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Lynnhu's favorite pictures on VisualizeUs. 快乐风向-fun享快乐,分享你我的快乐! 我们爱网页设计: 应酷 – Web2.0创意 – 分享. 互动. 自由. Since 1999 home of design culture, leading independent publication for design, architecture, art, photography and graphics. But does it float. FormFiftyFive – Design inspiration from around the world. What are you working on? Personal recommandation. BBC最新发布:金正日讣告全文. 讣告:金正日 BBC新闻网2011年12月19日(03:20 GMT)讯 译者:江烈农 金正日生前是世界上最深居简出、最高深莫测的领袖人物之一,他领导着一个在国际上孤立无援的秘密国家——朝鲜。


作为世界上唯一一位世袭共产主义统治者,他公然侵犯人权,推行核武项目并试射远程导弹,威胁朝鲜周边地区稳定,因此备受批评。 其父金日成于1994年去世后,金正日正式掌权,当时外界对他了解很少,因为他极少在公共场合露面。 据说他曾于1987年亲自下令击落韩国客机。 个人崇拜 见过金正日的人,都说他见多识广。 而他在朝鲜的形象则被塑造成了一个英雄——独裁者搞个人崇拜的典型方式。 事实上,据外界专家介绍,金先生出生于俄罗斯的哈巴罗夫斯克市(Хабаровск)附近,当时他父亲正在苏军支持下打游击。 Personal recommandation. Words. Aypwip. Today and tomorrow. The selby - photos in your place. featuring photographs, paintings and videos by todd selby of interesting people and their creative spaces.

Social Sciences and Society - TierneyLab Blog. Creattica. 雅典学园:法治天下,思想中国. 嫣牛博 - 没有政治内容的牛博 (测试版) 图研所-infographics-图表设计-信息图表-信息设计-信息视觉化专业网站. Home. 水木丁. 当年的马修,像从流行的浪漫爱情小说封面上走下来的男主角 大学的时候为了学英文,有段日子看了很多英文原版通俗小说(别笑话我,英语水平低就看这些最容易),除了阿加莎·克里斯蒂的侦探小说,图书馆里能借到的美国浪漫爱情小说大多数都看过了,那时候的浪漫爱情小说封面,不像现在这样五花八门,大多是广告招贴画似的画着一 上中学的时候把琼瑶小说一本不落的都看过一遍,第二本就是《女朋友》,书里有个叫高凌风的男人,是个狂妄之极的穷小子,爱上了一个乖巧懂事的富家千金,就不顾门第观念去追求她,他骄傲又自卑,任性又可爱,一身的反骨和傲骨,妄想从那个高高在上的阶级城堡偷走他们的公主,啊,不是偷,应该是抢,可惜他最终还是失败了。


World Trade Organization - Home page. Google. 创意SNS - 口及!创意SNS. 美国十大Web2.0公司背后的故事. 牛赞网. Inception Chair by Vivian Chiu. Via Noho Next during #ICFF 2011, 10 chairs nested within a single chair by Vivian Chiu.

Inception Chair by Vivian Chiu

"Each chair has hand cut grooves on the inside edges of its seat frame as well as notches in the seat back. These grooves range from 1/2" wide to 1/8" wide. " "The mechanism works so that the pegs fit into the grooves of the chair one size bigger and slides into place so that the horizontal edge between the chair seat and back line up. The simple mechanism allows the chairs to be taken apart and put together with ease. " LOFTER. 易呗 - 轻松记忆. 【观察】依附于Tumblr的电商品牌Of a Kind,国内轻博客平台能孕育出来吗? 简介:依托于tumblr的名为“of a kind”博客,每周推出两款新商品,这些商品来自年轻设计师,并且独家授权限量销售。 Of a kind 会在销售前用图文(乃至视频)的形式介绍产品背后的故事。 那么,国内轻博客平台能孕育出来这样的品牌吗? 会有哪些挑战呢? 大概讲的是:依托于tumblr的名为“of a kind”博客,每周推出两款新商品,这些商品来自年轻设计师,并且独家授权限量销售。 Of a kind 会在销售前用图文(乃至视频)的形式介绍产品背后的故事。 中国为什么出不了乔布斯? 苹果三大利空因素:狂热果粉 创新瓶颈 Jobs离世. 目前许多消费者和投资者都是“苹果信徒”,这意味着他们缺乏对苹果股票最基本的理性认识。

苹果三大利空因素:狂热果粉 创新瓶颈 Jobs离世

(TechWeb配图) 导语:美国投资博客Seeking Alpha今天刊文称,苹果目前在许多方面拥有优势,然而从长期来看,苹果在3个方面面临利空,而这些方面往往没有得到投资者的充分重视。 以下为文章全文: 狂热的追随者. Here Comes Solar Energy. London 2012 Olympic posters unveiled. A host of British artists, including Bridget Riley, Tracey Emin, Martin Creed, Rachel Whiteread, and Bob and Roberta Smith, have designed posters to celebrate the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

London 2012 Olympic posters unveiled

Any gold medal winners? UPDATE: Read our folow-up post on the posters here The posters were unveiled at Tate Britain in London along with the programme for the London 2012 Festival. The full list of contributing artists are Fiona Banner, Michael Craig-Martin, Martin Creed, Tracey Emin, Anthea Hamilton, Howard Hodgkin, Gary Hume, Sarah Morris, Chris Ofili, Bridget Riley, Bob and Roberta Smith, and Rachel Whiteread. Here are the six Olympic posters: And here are the Paralympic posters: The images will go on show in a free exhibition as part of the London 2012 Festival next summer and they will also be used as part of a high profile campaign to promote the 2012 Games. Posters (£7 each) will be available to buy from 3pm today via

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