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Besides Your Job, Find a Life-Transforming Passion. Self-Employed? How to Give Yourself a Raise in 2012. Here's a hypothetical (yet common) situation: Sara is a brilliant web designer who has never raised her client rates.

Self-Employed? How to Give Yourself a Raise in 2012

Not once. Sure, she signs on new clients more often, but her existing clientele enjoy some kind of unwritten grandfather clause that has maintained the same rates since 2002. Does this sound familiar? Do you break into a sweat when you consider how to tell a long-time client you need to raise his rates? Are you worried that clients will run for the hills at the slightest rate increase? With the rise of the Freelance or Gig Economy, more professionals are shifting from full-time positions to self-employed, freelance or contract roles. A freelancer’s pricing model determines the success and sustainability of his business and livelihood. 1. On the most basic level, your business is all about earning money based on the value it brings to clients. 2. 3. ‘Liderar é dividir a autoridade com todos na empre. As 7 competências mais procuradas na área de TI. O CIO da U.S. Gas & Electric, Greg Taffet, está buscando talentos.

Ele empregou quatro nos últimos seis meses e está pensando em somar mais 11 à sua equipe de 20 pessoas. Sua lista de vagas em aberto inclui um programador de EDI, um programador de gestão de risco, um programador de CRM, um analista de negócios e um assistente do gerente de TI. No entanto, Taffet duvida que quaquer graduado preencha facilmente qualquer uma dessas posições. Os programas de graduação e pós-graduação não têm sido capazes de acompanhar as necessidades das empresas de TI, diz. "É algo horrível de se dizer, mas o pouco tempo na faculdade não é o suficiente para aprender todas as habilidades que as pessoas precisam para ser bem-sucedidas.

Nine Things Successful People Do Differently. By Heidi Grant Halvorson - Why have you been so successful in reaching some of your goals, but not others?

Nine Things Successful People Do Differently

If you aren’t sure, you are far from alone in your confusion. It turns out that even brilliant, highly accomplished people are pretty lousy when it comes to understanding why they succeed or fail. The intuitive answer — that you are born predisposed to certain talents and lacking in others — is really just one small piece of the puzzle. In fact, decades of research on achievement suggests that successful people reach their goals not simply because of who they are, but more often because of what they do. 1. 2. To seize the moment, decide when and where you will take each action you want to take, in advance. 3. .: Les Brown - Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness :. THE SCIENCE OF SUCCESS. Chris Banescu - Business Ethics, Management Excellence. Chris Banescu | January 23, 2014 by Chris Banescu - The realization that something is not right with our lives can manifest itself in various ways.

Chris Banescu - Business Ethics, Management Excellence

A feeling of emptiness, a bothersome disquiet, or a strange pain, like a deep sadness or a heartache, gradually or suddenly begins to trouble our souls. We feel guilty, anxious, unsatisfied, stressed, or sad even in moments when we ought to be at peace and carefree; when we should be relaxing or enjoying ourselves. For some this pain is only a vague discomfort. For others, including yours truly, the pain can often be intense and unrelenting; sometimes lasting for long stretches of time. I discovered the reason for this mysterious affliction in the book First Things First, written by Stephen Covey, Roger Merrill, and Rebecca Merrill.

. | Chris Banescu | Ethics, Inspirational, Leadership, Motivational, Success | Chris Banescu | November 25, 2013 In “Harry Potter” books, a creepy Ministry of Magic controls young wizards. 1. 1. 2. Workisnotajob. Our manifesto. Don’t miss your great idea. The Top 50 Blogs That Will Unleash Your Motivation. Personal Growth and Effectiveness at Life Optimizer. Litemind. Time Management, Productivity, & Project Tracking Software (Mac/PC) Home. Increase Your Happiness and Awesomeness — .: Les Brown - Unwrap Your Infinite Greatness :. The Secret Formula To Never Being Unemployed. While jobs may be hard to come by nowadays, there’s a group of individuals who seem to be able to find jobs no matter what the state of the economy is.

The Secret Formula To Never Being Unemployed

How do they do it and more importantly how can you? Skilled Employees The first group of individuals who are always employed is skilled employees. The most obvious group in Silicon Valley (where the job market does not reflect the rest of the world) is developers. Pretty much every company out here is in need of developers. From the individual who works on an assembly line (and has a very specific skill), to the individual who has a skill that was needed years ago but is no longer needed, there are people with skills that simply aren’t in demand. Getting A Job Offer In A Few Weeks While this post isn’t going to explain every step in the process (you can learn all the steps by subscribing to this blog), I’m going to share a quick story about how my girlfriend started getting job offers pretty quickly. Unskilled But Marketable. Logra Una Vida de Calidad.