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Onformative – work. ISS Virtual Tour 0.8. Morena - ✞ЯфPKiLLΔℤ (unofficial music video. Outerra. Reaction: Alex Woo ~ Story is King | Baoman. Alex Woo is a story artist at Pixar Animation Studios. He is originally from Hong Kong and studied film at NYU. He gave a talk on ‘Story is King’ on 4 January at 633 King’s Road, sponsored by the the HKPolyU M-Lab and HKCommons, an incubator company running a few share office sites in Hong Kong. The event was originally to be held at HKPolyU but massive over-subscription had it moved to the Island Evangelical Church at 633 King Street in Quarry Bay.

Holding it at a ‘church’ seems to have gotten up the nose of some of the black-clad budding film writers in the audience. The room and set-up were good, lots of food and beer (even in church it seems here in Hong Kong this is fine) and Alex launched into his talk. I twitted throughout the talk with my new iPhone 4S and tagged them all as #HKcommons. I’ll reproduce those tweets here as I tweeted them and add some explanation: what is king? Art direction special fx acting … All are secondary to STORY Making this point more emphatically. Gaming. The_dimka: codex seraphinianus. In the late 70s italian architect, illustrator and industrial designer luigi serafini made a book, an encyclopedia of unknown, parallel world. it’s about 360-380 pages. it is written in an unknown language, using an unknown alphabet. it took him 30 month to complete that masterpiece that many might call “the strangest book on earth”. codex seraphinianus is divided to 11 chapters and two parts - first one is about nature and the second one is about people.btw five hundred years ago there was another book somewhat like that - voynich manuscript. take a look at some pages (click on image to see a bigger version) amazon sells those for 500 bucks or more you can read about it in wikipedia.i can’t even tell you how much i like stuff like that phat a?

Update 2 i ordered the book and it arrived. it is gigantic in size, thick and large. print, paper and binding quality is superb. they also insert a booklet - decodex, but it is in italian and i have not mastered that one yet. The Making of a Cover: Photographer & Illustrator. Welcome to the most in-depth, behind-the-scenes, play-by-play account of how a cover is born, from the point of view of the Art Department. We’re charting the conception and birth of the Shadowdance series by David Dalglish. So far we have talked about the first real step of a book, Acquisition, and then what goes into Cover Briefing. Then we let our minds wander and collect inspiration and form Directions for the cover. After a period of brainstorming, it’s time to pick how the art is going to be made, and contact a Photographer and/or Illustrator. I’m going to let Kirk Benshoff, who was also working on the Art Direction, and would ultimately do the Cover Design, to take it from here: As I was reading over the cover briefing form in the launch meeting and listing to Devi talk about the Shadowdance series, my mind immediately went to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

I did do some research looking for illustrators as well, to show different directions. Back to Kirk: Animal Sculptures Made Of Old Tires | Animal Pics - Exotic and Rare Animals. Posted by Mick on Sep 5, 2012 in Exotic Pets | 2 comments Korean artist Yong Ho Ji uses old tires to turn them into works of art. Sculptures of animals, people and strange creatures, half-human-poluzverey is truly impressive. Yong Ho Ji received a Master of Fine Arts in 2008 from the University of New York. He also received a bachelor’s degree in sculpture at Hongik University, Seoul, in 2005. Gee held solo exhibitions and participated in exhibitions with other artists. Now you can see his work at the International Foundation for Contemporary Art, the Museum of the 21st Century, West Gallery and the Museum of Art in Seoul.

Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas, original design by Stamen, press any key to s. Martin Klimas Photography. Silk — Interactive generative art. JeanYves Lemoigne photographer. Claude Parent. 62 Incredible and Breathtaking Video Game Wallpapers. Videogames are one of the most popular forms of media today, because they allow interaction between the user and the virtual environment. Combined with the power of computer graphics, there are limitless possibilities for the creativity of videogames. There are role playing games, first person shooters, adventure games, flight simulators, movie to videogame adaptations, real time strategy, turn based, and a host of other forms of videogames. Videogame topics include everything from sports, to futuristic sci-fi battles, to historical battles between ancient kingdoms.

In many ways, videogames echo human passions, our primal selves, and express all the ways humans wish they could be free from the mechanistic society that has developed. Today, we’ve got a roundup of 62 incredible, breathtaking, gorgeous, inspirational and creative videogame wallpapers. Each of these wallpapers captures the essence of the specific game, and drives you to want to seek out the game and try it.

Robotic. The Best Tools for Visualization. Visualization is a technique to graphically represent sets of data. When data is large or abstract, visualization can help make the data easier to read or understand. There are visualization tools for search, music, networks, online communities, and almost anything else you can think of. Whether you want a desktop application or a web-based tool, there are many specific tools are available on the web that let you visualize all kinds of data.

Here are some of the best: Visualize Social Networks Last.Forward: Thanks to's new widget gallery, you can now explore a wide selection of extras to extend your experience. The gallery hosts widgets for your desktop, for the web, for social networks, and much more. Last Forward Friends Sociomap: Friends Sociomap is another tools that generates a map of the music compatibility between you and your friends. Fidg't: Fidg't is a desktop application that gives you a way to view your networks tagging habits. Fidg't YouTube: Data. NOTCOT.ORG. Human Anatomy for the Artist. Now that we've covered the skeletal foundation of the lower leg, we're free to move on to its musculature with reckless abandon. First, some general information: Muscles in the lower leg (and in all limb sections) are grouped into compartments, each separated from one another by an enclosing layer of fascia.

Within each compartment is a specific muscle group. Muscles compartments are typically named by location (anterior, posterior, medial, lateral, etc.) while muscle groups are named for their function (adductors, flexors, extensors, etc.) It makes sense that muscles within the same functional group fall within the same physical compartment because muscles would have to have similar origins and insertions (and thus similar locations) to have similar functions. The lower leg has three muscle compartments-- the anterior, the posterior, and the lateral. Today we'll be discussing the anterior compartment of the lower leg, but only its muscles that actually appear on the lower leg. The 22 rules of storytelling, according to Pixar. - filmy które warto zobaczyć historia sztuki 2. Can you imagine free web hosting service that has 99.9% uptime? Too good to be true? No more! has made the revolution, forget the stereotype that free hosting is unreliable.. Here is the proof: uptime stats of 20 servers. We beat your paid hosting provider! 1500 MB disk space, 100 GB data transfer! Our free hosting service is supercharged with over 60 features, just like paid hosting. Need unlimited premium hosting that is really UNLIMITED? Signup with - unlimited disk space, unlimited data transfer, host unlimited domains for just $4.84 1500 MB Disk Space, 100 GB Data Transfer Every account receives 1500MB space and a whopping 100GB bandwidth, made possible by the unmetered connections our servers utilise.

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Première épreuve : une esquisse peinte à l'huile sur toile, de 32.5 cm par 40.5 cm, dont le sujet, toujours d'histoire, biblique ou mythologique, est annoncé par un professeur qui supervise l'épreuve. Les concurrents sont enfermés douze heures durant dans un atelier de l'école qu'ils ne peuvent quitter avant d'avoir terminé l'épreuve. Le jury qui se compose de professeurs et de membres de l'Académie donne le résultat quelques jours plus tard.

Les esquisses gagnantes sont enfermées à clé, pour être réutilisées à l'issue de l'épreuve. Deuxième épreuve : vingt demi-finalistes pourront y participer. Jules-Eugène Lenepveu, 1844 et Jules-Alexandre Patrouillard, 1868 Léon-François Comerre, 1872 Edouard-Joseph Dantan, 1875. Bradley Wright Concept and Illustration. Muybridge's Photos.

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