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7 Online Collaborative Learning Strategies to Keep Students Engaged While At Home · Eduflow blog. Remote Learning Enablement - Tips for teachers. How to move to online teaching (fast) Updated on March 14, 2020 Note: This is a live post and I will keep updating it with more information and advice.

How to move to online teaching (fast)

Please don’t hesitate to email me with your comments. I will be happy to incorporate them. CS Illustrated: Welcome! CS Unplugged. NéopassSup - Accompagner la pédagogie dans le supérieur. Edupunk Podcast. Why My MOOC is Not Built on Video — Class Central. Editors Note: This is a guest post by Lorena A.

Why My MOOC is Not Built on Video — Class Central

Barba, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at George Washington University. The participants of #NumericalMOOC will have noticed that we made only one video for the course. I thought that maybe I would do a handful more. Gamification: 5 exemples pour transformer vos habitudes. Quand vous étiez petit et que vous jouiez aux jeux vidéo, vous ne restiez pas éveillé pendant des heures à cause de la musique, du graphisme ou de l’histoire.

Gamification: 5 exemples pour transformer vos habitudes

Vous restiez debout parce qu’ils étaient si difficiles que passer un niveau était d’une importance cruciale pour l’enfant de 8 ans que vous étiez. En tant qu’adulte, ces règles simples paraissent toujours vraies: la difficulté ne décourage pas si elle est alimentée par des récompenses. Peu importe si une tâche est difficile, vous pouvez la réussir si vous la conquérez par étapes. La première vidéo Sydospeech est en ligne. Nous avons préféré attendre la fin des Oscars et des Césars pour éviter de faire planer une menace inutile sur le cinéma international mais sachez, Mesdames et Messieurs, que votre patience n’a pas été vaine !

La première vidéo Sydospeech est en ligne

En effet, vous avez dès à présent la possibilité de découvrir ou redécouvrir la prestation de Stéphane Côté lors du Sydospeech du 28 janvier dernier ! Pédagogie et numérique. Reconsidering Rigor in Schools — The Synapse. “There is a momentous, broad-based cultural shift underway that has struck at the roots of every industrialized system of education.

Reconsidering Rigor in Schools — The Synapse

The result is a demand for more personalized learning, brain-friendly environments, less recall and more thoughtful application of knowledge, optimal conditions for eliciting intelligent behaviors, constructivist tools, and respectful, caring relationships that honor the learner.” – Thom Markham. Jeux sérieux gratuits 2. À l'assaut : Selon le principe des livres dont vous êtes le héros, vous tenez le rôle d'un soldat dans les tranchées lors de la Première guerre mondiale.

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Vos choix influeront alors sur votre vie ou votre mort. Une reconstitution cathartique en dessins animés qui touchera les plus jeunes. suiteLe bélier d'Antaka : Par le biais de jeux questionnaires et d'animations, vous irez à la recherche d'un petit jouet créé il y a 22 siècles. De plus, vous en apprendrez davantage sur l'archéologie et les civilisations anciennes. suiteLe code perdu : Ce jeu d'enquête se situe dans 3 lieux historiques du Québec.

Vous devrez fouiller ces lieux pour résoudre des énigmes et obtenir le fameux code perdu. The Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning. Strategies that Work: Take Stock With Exit Slips. 75 Mill Street, Colchester, CT 06415.

Strategies that Work: Take Stock With Exit Slips

Daily Assessment Of Students With Tiered Exit Cards. Feedback Loops in Games – What Makes Monopoly, World of Warcraft, and Mario Kart So Much Fun. Essai de modélisation et de systémisation du concept de Classes inversées. Dans ce Blog, j’ai plusieurs fois documenté la « méthode » des Classes inversées.

Essai de modélisation et de systémisation du concept de Classes inversées

On y trouvera aussi un essai sur le rapport entre le Tsunami des MOOCs et les « renversements » proposés par les Classes inversées . Dans ce nouvel essai, j’essaierai de répondre à celles et ceux qui nous disent régulièrement « Mais, les classes inversées, ça existe depuis longtemps … ». Ma réponse est : Oui, sans aucun doute. Bill Gates on The Verge: Can online classrooms help the developing world catch up? By Adi Robertson We're excited to have Bill Gates as our guest editor in February.

Bill Gates on The Verge: Can online classrooms help the developing world catch up?

Throughout the month, Bill will be sharing his vision of how technology will revolutionize life for the world's poor by 2030 by narrating episodes of the Big Future, our animated explainer series. In addition, we'll be publishing a series of features exploring the improvements in banking, health, farming, and education that will enable that revolution. And while the topics reflect the bets Bill and his wife Melinda are making with their foundation, they've asked us for nothing less than fully independent Verge journalism, which we're more than happy to deliver. Turns out Bill Gates is a pretty confident guy. Nilay Patel, Editor-in-Chief In 2012, a 15-year-old named Battushig Myanganbayar aced a circuits and electronics course designed for sophomores at MIT — from his school in Ulan Bator, Mongolia.

Assessing What Your Students Know, Want to Know, and Learned. Measuring student success is a top priority to ensure the best possible student outcomes.

Assessing What Your Students Know, Want to Know, and Learned

Through the years instructors have implemented new and creative strategies to assess student learning in both traditional and online higher education classrooms. Assessments can range from formative assessments, which monitor student learning with quick, efficient, and frequent checks on learning; to summative assessments, which evaluate student learning with “high stakes” exams, projects, and papers at the end of a unit or term.

One way to measure student learning quickly and efficiently is to use KWLs. Dynamiser vos cours magistraux à l’aide des TRC. Here’s What Will Truly Change Higher Education: Online Degrees That Are Seen as Official. Photo Three years ago, technology was going to transform higher education. Presentation Tips and Resources. The Socratic Method. TraAM 2015 :La Classe Inversée - [Site Economie-Gestion Académie de Lyon] En 2015, l’Académie de Lyon a été retenue pour participer aux Travaux académiques mutualisés TraAM 2014-2015 « Comment passer de la classe traditionnelle à la classe inversée, du face à face traditionnel au côte à côte pour rendre les élèves acteurs ».

Boot camp classes may offer a peek at the future of higher ed. It seemed like a classic utopian vision. Free prestigious university classes delivered online, open to anyone, offering the potential to slay the college debt monster. Instead, so-called Massive Open Online Courses (or MOOCs) proved how little students often learn from online classes. Dropout rates as high as 90 percent were reported, and it seemed that traditional higher ed's stranglehold as the gateway to higher-paying jobs was even tighter. But new models of higher education alternatives are rising from those ashes that really can challenge—or neatly supplement—a college degree. MOOCs have morphed into hybrid programs with a more human touch, and ultrafocused, skills-based training courses in fields like computer programming are proving to be real contenders, offering 90 percent-plus job placement rates.

What you don't get is a huge student loan debt. Minecraft in Education — Why Minecraft Rewrites the Playbook for Learning. Embracing Participatory Culture in Education - Alexey Zagalsky. "It's always about timing. If it's too soon, no one understands. If it's too late, everyone's forgotten. "
