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Crafts and Things to Try

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DIY String Art Tutorial. Our fifth house: {DIY} Chalkboard Wall Calendar - Pinterest Challenge. When these girls...... .....announced it was time for another Pinterest Challenge........ I knew exactly what I wanted to do! As you know I'm working on creating a mudroom out of this hallway. You can read about my plans to make this happen here, but just to jog your memory here's a picture to give you an idea of what I'm working with here.

The closet doors will be coming down, but even still because it is such a narrow hallway I didn't want to put any hooks on the blank wall. I found some great inspiration via Pinterest for wall calendars! This one is from none other than the Queen of Organization herself - Martha Stewart. This one is similar to Martha's, but it's done with chalkboard contact paper/vinyl instead of chalkboard paint. You can find the tutorial for this version here at Momtastic. I liked both of these versions, but I really wanted something BIGGER. Yeah, that's right - it's a whole dang wall y'all! Want to make one? Uh-huh, I busted out the markers and crayons. How To Mix Chalkboard Paint in Any Color. We love using chalkboards as backdrops for displays and parties (like this one here!).

So we were super excited to learn that you can create your own custom colors-and it's really easy! We first learned how from Martha Stewart whose tutorial you can read here. She recommends that you use latex paint, but we tried it out with acrylic paints with much success. Here's how you too can create your own chalkboard paint... Supplies: 1/2 cup acrylic paint (choose any color you like, or mix colors together to make the perfect shade!) 1. 2. Once your chalkboard has fully dried be sure to slate the surface before using it for the first time. Have fun creating any color combination you like!!

Craft / DIY. Put off-duty winter mittens to work as protection for summer shades. | 50 All-Time Favorite New Uses for Old Things. Translating British English to American English - StumbleUpon. Holder for Charging Cell Phone (made from lotion bottle) My husband and I both have cell phones. And both of us have phone chargers. And that means lots of obnoxious cords. You never know when one of us may be moving phone cords around, to give our phones an extra charge while we’re chatting away……… or trying to charge our phones up before running errands or something. Needless to say, those phone cords seem to be everywhere…..and are generally in the way and hanging all over the floor. (Okay, and how about when you’re in a hotel or visiting family/friends.

I was looking around on the internet for a solution and found this. It made the perfect little holder for my cell phone while it’s being charged. And no more phone hanging down from the outlet while in this room or that room……..the cord and phone are now up off the ground, and tucked away into the little holder, while the phone drinks up a full charge. And of course I couldn’t just leave the poor little holder alone……I had to Mod Podge some fabric right onto it for some kick. Related posts:

Giant paper flowers from ruche. You may remember the wedding of our lovely D*S contributor Brittany Watson Jepsen. Her huge paper blooms made such a splash that she started selling them in her shop, and just recently Brittany wrote a great article for Brooklyn Bride about the paper flower trend. I’m thrilled that this is a growing phenomenon; I adore anything made in exaggerated scale, so I feel that the more giant flowers and plants there are in the world, the better. This particular giant-flower DIY project comes from the creative team at Ruche.

They decided to make these giant fantasy flowers for their spring lookbook, which is aptly titled “Enchantment.” Read below for the story of how this project came to be, and find the full tutorial after the jump. Our creative team brainstormed ways to turn our spring lookbook, Enchantment, into a daydream. Read the full how-to after the jump! Materials Instructions Making the stem: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Making the leaves: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Making the flowers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Four Valentine Décor Ideas & Free Printable | Plum Adorable. It’s obvious Jess and I like to decorate as the season’s change. I’ve always enjoyed it, but I’m noticing that my kids look forward to it as well. My 9 year old was asking, not too long into January, if we could put out all of our Valentine’s décor. I made her wait a bit, but we finally got around to doing it. I added a couple of new things this year and below are four ideas to add some ‘love’ to your décor.

Glittered Jars I had so much fun making my Christmas ornaments I decided try it with other jars as well. Fabric Paint On Glass Bottles These are so simple to make. Be Mine & XOXO Blocks I designed this free printable for you to use on your 2 inch blocks. One of the reasons my kids wanted to get the Valentines stuff out right away was because they each have their own little mailbox. I love the printable above. If you would like to download it you can find it at ~Jenny Looking for more ideas... June Crate DIY :: Tara Anderson - Crate Paper. Hi Crate Paper fans! It's Tara here with a crafty DIY Summer project for you! This Summer, I enrolled my little 6 year old, Alaina, in an Art Summer Camp and over the past couple of weeks, she's been bringing home all sorts of paintings and drawings that have taken over the front of the refrigerator!

So, I thought it was time to think of a new display idea for her art and what could be more cute than a petite art gallery display board? With this easy DIY magnetic board and magent project, Aliana's art work now has a space all it's own! The Essentials: CP Chipboard, CP Buttons, CP Brads, CP Paper Scraps, CP Border Stickers, Baking Sheets (Light Weight), Vintage Tart Tins, Magnets, E6000 Glue, Glue Dots, Foam Pop Dots, Paper Flowers, Command Brand Picture Hanging Strips, Spray Paint Start by spray painting your baking sheets. Next, gather the supplies for the magnets. Here's a step-by-step of how I put one of these tart-tin magnets together! Add a small pearl to the top of the brad. 101 Handmade Easter Craft Ideas. These simple handmade Easter tutorials and free printables will make any crafty person’s heart sing with joy!

You don’t need special skills or a bunch of time because these can all be done super fast! Simple and cute…that works for me! You won’t believe how easy your Spring decorating can be with these simple tutorials and creative ideas! There’s a little something for your friends, children, and home on this list and if I started talking about each one this would be a book, not a blog post. So here you go! Have a wonderful time making this your best handmade Easter season ever! Is your project list a page long now??

I’m sure you found a few ideas to help you make your home beautiful and your friends think you’re the craftiest girl they know! If you love creative links, please subscribe to Everything Etsy! Thanks so much for all your tweets, stumbles, Facebook likes and pins on my previous holiday posts! Hooked on Tutorials?? Handmade Easter gifts make people feel special, don’t you think? Elm street life: DIY: Bow clutch sewing tutorial. And fiiiinally... the tutorial you've been waiting for. This is my first real sewing tutorial - which scares me a bit, because I've never actually taken a sewing class, so I don't know all the terminology.

What I do know is that I've learned to sew lots of things by reading tutorials, so hopefully I can make this simple enough that even you beginners can feel confident making a bag. And yes, a bag with a zipper! It can be done, I promise.There are plenty of photos, so hopefully that will help. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section and I'll be happy to clarify. **Also, please note except where I say, "Sew close to the edge," I am using a 1/2" seam allowance throughout. Ok, let's get started! 1. 2. 3. 4. Sometimes, at the end of this step, if my strap doesn't feel sturdy enough, I'll cut a thin strip of interfacing and tuck it inside the crease before sewing. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

WHEW! Konstantin Datz Cocktail Poster Illustrations. Untitled. Stenciled Pillows {tutorial} -- New Martha Stewart Decorative Paint Line. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered wpgb_shadowed"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><img class="enable-pib-img-under" src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon" data-recalc-dims="1"/></div>Thanks for coming by! I try to feature a new creative tutorial every day -- and I'd love to have you follow along: <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to my email updates</strong></a> or <a href=" rel="nofollow">come follow along on Facebook</a>.

<div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> Last week I came home to a big box of craftiness!! For one thing, the colors of this line are beautiful — 160 colors to choose from, in all sorts of finishes: Glitter, Pearl, Satin and High Gloss!! I love this idea — there are special applicator tops that convert paint bottles into tools!!

{What??? I can’t tell you how excited I am about this. Xoxo. Easy and beautiful, enamel-painted vases. January 11, 2011 | Be Inspired | Projects | The Sweetest | Comments Enamel painted vases – I’m in love! If you like to paint, I have a really fun project to share today! My inspiration for these easy DIY enamel painted vases came from a restaurant in Sonoma called El Dorado Kitchen. I’ve always loved the fresh, modern design of the lobby and the eye-catching green and white enamel painted vases that are displayed on white shelves. I decided to make my own cost-friendly version of this design, which included a quick Martha Stewart tutorial and a trip to the Dollar Store, where I picked up these three vases. Supplies: Three different sized vases from the Dollar Store (here,here and here), dishwasher safe PermEnamel paint in Mediterranean Blue and White (or whatever color you prefer), PermEnamel Surface Conditioner from Michaels Arts and Crafts store, paper towels, paint brush and a mixing bowl.

Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Remember these beautiful enamel-painted vases are only for DECOR. DIY: Stencil Pillow. January 16th, 2012 Have you tried fabric markers yet? I finally got around to it, and they work great. Paired with a stencil you can use them to stencil your favorite quote on a tea towel, apron, t-shirt, table runner, pillow cover, place mat, cloth napkin, old pair of blue jeans—anything you can think of! {*style:<i><b>Supplies: </b></i>*}fabric item you want to stencil on some cardboard a pencil a letter stencil (I have this one. ) a fabric marker (I loved my black Sharpie fabric marker!) After choosing your quote, wrap your fabric over the cardboard to keep the marker from bleeding through and to keep the fabric stretched out smooth. Use a pencil to stencil your quote onto the fabric. Once you’ve penciled everything in, go at it with your fabric marker! The Sharpie fabric marker packaging didn’t say anything about heat setting the ink, but I will probably press my fabric before I wash it, just to be safe.

T-shirt shag rug tutorial. Bits Of Everything: Wall Picture Collage. I have been wanting to hang something on the wall in my kitchen ever since we moved in. Between Emily and I, we finally dreamed up this Wall Picture Collage after looking at lots of other people’s photo collages- and I love the way it turned out. Here are all the things that I bought. (all found at walmart) This entire project was under $20. My kind of project! *pictures you want to use (I had free prints from Costco) * 2 20×30 foam core boards (I got two black ones $2.88 each) *poster hanger thingies ($2.44) *foam brushes ($.97) *double sided tape ($3) *mod podge (I already had some) This shows you how thick the foam core board is.. First I drew out a plan.. Then I cut some computer paper first, and made sure it would work before I cut up my pictures.

Then I went to work cutting my 4×6 pictures into 4 inch squares. I then laid them all out on the floor in the order that I wanted them, and then taped them down with double sided tape. Then I took it in the kitchen and painted mod podge all over it. 50 Fun and Cheap Date Ideas! Join us on Facebook and Twitter for our latest recipes and projects! I never knew how difficult it would be to go on dates with my husband once we had a kid! We are lucky to get in a date every month or two! We decided that we would try to have a date night at least twice a month. Since it can be hard to find a sitter, I decided to compile a list of dates you can plan and do at home as well as out on the town, without breaking the bank! We've done a lot of these dates and have had a blast! I'm sure you will too! 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 11. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 23. 24. 25. 27. 28. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 38. 39. 20 questions. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Craft Of The Day: Frosted Wine Bottles Using Salt. Paper Lanterns. Sweet DIY Votives. Here’s what you’ll need: 1. Measure the height and circumference of your jar, and cut strips of fabric to roughly fit (approx. 1cm wide – doesn’t have to be perfect). 2. In your small cup, pour in some glue and dilute it with a bit of water (about 1:2), mix well. It should be the consistency of slightly thicker water.. yes, I know I’m being vague but it shouldn’t make much difference to the end result. 3. Submerge your first strip of fabric in the glue. Once soaked, lightly run your thumb and forefinger down the strip to get rid of any excess glue. 4. Note: – I find that it’s ok to have fabric going above the top of your jar because it can be easily cut off after it’s dried. – I don’t mind the look of the overlapping lines of fabric once the candle is lit, but if you do try not to overlap the strips in the gluing process. ** Please only use only battery operated tea-lights (not real candles).

Thank you, your sign-up request was successful! Please provide a valid email address. Oops. 10 Upcycled T-Shirt Projects. Whether you just cleaned out your closet or totally cleaned up at the thrift store, it's pretty easy to accumulate a bunch of old t-shirts with very little environmental impact. Some of those old t-shirts can be cute and campy to wear, but what about the ones that are just dated or maybe even have some stains or holes in them? Never fear! There are lots of fun ways you can repurpose old t-shirts. Check it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I bet that there are a million other fun ways that you can refashion a t-shirt to make it cute and useful again.

The Painted Hive: MAGIC Decal Transfer Tutorial with Free Printables! Pigment Tutorial Part 1 « Nevertoomuchglitter’s Weblog. Untitled. Mini Crepe Paper Flower Favors DIY. Simple Projects Week: Bows! Playing Cards Love Book | Creation | Cut Out. Lemon Sugar Scrub. How to make decorative thumbtacks. 25 clever ideas to make life easier. Hemp pendant lamps. Homemade Essential Oil Air Fresheners. Most Popular Repurposing Tricks of 2011 - StumbleUpon.

Rope Vases.