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Opencities. Open Cities challenges are designed around four themes: open data, crowdsourcing, urban labs and fiber-to-the-home.


The challenges are open for individuals and organizations and aim to foster the development of products and services based on the platforms provided by the participating cities. The Innovation Challenge Share your ideas and win! The Open cities project calls for developers to collaboratively brainstorm in our Open Data Forum about these two Open Data problems: >read more Open Cities app challenge App Winner: BlindSquare Are you developing apps using open data? This challenge calls for apps using any kind of open data.

Urban Lab challenge Project Winner: LPW (Leaves Performative Walls) Test your project in a real urban environment! This challenge offers participants a chance to install their product in a dedicated space in the city. Open Platform for Broadband Services Test your broadband service in real life! Crowdsourcing challenge Make your city SMARTER! By Stanza. The Global soundmaps project. An online open source database of city sounds field recriding and soundmaps from around the world. Initially all sounds by Stanza you can now contribute your own found sounds. Soundcities is an online database of t. The soundmaps and the database can be listened to, used in performances, or played on mobiles via wireless networks.

by Stanza. The Global soundmaps project. An online open source database of city sounds field recriding and soundmaps from around the world. Initially all sounds by Stanza you can now contribute your own found sounds. Soundcities is an online database of t

Initially all sounds by Stanza, you can now contribute your own found sounds. Special feature if you go to the world soundmap you can click to go via KML files onto google earth. New installation uses 170 speakers in spatialised system see New Soundmaps software uses new system to mix and gather the sounds online see. Soundcities is an open online database of the thousands of sounds from around the world and you can visits the various cities and create soundmaps.. Soundcities was the first online open source database of city sounds and soundmaps from around the world, using found sounds and field recording.

The sounds of cities also give clues to the emotional and responsive way we interact with our cities. A growing labyrinth, a community of aural cityscapes and collages is now evolving. I have spent the last 20 years travelling to over 20 worldwide cities. 1. 2. 3 . OpenCities — Opencities. 50 Ideas for the New City. The Omnibus is all about ideas.

50 Ideas for the New City

From the beginning, Urban Omnibus has been a showcase of good ideas for the future of cities, conceived in the public interest and tried and tested in the five boroughs of New York. So, we have decided to surface some of the ideas that have appeared on Urban Omnibus over the past two years and broadcast them around the city. In April 2011, we released a series of Idea Posters, pasted on fences, scaffolds and storefronts from Jamaica, Queens, to the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and many places in between. With this poster campaign, we wanted to turn the tactics of ubiquitous marketing — in which every bus, taxi or construction barrier is a canvas for advertising anything and everything — upside down by using a similar language to share examples of creativity and innovation in the urban realm.

We want to spread these ideas to the whole city, online and off. Internet of things. By Stanza. The Global soundmaps project. Sounds from around the world in an online database of soundmaps. The sounds and noise of cities. Hundreds of city sounds recorded from around the world on soundmaps. The website also has series on online mixing des. OpenCities — Opencities.