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Should Bio-engineered Humans be allowed in Professional Sports? Which other fields/activities may need Segregation? Should building codes require hurricane-resistant structures or mandatory shelters in hurricane prone areas? Think Tank Should c. Should Ender's Game be boycotted by civil activists? But you can download it off the internet and watch it from the comfort of your home.

Should Ender's Game be boycotted by civil activists?

Is it out of fear of legal repercussions that you choose to financially support a company you consider evil? Nope. I'm weird on that. I've done my share of downloading, but I'd rather be legal about it. I only tend to download things difficult to get otherwise. Via netflix, or far better, via an open model of some sort, like youtube, where it's very clear the thing was meant to be shared. Should Educators be allowed to Physically Punish their Pupils?

Because we're more used to verbal abuse and psychological domination than physical pain?

Should Educators be allowed to Physically Punish their Pupils?

Because our brains can compensate psychological threats, but aren't trained on average to deal with physical pain? Because psychological matters are assessed by our rational minds instead of physical matters that can instantly trigger our fight or flight response? Should former Government Servants receive Pensions & Benefits? Should Governments use ratios and quotas in Governance of Ancestral Groups? Is the current Matrix/Scale/Quota system the proble. Should human rights influence international trade policy? While I agree with +Martijn Vos views when he says we should trade with others who have the same standards of--I would have used the word for--labor we have, I have difficulty with the definition for those standards and difficulty with the definition of a functioning democracy.

Should human rights influence international trade policy?

I question if the United States and Europe have the same standards for labor. Europe, I believe, views health care as a right, for everyone. The United States, is polarized on the question whether health care is a right or a privilege. I fear a functioning democracy is in the eyes of the beholder. Given what is happening in the United States with the Citizen's United decision, the polarization of politics and unwillingness of various political groups to compromise, the willingness of some political groups to push the United States government into default if they don't get their way, I question if the United States has, or will have much longer, a functioning democracy.

I believe events are cyclical.

Think Tank Should i

Should laws take population density into account? Interesting idea, but doesn't it require strong density gradients?

Should laws take population density into account?

That is, the population density drops very fast outside the "city walls" as it were. If the density varies only very slowly, then how are you going to define where the limits are? If you have just a few levels of granularity (municipality,country, state) then you will always have people who are put in an unfair situation (urban restrictions in a de facto rural area). Current granularity works, I think, because the boundaries have been pre-arranged by prior consent and don't generally change even if the density does. In certain countries the speed limit on highways can vary depending on weather and traffic density etc -- but even there the limitations have been pre-arranged.

Think Tank Should m

Should Nations be allowed to claim Extraterrestrial Real Estate? I have to agree with others.

Should Nations be allowed to claim Extraterrestrial Real Estate?

Ownership by individuals is fee simple ownership in almost all cases. Fee simple ownership, ownership by individuals, is more a granting of the loan of property, than actual ownership of property. Even in those states or countries where higher authorities give lip service to people having allodial title to property, a higher authority will tax the property, limit what can be done on the property, take the property if such taking suits the higher authority. Should Nelson Mandela be remembered as a Terrorist or a Nobel Peace Laureate? Did his Ends justify his Means?

I think the main difference is whether you're fighting oppression in your own country, or you're killing unrelated people in a foreign country.

Should Nelson Mandela be remembered as a Terrorist or a Nobel Peace Laureate? Did his Ends justify his Means?

Mandela, founding fathers, resistance fighters, etc, were trying to free their own country. Al Qaeda attacked people in a totally different country. But there's a lot of grey area there. Shouldn't our Bodies need most that which we enjoy Ingesting the most? The problem with diet today is the FDA.

Shouldn't our Bodies need most that which we enjoy Ingesting the most?

When they let 78% of the food market use High fructose corn syrup, and the other GMO products it's safe to say that most of the ills of today are caused by diet. I eat a lot of organic stuff. I can say that blood pressure is normal, cholesterol normal, I am diabetic, and my glucose is normal now with no meds. I hate taking meds for anything cause you don't even know what is in those pills these days. My doc is happy, and so am I. As for 2012 Nothing will happen unless that big earthquake happens first in the west, or midwest. Designer children some people are already doing this by choosing the sex of their child. Should Organ Donation be Opt-Out?

Well, organ donation is about to change... the current research is to wash all the cells out of the organ, leaving only the connective tissue scaffolding, then using stem cells teased out of the patients own body, cover the scaffolding with those cells, and make an organ that will be accepted by the body. meaning the numbers and types of harvest-able organs are about to rise dramatically.

Should Organ Donation be Opt-Out?

They will even be able to use nonhuman organs, as long as the sizes and shapes are right ( a pig's heart, for instance is functionally the same as our own) That being said. As always it's one thing to say "you should do this" and quite another to say "you must do this" I think a social stigma would become attached to those who went out of their way to opt out... whereas right now there is a small social reward for those who chose to opt in. I've seen a video on what it means to harvest organs right now. very creepy and ghoulish. Should our Leaders be encouraged to consume Performance Enhancing Drugs?

Think Tank Should p

Think Tank Should t. Should Suicide be illegal? I'm neither a psychologist or psychiatrist, and this is messing with peoples lives.

Should Suicide be illegal?

Who am I to give an opinion on someones decision to suicide? And yet here I am continuing to type. Take everything I say as coming from the uninformed opinionated fool that I am. By all means people who express a desire to kill themselves should immediately get help. Counseling, loved ones contacted? How do you enforce a law about suicide? Should Violent Criminals be allowed back into Society? Should Charles Manson be allowed back into society?

Should Violent Criminals be allowed back into Society?

I don't believe he repents his actions. From what I understand, he never killed anyone.He persuaded others to do the killing for him. Should Voting be Compulsory? If I may, I'd like to spin this in a different direction. *Voting already is compulsory. * The media puts on the president show, but for the most part it's Congress that makes the decisions that most greatly impact the populous. Since Congressional elections are localized, the national media where most people get their information sell more advertisements by focusing on the candidates the citizens of the entire nation cast votes for. Meanwhile, once elected, the Congressional representatives are lobbied/bribed by the corporations in attempt to influence legislation in ways favorable to the corporations. Corporations can afford to lobby based on their success in getting people to pay more for goods and services than it costs to create those goods and services.

The most effective vote an individual has is deciding which corporations to do business with, as this helps determine whether or not that corporation has enough money to influence legislation.

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