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How to be a Manager. The final ingredient in the Formula is process.

How to be a Manager

If you’ve been following along, you’ve now established a culture, identified the right people to hire with clear roles and responsibilities, created a rhythm and defined objectives and tasks to accomplish in specific time periods. Process ties it all together by helping you use these strategies with your team. To be a good manager, there are 4 important processes to implement: Communication Communication may be the most important word in this guide. Everyone is aligned on what the goals are. THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE BY STEPHEN COVEY - ANIMATED BOOK REVIEW. How Do You Measure Leadership? Are you a good leader?

How Do You Measure Leadership?

How do you know? In a startup culture that is obsessed with management by metrics, many founders struggle to answer this critical question about themselves. It’s tempting to measure leaders simply by the success of their businesses. But even the most successful founders know how much timing and luck can be confounding factors in this approach. How time-saving technology destroys our productivity. In 1929 John Maynard Keynes predicted that by 2029 people in the developed nations could enjoy a perfectly civilised standard of living while working for 16 hours a week.

How time-saving technology destroys our productivity

His hope was for our precious hours of extra leisure to be devoted to such edifying pursuits as playing Grand Theft Auto and watching kittens skateboarding on YouTube. (Actually he didn’t predict that bit — he suggested we’d be listening to string quartets and attending poetry recitals but, hey, that was the Bloomsbury Group for you.)

Today, however, not only has the work week stayed constant but, in direct contradiction of the theory, the better-paid now work disproportionately longer hours. Qu’a appris Google de sa quête à bâtir l’équipe parfaite. Le journaliste et essayiste Charles Duhigg (@cduhigg), auteur notamment Du pouvoir des habitudes et du récent Smarter, Faster, Better, livre au New York Times Magazine un passionnant reportage sur le management chez Google (un sujet que nous avons déjà plusieurs fois abordé : ici et là notamment).

Qu’a appris Google de sa quête à bâtir l’équipe parfaite

A notre époque saturée par les données, des dizaines de laboratoires étudient comment transformer les employés en versions meilleures, plus rapides et plus productives (Smarter, Faster, Better) d’eux-mêmes. Nous vivons un âge d’or de l’étude de la production personnelle, estime Marshall Van Alstyne de l’université de Boston, qui étudie comment les gens partagent l’information. There Are Four Types of Entrepreneurs. In the history of the world there have only ever been four types of entrepreneurs (if you can think of any I’ve missed please leave a comment): The Builder/Craftsperson/Specialized Skills This is someone who can make something (often something beautiful) AND can get someone else to pay for it.

There Are Four Types of Entrepreneurs

Historically these people have been tradesmen who, after an apprenticeship, strike out on their own. Congratulations! You’ve Been Fired. Who Y Combinator Companies Want — Triplebyte Blog. Who Y Combinator Companies Want Companies disagree significantly about the types of programmers they want to hire.

Who Y Combinator Companies Want — Triplebyte Blog

This is what Elon Musk, Tony Hsieh and other successful business leaders ask job candidates. Bernard Marr sur Twitter : "Job Interview: The 5 Questions YOU Must Ask... This is Why People Leave Your Company. Comment j’ai bousillé ma vie en quittant mon emploi en entreprise pour créer ma start-up rêvée. Trésorerie, trésorerie, trésorerie.

Comment j’ai bousillé ma vie en quittant mon emploi en entreprise pour créer ma start-up rêvée

Comme si la pression sociale et la solitude ne suffisaient pas, j’ai rencontré la mère de toutes les contraintes : me retrouver à cours de liquidités beaucoup plus vite que ce que j’avais imaginé. Cela ruinait ma productivité et la capacité de prendre les décisions. appropriées. The 10x developer is NOT a myth. Last night, I tweeted the following: I'm confused by the claim that "10x" or "rockstar developers" are a myth.

The 10x developer is NOT a myth

Are star athletes, artists, writers, and, uh, rock stars, a myth? — Yevgeniy Brikman (@brikis98) September 29, 2013 I got tons of replies and questions, but Twitter is an awful medium for discussion, so I'm writing this blog post as a follow-up. Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy. Say hi to Lucy.

Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy

Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s. 7 astuces enseignées à Harvard pour bien négocier son salaire. Des études montrent que la plupart des jeunes diplômés ne négocient pas leur salaire lors de leur première embauche.

7 astuces enseignées à Harvard pour bien négocier son salaire

A Harvard, en revanche, cette négociation fait partie intégrante du cursus. Près de la moitié des salariés américains (49%) ne négocient pas le salaire de leur premier emploi. Souvent, cela se résume à un manque d'expérience en négociation, qui est pour beaucoup une tâche délicate. Méthode SCORE ou Chercher les causes profondes. The Two Types of Speed. A 26 ans, la France m’a déjà fait perdre toute ambition professionnelle. Je vis dans un pays qui aime cantonner les gens dans des secteurs sans jamais les laisser en explorer d’autres, quand bien même une forte passion existerait pour un tout autre domaine. Je vis en France. Pour certains, c’est une chance. Dans mon cas, c’est la source d’un profond ennui. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Mediocre Entrepreneurs. [Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and entrepreneur.

He is Managing Director of Formula Capital and has written ten books. His latest books are I Was Blind But Now I See and 40 Alternatives to College. You can follow him on Twitter @jaltucher.] I’m pretty mediocre. Particularly as an entrepreneur. Work. The Post-Employee Economy: Why Sky-High Profits Are Here to Stay - Conor Sen. The end of the age of consumption and the decreasing need for labor are more related than you think Reuters Robots have come to destroy our way of life, just as we saw in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, though not as we expected. It's the 21st century – why are we working so much?

If there's one thing practically all futurologists once agreed on, it's that in the 21st century there would be a lot less work. What would they have thought, if they had known that in 2012, the 9-5 working day had in the UK become something more like 7am to 7pm? They would surely have looked around and seen technology take over in many professions which previously needed heavy manpower, they would have looked at the increase in automation and mass production, and wondered – why are they spending 12 hours a day on menial tasks? It's a question which isn't adequately answered either by the right or by the official left. Conservatives have always loved to pontificate about the moral virtue of hard work and much of the left, focusing on the terrible effects of mass unemployment, understandably gives "more jobs" as its main solution to the crisis.

Les phrases les plus agaçantes dans la bouche d'un chef. What makes a good engineering culture. Management Secrets: Core Beliefs of Great Bosses. A few years back, I interviewed some of the most successful CEOs in the world in order to discover their management secrets. I learned that the "best of the best" tend to share the following eight core beliefs. 1. Business is an ecosystem, not a battlefield. Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work. Recruiting: 8 Qualities Your Best Employees Should Have. Great employees are reliable, dependable, proactive, diligent, great leaders and great followers... they possess a wide range of easily-defined—but hard to find—qualities.

A few hit the next level. 5 ways to keep your rockstar employees happy. Half Sigma: Why a career in computer programming sucks. Temporary nature of knowledge capital Let’s being by reviewing what I previously wrote about the four types of human capital. Computer programming is a job that’s heavily dependent on temporary knowledge capital. It’s temporary because the powers that be keep changing the languages and tools that programmers need to do their jobs. In nearly all other professions, knowledge capital increases as you grow older because you keep learning more about your field. But in computer programming, the old knowledge becomes completely obsolete and useless.