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Interviewing and Selling Yourself. Negotiating Salary 101: Tactics for Better Compensation. Concerned about compensation?

Negotiating Salary 101: Tactics for Better Compensation

Arm yourself with data from Job Search Intelligence, which the US Department of Labor says offers the most accurate salary information available. The salary calculator gives you a personalized compensation value to take to your negotiations. Use this tool to guide the conversation to get the compensation you deserve. Free Salary Calculator In this section: Studies show that we women are just as good at negotiating as men – except when it comes to negotiating for ourselves. What are the top three rules for jobseekers to follow to successfully negotiate the best possible compensation package?

Successful negotiation is based on preparation and patience. Research your value. Common Mistakes What are the three biggest mistakes made by jobseekers when negotiating compensation? Accepting the first salary offer. What are the biggest mistakes women make? In a negotiation, women tend to be more indirect than men when asking for things. Negotiating is not a simple process. Dr. Alan Watkins - Being Brilliant Every Single Day (Part 1) What To Learn From Your First Job. Takeaways from your first year on the job You landed your first “big girl” job and made it an entire year.

Go ahead, congratulate yourself! Getting the one-year notch in your belt is a respectable achievement. As you reflect on this time, here are some takeaways to learn from the first year on the job. 1. It’s time to drop the line, “I just graduated from…” You didn’t just graduate, so take this out of your elevator speech. 2. Before your one-year review, go through your previous employee reviews and take notes. 3. Hopefully after working for a year, you know more about your coworkers than just their names and job roles. 4. They really are awesome. 5. People aren’t always nice, but you knew that already. 6. It’s ok to not know how to do everything, as long as your process on learning new things has gotten better. 7. Are you ready for the next step? What you do with your career is up to you, no matter what stage you’re at. Now, go blow out your candle, and keep up the good work!

Job Interview: Why Only 3 Questions Really Matter. 9 Killer Questions Candidates Ought to Ask the Interviewer. You’ve made it to the interview and you’ve prepared for all the questions they are supposedly going to ask you.

9 Killer Questions Candidates Ought to Ask the Interviewer

You go in confident, chest up, and smiling for what feels like forever. They start asking you questions about your background and life stories to illustrate your unique character. You dabble in to your past work experiences, and personal events that define your leadership skills and qualities that make you a perfect fit for the position. The interview is almost over and then they ask you the last question that you forgot about – Do you have any questions for me? This is your window of opportunity that you really do not want to miss. Regardless if you are more of an extrovert or introvert, there are a variety of questions you can ask in your next interview. How would you describe the general culture of the company and the workplace? 6 interview questions that will make any employer want to hire you.

This story originally ran on PR Daily in March 2013.

6 interview questions that will make any employer want to hire you

Common advice among job seekers is that when you attend an interview, you need to interview the employer right back. After all, you're the one who will potentially fill the position. You need to know if it's going to be a good fit, right? While salary ranges, benefits and schedule flexibility are important details you deserve answers to, hiring managers don't appreciate questions like those until at least your second interview (or maybe even after they make you an offer).

During your first interview, the "impress me" dance is still in full swing. Here are six questions to ask at the end of your interview that will help you master the twisted tango of getting hired. 1. The answer to this question will give you more insight into the current state of the position while showing you're invested and interested in learning how you can start things off with a bang. 2.

The answer to this question will be very telling.