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Studies In The Scriptures (KJB) – Soul’s Salvation – Super Natural Resources. Central Resource Tree Link Studies In The Scriptures (KJB) (Videos) Sincerely Dead - brother Aaron Earnest - June 22, 2019 Angels Of Lie-ght Sermon - Brother Aaron Peace - Be Still (Combined; Missing Large Portion, See Powerpoint Link) - brother Aaron Earnest.

Studies In The Scriptures (KJB) – Soul’s Salvation – Super Natural Resources

Inspired & Preserved Word Of God – The King James Bible; Psalms 12:6-7 (KJB) – Super Natural Resources. Created With Purpose – Creation To Redemption (History) – Super Natural Resources. Central Resource Tree Link Creation, History & Archaeology (Videos) Biblical History Topics - All 4 Videos - Don Patton The Co-existence of Man & Dragons (Dinosaurs) - All 4 Videos - Don Patton Dealing With Racism - Pastor Kili Silafau - 05-13-2020.

Created With Purpose – Creation To Redemption (History) – Super Natural Resources

Amazing Facts > Bible Study > Free Book Library. Absent From The Body. Introduction Clergy and laity alike have often stumbled over some of the writings of Paul the Apostle.

Absent From The Body

Scattered among the letters which he addressed to the churches are a few verses that almost seem to contradict what he wrote in other epistles. At least they have been interpreted as contradictions. Alone In The Crowd. Alone in the Crowd Recently I discovered some very interesting things about a little sea creature that rates rather low on the Biblical scale.

Alone In The Crowd

The unclean shrimp has a most marvelous manner of changing clothes six or eight times a year through a process called molting. Apparently a new suit begins to grow underneath the old skin. Amazing Wonders of Creation. God's Handiwork In spite of being marred by transgression, nature still bears an eloquent testimony to the love and power of a Divine Creator.

Amazing Wonders of Creation

After resting under the heavy curses of sin for almost 6,000 years, the incredible beauty of God's handiwork continues to amaze and enthrall. When we thank God for our blessings, we should never forget to mention these incomparable natural wonders that add so much meaning to every moment of our lives. What would this planet be like without its restful carpet of living green grass and foliage?

God did not have to clothe the ugly, bare soil with such a covering. America & the Ten Commandments. Introduction In July 2001, Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, in the cover of night, placed in the middle of a public courthouse foyer a two-ton granite display that ignited a firestorm consuming American politics and the national media for months.

America & the Ten Commandments

Lawsuits were filed, protests on both sides were organized, and the battle over this country’s destiny began. Anything But Secret. God's Warning In the early 1500s, the Aztec empire was one of the most powerful and sophisticated civilizations in the western hemisphere.

Anything But Secret

However, within one year's time this mighty nation of over 2 million people was conquered and enslaved by just 600 men. How did it happen? Armageddon. The signing of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty on March 26, 1979, marked an emotional moment in the history of the Middle East.


After years of bitter animosity punctuated by military conflict, an Arab nation and a Jewish nation embraced each other with promises of peace. What did it signify for the little pocket of Zionism whose struggles for survival have drawn United States approval and support? Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, before his death, was unable to provide the security and permanent peace which has eluded Israel since the days of Abraham. Assurance: Justification Made Simple. Introduction "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

Assurance: Justification Made Simple

"—Romans 3:28 An Amazing Fact: Abraham Lincoln didn’t live long enough to witness the official end of the Civil War, but he was able to give the famous Emancipation Proclamation—freeing every slave in America. One day, a former slave living in Washington, D.C., who had escaped from the South during the war, approached Lincoln.

He took some money from his pocket and offered it to the president. Baptism - Is it Really Necessary? Introduction Suppose you could survey the people who live in the hundred homes nearest to your own house on the subject of Christian baptism.

Baptism - Is it Really Necessary?

What kind of answer would you get in response to this question: “How should a person be baptized in order to meet the Bible requirements of salvation?” It is likely that you would get a dozen different answers, and possibly even a hundred. Some would say that they don’t believe it is necessary to be baptized at all to be saved. Others would answer that true baptism is to go forward three times completely under the water.

One man in Hollywood, California, insisted on being immersed in a huge tank full of rose petals. Baptized Paganism. So new to the world, so unaware of the danger, the tiny newborn is secure, nestled in the warm cradle of his mother's arms. Yet now he senses a strange tenseness in her body. Tightly, ever so tightly she clasps him to her breast as they approach the sacred grounds. He has never heard the rumble of so many voices or the mystical sounds of the chants. His mother's arms have begun trembling and drops of tears mixed with sweat are dampening the swaddling cloth that covers him. Blood Behind the Veil. Introduction Although the book of Hebrews has been greatly ignored by Christian scholars and laymen alike, it contains some of the most important, basic doctrines in the Bible.

Spiritual subjects that are scarcely mentioned by other writers have been fully explained by the author of Hebrews. Perhaps the reason for its general neglect is twofold. First, it leans very heavily upon Old Testament imagery and typology. Many modem Christians seem to feel that it doesn’t fit in with the tone of gospel freedom enunciated in Paul’s other epistles. Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost? Introduction The power of choice is a wonderful gift from God. Yet there is one choice God never allowed man to exercise. No one can choose whether or not to be born with a sinful nature. Christ's Human Nature. The most dangerous counterfeit is the one that most nearly resembles the true. This is why religious counterfeits are so deadly and are often tolerated rather than identified and exposed.

Christians in general are afraid that they will be misunderstood if they attack something that looks so much like the finest thing in religion. Colorful Cosmetics and Jewelry. One of the most frequent and mistaken complaints that people make against religion is that it is too restrictive. In this permissive age, when all the emphasis seems to be upon “doing your own thing,” an unreasonable attitude of self-will has developed. This attitude has even intruded into religion. Church members and non-members seem to be in quest of the same thing: a religion that does not interfere with personal rights and freedom. Suspicion is aroused instantly against any doctrine that demands the “giving up” of anything. As this liberal spirit has grown stronger, many church members have turned more and more critical of the high spiritual standards upheld by the church.

Compromise Conformity and Courage. An Amazing Fact. Culture And The Christian. We hear a lot these days about vanishing species in the physical world of nature. Some creatures have almost become extinct as their breeding habitats have been invaded and destroyed by advancing “civilization.” Death in the Kitchen. Health – A Prime Interest. Deathwatch in Siberia. “You must prove what you say!” Determining the Will of God. Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law? Down From His Glory. Christ’s Perfect Obedience. Feast Days and Sabbaths. From Stress to Joy. How would you like a vacation on a palm-fringed tropical island right now?

Would it remove your stress? God's Role for Women in Ministry. God's Role for Women in Ministry After reviewing hundreds of applications, a Fortune 500 company’s search for a new marketing director had been narrowed to just three candidates. Heaven: Is It for Real? Hell-Fire: A Twisted Truth Untangled. Hidden Eyes and Closed Ears. Hogs And Other Hazards. How Evolution Flunked Science Test. Is It a Sin to Be Tempted? Is It Easier to Be Saved or Lost? Is it Possible to Live Without Sinning? Is Sunday Really Sacred? Jewelry: How Much Is Too Much. Life in the Spirit. Man's Flicker or God's Flame. Pending - Your Case in Court. Point of No Return. Remember Lot's Wife. Rendezvous in Space. Riches of Grace. Satan in Chains. Satan's Confusing Counterfeits. Spirits of the Dead. Spiritual Israel. Teach Us to Pray. The Abomination of Desolation. The Armor of God.

The Beast, The Dragon and The Woman. The Beast: Who Will Worship It? The Brook Dried Up. The Christian and Alcohol. The Drummer Boy's Prayer. The Faithful Witness. The Final Verdict. The High Cost of the Cross. The Last Night On Earth. The Name of God. The Power of a Positive NO. The Rich Man and Lazarus. The Scarlet Woman. The Search for the True Church. The Secret Rapture. The Sign of Jonah. The Surrender of Self. The Trinity. The Two Witnesses. The Ultimate Resource. Thieves in the Church. Three Days and Three Nights. Three Steps to Heaven. Tips For Resisting Temptation. Understanding Tongues. Who Is Michael The Archangel? Who Will Sing the Song? The 144000 of Revelation 14. Why God Said Remember. Why the Old Covenant Failed.