Black Shark Freshwater Shark. Overview The Black Shark, also called the Black Labeo, is uniformly black or dark brown in color.

Black Shark Freshwater Shark

In some countries it is an important food source. The Black Shark is a very active, somewhat aggressive fish that is not suitable for the community aquarium. A large aquarium is necessary for this shark as it may reach two feet in length. The Black Shark is one of the only sharks that should not be kept in a planted aquarium because plants are a large part of its diet. Unfortunately, the breeding habits of Labeo chrysophekadion have not been documented. An omnivore, the Black Shark is not a particularly finicky eater.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1-1/4" to 2-1/2" Aqua Forest Aquarium, ADA USA, Aqua Design Amano. Aquarium Cycling. The process known as cycling is a way of cultivating necessary bacteria in a new aquarium.

Aquarium Cycling

The bacteria are necessary to decompose the waste products produced by fish and other inhabitants in the aquarium. An aquarium will always need a combination of suitable bacteria cultures and frequent water changes to stay clean and provide the fish with a good environment. If you add fish to an improperly cycled aquarium they can quickly fall ill or even die, since their waste products will pollute the water. Some fish are more tolerant to moderate levels of soluble waste than others, but no fish will appreciate an aquarium with high levels of these toxic compounds. The basic cycling method is based on gradually adding fish to the aquarium during a period of several weeks. A new cycling method known as ‘the fishless cycle’ has become very popular in recent years. Another cycling method is the ‘silent cycle’ where you fill the aquarium with densely planted aquatic plants.

Your #1 Stop For All Things Substate and More. The Making of 'Five Stones' Aquascape and Guide to Iwagumi Layout by James Findley. Untitled. Aggieq's Planted Tanks Photo (ID 33347) - Full Version. Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp - Aquarium Supplies, Fish Aquarium Tanks, Fish Supplies, Aquarium Lighting and more! Basics to starting a Planted Tank - The Planted Tank. So you have made the decision to grow live aquatic plants in your Aquarium.

Basics to starting a Planted Tank - The Planted Tank

That is indeed a great decision for 2 reasons... 1) The beauty that live plants provide... 2) And the improved health of an aquarium that the live plants provide with proper care. Not only will you find that your aquarium takes on a more natural look, but you will also find that your fish behave in a more natural manner. At this point I am going to assume that you already have the basics on keeping tropical fish and are adapt to the basics of maintaining an aquarium. What I intend to do here is fill in the blanks to give you the best start to growing beautiful plants for that aquarium. The 3 Keys To Success... Substrates The term Substrate refers to the medium that the plants will root in. The most common mistake made by beginners is to get the cheapest gravel they can find and a month later we ask ourselves why the plants are not growing well. Lighting Nutritional Needs of Plants What do they need? What about CO2? Aquarium Driftwood, Reptile Driftwood, Pet Safe Driftwood, Freshwater Driftwood for Fish and Reptiles.

Aquarium Ideas - Planted aquarium 100x50x50 cm by Adrie Baumann. AquaScaping World Home. Planted Tank Gallery - demonr6. Genuine Aquarium Driftwood. Algae Scraper - Scissors - Tweezers. Burlworks - Individual Aquarium Wood and Driftwood Pieces. Practical Fishkeeping.