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Jamestown Settlement. At Jamestown Settlement, prepare to embark on a journey to 17th-century Virginia.

Jamestown Settlement

The world of America’s first permanent English colony, founded in 1607 – 13 years before the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, comes to life through film, gallery exhibits and outdoor living history. Expansive gallery exhibits and an introductory film describe the cultures of the Powhatan Indians, Europeans and Africans who converged in 1600s Virginia and trace Jamestown’s beginnings in England and the first century of the Virginia colony. Outdoors, board replicas of the three ships that sailed from England to Virginia in 1607, and explore life-size re-creations of the colonists' fort and a Powhatan village. In the outdoor areas, costumed historical interpreters describe and demonstrate daily life in the early 17th century. The Thirteen Colonies - American Revolution. British citizens settled the colonies in North America for the most part.

The Thirteen Colonies - American Revolution

The first colony, at Roanoke, was a mysterious failure. The first successful colony was at Jamestown, Virginia. By 1700 there were the thirteen colonies which became The United States and British possessions in Canada. The 13 colonies were inhabited by 250,000 people who considered themselves English. The free men considered themselves entitled to an Englishman's rights. The First Thanksgiving. Jamestown Adventure. In 1606, some 105 adventurers set off from England to try and establish the first permanent English colony in the New World.

Jamestown Adventure

They settled in what is now the state of Virginia and called their colony first James Fort, and then James Towne, in honor of James I, the King of England. The early years of the colony were nearly a total disaster. Almost half of the settlers died due to poor choices in settlement location, management of resources, and quarrels with the indigenous Powhatan Indians. You are the Captain of the Jamestown Colony: Can you do any better than the real colonists? Benjamin Franklin Info.