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Läromedel, program o ideér att använda vid ev stängning av skolan. Modern Ghost Stories: No Substitute for Life - UR Skola. Lärarhandledningar - Kävlinge kommun. School Radio - Oliver Twist. Att skriva faktatexter. Källkritik: Fejkade sidor - UR Skola. Sv åk 9 Litteraturhistoria. Kortfilmsklubben - engelska: Lambs. Förstå kunskapskraven: Att utveckla ett resonemang i svenska. Malinsklipp insändare. Lässtrategier i engelska: ställa frågor till texten – Hanna Fjeld. » Teaching English through songs in the digital age – #ELTchat summary 12/01/2011. This absolutely fantastic summary was contributed by Vicky Saumell on her blog in 4 consective posts which I have merged into one single post.

» Teaching English through songs in the digital age – #ELTchat summary 12/01/2011

As Viky herself remarks below in her post, it is an amazing collection of resources all shared by you, #ELTchatters! Free Reading Worksheets. Ereading Worksheets has the best reading worksheets on the internet, and they’re all free.

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These worksheets are skill focused and aligned to Common Core State Standards. You are free to save, edit, and print these worksheets for personal or classroom use.

Human rights

Förintelsen. Love. Tal. Debattartikel. Schools. Food. Books and movies. Writing. Att läsa mellan raderna. Simon och Sophie av Emma Granholm. Best Christmas Shorts Films. These are four of the best Christmas short films ever made.

Best Christmas Shorts Films

You don't have to believe in Christ or Santa Claus to enjoy Christmas or these great films. Argentine Tangos by Guy Thys (2006) (Belgium) (14m) Arguably the best Christmas short film yet made, Argentine Tangos (Tanghi Argentini), was nominated for a Best Short Film Oscar in 2008. English Lesson on Madonna. Advertisements Advertisements Madonna is one of the most successful singers ever.

English Lesson on Madonna

She exploded onto the music scene in 1983 and has rarely been out of the headlines since. Christian the lion. Success and fame. Introduction This double topic deals with success, something we are all keen to have in our lives and fame, something many of us are not.

Success and fame

This lesson was created for Intermediate level students but could be adapted for other levels. Planning a series of different activities on a single theme helps move a class from short idea-building conversations to more involved discussion or debate in which they have more freedom to express themselves and build their spoken confidence. It also helps break the topic down into more manageable sections. Time 120 minutes Materials. Anaconda in English: Starstruck. Selfie. This EFL lesson plan is designed around a short film by Matthew Frost starring Kirsten Dunst, and the theme of celebrity selfies.


Students discuss meeting famous people, roleplay meeting their hero or heroine, watch a short film and discuss selfies and celebrity selfies. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Advanced (C1) Popreel: Hollywood and Bollywood. Story by Victor Luckerson At Briarwood Christian High School, the boys’ bathrooms smell like blueberries.

Many of the Birmingham, Ala., school’s students have taken up electronic cigarettes, which come in a variety of fruity flavors, and they decamp to the restroom to get their necessary nicotine hit between classes. Emphasis on the electronic here–Molly Lattner, a 17-year-old senior at Briarwood, says she’s never seen a person her age smoking a regular tobacco cigarette. It’s a classic form of youthful rebellion with a modern twist, and in many ways it encapsulates how the teens today are not so different from the ones profiled by TIME in a 1965 cover story on the state of American teenagers. They’re still looking for ways to assert their individual identities, but it might happen on Snapchat instead of in the class yearbook. Modern Ghost Stories: Wraithlook. Zero. 21 Images of Where Children Sleep Around the World Paints a Powerful Picture of Inequality.

"As a child, that's your little space within the house," said James Mollison, a Kenyan-born, England-raised, Venice-based photographer whose 2011 photo book, Where Children Sleep draws attention to a child's "material and cultural circumstances" and offers a remarkable view on class, poverty, and the diversity of children around the world.

21 Images of Where Children Sleep Around the World Paints a Powerful Picture of Inequality

After spending more than three years traveling the world from Senegal to Tokyo, Mollison's series include portraits of children in front of a white background accompanied by a single snapshot of their bedrooms, leaving the later to speak volumes about their the social and cultural circumstances that contribute to their lifestyle. "I hope the book gives a a glimpse into the lives some children are living in very diverse situations around the world; a chance to reflect on the inequality that exists, and realize just how lucky most of us in the developed world are," said Mollison. Nelson Mandela Lesson: English Lesson on Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was one of the most loved and respected people in the world.

Nelson Mandela Lesson: English Lesson on Nelson Mandela

For countless reasons he was and remains a huge hero. He was a person from whom we can all learn many lessons. He experienced many things in his nine decades, from being tortured to becoming president of the country he loved. After retiring, he continued to travel the world, helping people and raising awareness of global issues.


Whether you’re feeling down, stressed, or just need a kick of inspiration, we’ve got you covered.

English news and easy articles for students of English. Kan du skillnaden på de och dem? Nyheter Efter att ha sett det här klippet kan du. BBC Learning English - The Sounds of English. Love GREAT Britain. Apartheid. Where Children Sleep photographs from around the world. Photographer James Mollison travelled around the world to capture children's bedrooms The project, Where Children Sleep is set to highlight children's rights across the globeChildren, and their bedrooms, come from all over the world, from China to the U.S. to Brazil By Sara Malm Published: 10:30 GMT, 3 April 2014 | Updated: 14:43 GMT, 3 April 2014 The difference between east and west, rich and poor becomes stark when looking at how our children sleep at night. Where Children Sleep, a project by photographer James Mollison, is set to highlight children’s rights by contrasting the different living situations for young people across the globe.

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Studieteknik. Grammatikbolaget: Något nytt - subjekt och predikat. ESL Discussions: English Conversation Questions / Debates: Speaking Lesson Activities. For my students – 30-day-challenge. This challenge is to make you use your English more outside the classroom. For 30 days I want you to do at least one thing from the list every day. War. 200 Free Kids Educational Resources: Lessons, Apps, Books, Websites... This collection provides a list of free educational resources for K-12 students (kindergarten through high school students) and their parents and teachers. This page is being updated and cleaned up during the COVID-19 crisis.

Please tell us if we’re missing something valuable. Below you will find free video lessons/tutorials; free mobile apps; free audiobooks, ebooks and textbooks; quality YouTube channels; free foreign language lessons; test prep materials; and free web resources in academic subjects like literature, history, science and computing.


Grammar. Språkhistoria. Holidays. British life and culture. Fun practice speaking and games. Svenska (åk 6-9) by Jamie Keddie. Engelska (åk 6-9) Top iPad Apps for Student Creativity. My school is currently 1:1 iPads in Grades 1, 4, and 5, and next year we're expanding that to include Grades 2 and 3. Like most schools, we went through a phase where we tried out LOTS of different apps, but over time, we whittled those down into our Core Apps, ones that are flexible and powerful enough to be used in every subject all day long.