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Social Studies

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Magna Carta Canada. The copies of the Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest which will be on tour in Canada are owned by Durham Cathedral, located in Durham in the United Kingdom.

Magna Carta Canada

Durham Cathedral has been a place of worship, welcome and hospitality for almost a millennium. Built in 1093 to house the Shrine of St Cuthbert, the Cathedral is cherished for its magnificent Romanesque architecture and incomparable setting at the heart of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) The Canadian Reader / Nos Nouvelles. The Historical Thinking Project. Inquiry-pacs - Ontario Inquiry-pacs. Inquiry-Based Learning. Earth for Educators. Join the Connected Classrooms Community.

Your world in 3D. Create Your Own Geography Games With These Free Tools. Photos of the Most Interesting Places on the Earth. Aboriginal Peoples and European settlement in Canada. Syrup. This animation explains history better than history class ever did. Because Europe's culture was the dominant culture, and thus influenced global culture the most; last I checked, that's what was very particularly expressed in the article: "all the major events that have shaped the world".

This animation explains history better than history class ever did

Stuff that affected everyone. Only recently due to globalization (which, by the way, was primarily made possible by Americans and Europeans, who together developed most modern communications technology, including the telegraph, the telephone, and the Internet) have the history of other cultures really begun to be explored by the global community. So yeah. Digitized Medieval Manuscripts Maps (DMMmaps)

The Historical Thinking Project. Godfrey Kneller, Old Scholar (Vanitas Allegory) (detail), St.

The Historical Thinking Project

Annen-Museum, Lübeck The historical thinking concepts developed and promoted by the Historical Thinking Project have been incorporated into curricula, classroom resources, and professional development tools. They include: Provincial Historical Thinking Projects - Application process and criteria. Blog Archive - Read about the experiences and reflections of four young teachers on the challenges and rewards of working with the historical thinking concepts.

HTC%20graphic%20organizer%20May%202010_1. Create timelines, share them on the web. Financial Literacy - Teaching and Learning Examples. Medieval Manor - British Social History - Changing Lives - 1066-1984 on 35 Million Directors. Virtual Tours & Webcams. The Secret Annex Online. Historica - Dominion. Following World War II, after having served their country for the long, horrible years of the war, service personnel wanted only to re-establish their civilian lives and set up households with their families.

Historica - Dominion

The return of more than a million Canadians to peacetime life created a housing demand that the private sector could not meet. The federal government was challenged to meet the need for a rehabilitation program to assist ex-service members. Social housing in Canada has its origins in the demand for such a program. Although the federal government did build housing for veterans of World War I, it was in 1935 that the foundation of a federal housing agency was laid, with the Dominion Housing Act.

By 1938, the Act had helped finance almost 5,000 homes. The Memory Project - Stories of the Second World War - The Historica – Dominion Institute. Waterlife - An Interactive Story About Water. Earlier this week I shared a couple of animated stories about the water cycle.

Waterlife - An Interactive Story About Water

This morning I spent some time exploring Waterlife which was shared by Jen Deyenberg on Twitter yesterday. Waterlife is an interactive story about the water cycle in the Great Lakes. Waterlife is a twenty part story through which students can learn about the role of water in our lives. Through the story students learn about things like fishing, pollution, invasive species, wetlands, and the politics of water conservation. - Pick a year, click refresh, and TRAVEL THROUGH TIME. 25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online - Virtual Education Websites.

Just because you’re online doesn’t mean that you can’t experience the world first-hand — or as close to first-hand as possible.

25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online - Virtual Education Websites

Here are websites that feature virtual learning experiences, exposing online visitors to everything from history to geography, astronomy to anatomy, literature to government. 7 Wonders Panoramas – 360-degree views of the Seven Wonders of the World. Arounder Virtual Tour of the Moon – 360-degree panoramic views of the moon, courtesy of the Apollo 11, 12 and 17 missions. (Many other Earth locations also available on Frissiras Museum – A virtual art gallery from Athens, Greece that allows you to explore paintings by clicking through their entire collection.

Google Earth – Explore the geography of both land and sea (free download). Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Vital Signs: Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases – A virtual gallery teaching about heart disease. Schools - Primary History. The Unfortunate Legacy of the Little House on the Prairie. How about some crushing news to start the day?

The Unfortunate Legacy of the Little House on the Prairie

Remember the Little House on the Prairie? That humble yet darling home sitting proud and welcoming like a beacon of warmth, safety and hope on the wide open prairie? Well, it appears that was a really bad house. Like seriously, the worst idea for a house ever. This, I learned while watching A House on the Prairie, a short doc from the late 1970s about dwellings and how much (if any) sense they make with regards to their surroundings. Canada. Travelfilmarchive's Channel.