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Virtual research communities. Virtual research communities (VRCs) are groups of like-minded individuals organised by discipline or computational model.

Virtual research communities

VRCs typically have an established presence in their field (for example an ESFRI project, EIROFORUM laboratory or national research structure) and represent a well-defined scientific or research community. VRCs are self-organised research communities which give individuals within their community a clear mandate to represent the interests of their research field within the EGI ecosystem. They can include one or more virtual organisations and act as the main communication channel between the researchers they represent and EGI.

EGI establishes partnerships with individual VRCs through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Following the accreditation process and final agreement, VRCs can access the computing resources and data storage provided by the EGI community through open source software solutions. The duality of pedagogy for iTEC - Forum. GRID - Forum. QuotesI am struck by the increased emphasis on applications---50% more pages and 4 times the number of chapters---than in the first edition.

GRID - Forum

There is also more material on developing standards, policy, and management. These are true signs of a maturing technology. I hold firm that the Grid will have significant impact on more aspects and segments of IT than the designers originally conceived. The rich experiences in this book will convince the reader as well —Shane Robison, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy & Technology Officer, Hewlett-Packard. Subversion Binary Packages. The Apache Subversion project does not officially endorse or maintain any binary packages of the Subversion software.

Subversion Binary Packages

However, volunteers have created binary packages for different distributions and platforms, and as a convenience, we maintain a list of links to them here. If there are any problems with or questions about the different binary packages please send email to the Subversion users mailing list. Note that binary packages usually come out about a week after the corresponding source release. Please don't post to the mailing lists asking when a binary package for a given platform will be ready.

The packagers already know when new source releases come out, and work as fast as they can to make binaries available. This Site is Gridiculous. Interface Studies. [hal-00593083, version 1] Embedding Design Patterns in a Methodology for a Design Science of e-Learning.   Ubiquitous Learning. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal sets out to define an emerging field.

  Ubiquitous Learning

Ubiquitous learning is a new educational paradigm made possible in part by the affordances of digital media. Ubiquitous Learning is a counterpart to the concept ‘ubiquitous computing’, but one which seeks to put the needs and dynamics of learning ahead of the technologies that may support learning. The arrival of new technologies does not mean that learning has to change. Learning should only change for learning’s sake. 960 Grid System. DGS. After setting up your environemnt corresponding to your operating system, make sure you create a subfolder Service in your service's AppData folder.


This folder is created automatically if the installation is done using the installer files. When deploying manual, this folder has to be created by hand. If you are using any Internet Information Services (IIS) earier than version 7.0 you must change the Web.config file. The default settings are: IIS 6 however requires the corresponding module to be added within the system.web section instead as shown below. DGS. WebComposition/DGS The WebComposition/DGS is the first element of the fourth generation of the WebComposition approach.


This approach was first introduced at the WWW6 conference in 1997 as an object-oriented approach for Web Engineering. Today, the WebComposition approach abstracts the development and evolution of Web-based solutions by composing Web components – i.e. a Web-based solution is seen as set of Web components. These components address different perspectives of an application, i.e. content-perspective (aspects related to data and semantics), UIXperspective (aspects related to the user interface experience), and DSA-perspective (aspects related to distributed system and architecture behavior). As such the WebComposition approach extremely focuses on reuse, by taking two concepts of reuse of components of different perspectives into account:

TERENA. Activities> Tf-emc2. TF-EMC2, the TERENA Task Force on European Middleware Coordination and Collaboration, started its mandate in September 2004.

Activities> Tf-emc2

Over the years TF-EMC2 has given birth to several activities, such as SCHAC, REFEDs, TACAR and so on. All these activities are still coordinated within the task force, although they have an autonomous life. Secretarial support for this task force is provided by TERENA with funding from the GN3 project. In 2010, the mandate of the TF-EMC2 was renewed by the TERENA Technical Committee for another two-year period. Library Widgets. Here’s a look at the space immediately behind my cup of redbush: Core Technologies: Groovy and Grails!

Library Widgets

Grails is a modern open source full-stack web application framework for the Java platform. It employs a DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and ‘convention over configuration’ approach to reduce complexity; very quickly allowing you to get on with iterative agile development. Furthermore, it allows you to take advantage of the following best-of-breed technologies without necessarilly needing to be an expert in them: Spring, Hibernate (Object Relational Mapping), SiteMesh (view templating/decoration), jUnit (testing), log4j (logging), etc.

The Groovy programming language is used, though you can always mix in Java, because it integrates seamlessly. Web 2.0, Mobile, and Middleware. Merry Christmas and sorry for not posting in a few days.

Web 2.0, Mobile, and Middleware

I was trying to meet the deadline for getting the updates for my book to the publisher and Geoff and I had to pull a couple of all nighters. The title of the book is Persistence in the Enterprise and it should be released soon. I also just published an article on using the EJB 3 FP for WebSphere . I wanted to post on this a few days back. Middleware Magic. René van Wijk In this post we show a step-by-step example of how to set-up a high available tuned Java EE environment. We start with installing a Java Virtual Machine (in this case HotSpot) and JBoss Application Server. We continue with configuring a standalone server, tune the operating system and the Java Virtual Machine. Street Life in London. Page contents > John Thomson | PDF version | Images | Historypin Street Life in London, published in 1876-7, consists of a series of articles by the radical journalist Adolphe Smith and the photographer John Thomson.

Street Life in London

The pieces are short but full of detail, based on interviews with a range of men and women who eked out a precarious and marginal existence working on the streets of London, including flower-sellers, chimney-sweeps, shoe-blacks, chair-caners, musicians, dustmen and locksmiths. The subject matter of Street Life was not new – the second half of the 19th century saw an increasing interest in urban poverty and social conditions – but the unique selling point of Street Life was a series of photographs ‘taken from life’ by Thomson. The authors felt at the time that the images lent authenticity to the text, and their book is now regarded as a key work in the history of documentary photography.

John Thomson. European Policy Management Authority for Grid Authentication. Curl and libcurl. GridSite. gLite - Introduction. Download - UNICORE 6. UNICORE 6 is the latest Web Services-based, OGSA-compliant version of the UNICORE Grid middleware. Feedback We are always interested in your feedback, i.e. where and in which context UNICORE is used. We would very much appreciate if you send a short email to stating the name of your institution, your country and in which context UNICORE is going to be used. In case you have direct questions related to the UNICORE software, please use the UNICORE support mailing list on SourceForge

Server Packages If you want to use the minimal set of UNICORE components, download the Core Server bundle and install it. Details Download Core server bundle The core server bundle contains the core server-side components (Gateway, Registry, UNICORE/X, TSI, XUUDB) including installer tools, to get a UNICORE site up and running quickly. Details Download Workflow system Bundle. ICTP - 3D Printing at ICTP. Architecture. Gridge - Introduction. 3D Printer - Exploring the world of 3D printing. Prototype Today. Is 3D Printing Overrated? Not at All, Says GE's Jeffrey Immelt - Derek Thompson.

3D printing is "worth my time, attention, money, and effort," Jeffrey Immelt, chief executive of GE, said at an Atlantic conference today on the future of manufacturing in Washington, D.C. Also known as "additive manufacturing," 3D printing involves a machine using a digital model to design a solid, complex product from various materials, from a simple sculpture, to a shoe, to -- perhaps?

-- an airplane turbine. Immelt said he understood the difference between "a cartoon" and an idea that's "worth spending a lot of time on": and that 3D printing clearly fits in the latter category. "3-D printing helps you make the product from the core up so you have less waste," he told Greg Ip, economics editor of The Economist. "The tool is cheaper, the time is faster. He predicted that manufacturing employment would rise, not only in nominal terms, but also, perhaps, as a share of the economy.

Home. Conference and Expo for Additive Manufacturing Professionals. Will guns doom 3-D printing? 3D Surface Texturing Technology Using Ultrashort Pulsed Lasers. By Max Groenendijk Ultrashort pulsed lasers have proven to be excellent tools to fabricate micro and nanotextured surfaces. These surfaces have a high potential for several applications where the tiny surface textures can improve or add a specific functional property. It was at ICALEO® 2006 that we first demonstrated a super hydrophobic surface obtained by texturing using a femtosecond pulsed laser. However, the capabilities were limited to small and flat surfaces. In order to be able to introduce this technology in industrial applications Lightmotif developed a 3D capable machine. Functional surfaces are a hot topic.

LME - LME by LIA's Lasers for Manufacturing Event - Laser Institute of America. Embody 3D - Industrial Design Blog. InterPRO – Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping. Thing of the Week: 3D printed camera gadgets. Last week’s Thing of the Week was dedicated to pictures, things to enhance photos. This week I’m going to highlight a few printable things that will help you shoot more captivating photos and record more compelling videos without breaking the bank.

Camera Quick Release by DerekMellott This is pretty self explanatory. Cameras can be quickly mounted and removed from any equipment, such as a panning rig. The Google of digital 3D objects. Think of some specific object, like the bolt lock on your door, the valve on your lemonade dispenser, a knob from your stove, one of those corner pieces that hold your cubicle together — anything.

First fully 3D printed gun successfully fires its first shot. Cody Wilson’s first 3D-printed gun, the “Liberator.” 3D Printing. We absolutely must leave room for doubt or there. Grid and design philosophy. The Use of Grids in Website Design. When creating a website one of the most important things to get right is the layout, the UI – user interface as you would call it, is something that is crucial to conveying the information and point of your website. Text Proportion Utility. GraphicDesignTips. Graphic Design >> A Brief History of Grids. Modular Grid Pattern. Videos. 3D Printing. A New Mindset in Product Design. A New Mindset in Product Design: 3D Printing. Grid and Design Philosophy. Grid and Design PhilosophyJosef Müller-Brockmann This image was chosen, because it references the statement that exhibition designers and photographers employ a grid system in their displays. Golden Grid System. The Grid System.

Digitisation and Content. Aims of the Content and Digitisation programme. Gridface. Grid Computing Info Centre (GRID Infoware) The Leading Grid Cast Site on the Net. GridPP news » In the beginning. GridPP has been very active in supporting many disciplines in the last decade. However, only in the last couple of years has it been collaborating with social science researchers. Now the National e-Infrastructure for Social Simulation (NeISS) project is attempting to develop e-Infrastructure to support their work and GridPP is helping them to get up and running.

The work is going well and the team presented it at the UK eScience All Hands Meeting (AHM) in York today. Post-World War II manufacturing brought to life. Manufacturing Pasts, a project led by the University of Leicester and funded by Jisc, today releases over 1,700 historical sources for learning and teaching. ICTP - International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Smart GWT Showcase. The world's grids - Gridcafe. E-ScienceCity. GridPP - UK Computing for Particle Physics.

GridPP - UK Computing for Particle Physics. Company News - 3D Printing Systems and Technologies - nScrypt. 3D Printing. Central Michigan University. 3D-Printing-infographics.jpg (800×2808) 3D Printing Industry - Latest news, insight articles and videos. Filming a 3D Printing Revolution. 3D Atölyesi. 3D-Software Comparison: Best 3D Software and 3D Design Programs.

What is 3D Printing? 3D-Printing Comparison: Top 3D-Printing Services and Companies. From dot matrix to the starting grid: Racing car designed purely by 3D printing can go from 0 to 60mph in just four seconds. Printing Grids in 3D. Are 2D Product Comparison Grids Useful for 3D Printers? Tiny Nanosponges Fight Bacteria and Venom. Carpal Skin - Neri Oxman. Overcoming Shortages of Critical Materials By Substitution. C Open Source Software. ABC Services - Second Life. Fun with the grid. Welcome To The Grid On Tryscience - THINK TANK. VT Scientific Discipline Classification - EGIWiki. VT Scientific Discipline Classification Tasks - EGIWiki. EGI Scientific Disciplines. KITCS/FTRA Journal of Convergence- Home. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences - a SpringerOpen journal. HCIS. The 2012 FTRA International Workshop on Human centric computing, P2P, Grid and Cloud computing (HPGC-12)