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Here are 89 Life Hacks That Will Make Your New Year So Much Better. As you go into the New Year, remember that things can be better than previous years.

Here are 89 Life Hacks That Will Make Your New Year So Much Better

Permaculture - Free Online Sustainability Course - Regenerative Leadership Institute. Off Grid Info - Food Independence - Where To Get Heirloom Seeds - Non-GMO Seeds - Organic Seeds. Join 75,000+ Fans on Facebook: Follow Us On Pinterest: Please Share This Page:

Off Grid Info - Food Independence - Where To Get Heirloom Seeds - Non-GMO Seeds - Organic Seeds

How To Get Rid Of House Plant Gnats? Good Questions. How to get rid of gnats? - Home remedies & ways to kill nats fast. Irritated and annoyed by gnats in house?

How to get rid of gnats? - Home remedies & ways to kill nats fast

Although gnats are not dangerous but they are not your pets either. Naturally, human beings are annoyed by insects and nats are by no means any different. Following are some of the methods that will help you get rid of gnats inside and outside your home. Gnat extermination starts with identification of the problem. To completely eradicate gnats, you first need to understand what brought them to your house or kitchen in the first place.

Gnats, commonly known as flying pests, feed on stems and roots of plants causing significant damage to the seeds. 6 Ways to Use Home Remedies to Get Rid of Gnats. Edit Article.

6 Ways to Use Home Remedies to Get Rid of Gnats

DIY: Build A Mason Jar Herb Garden. Much to my surprise, he was up for the task, so we embarked on designing a Mason jar herb and plant garden.

DIY: Build A Mason Jar Herb Garden

Since installation, it's worked very well, and I'm happy to report that all plants are alive, thriving and well. The key with Mason jars (since they don’t have natural drainage) is to include stones and charcoal on the bottom to help create “drainage” on the inside of the jar. Fittonia information from Better known as the ‘Mosaic plant’ or ‘Nerve plant’, Fittonia, (pronounced fit-tone-ee-a) has two species, the larger leaf Fittonia Superba and the smaller Fittonia Verschaffeltii.

Fittonia information from

The plant is named after a pair of 19th Century Irish botanical writers, Elizabeth and Sarah Mary Fitton. Description The most common plant is the Fittonia Verschaffeltii, which is known for its vein-like leaves which branch out from the centre towards the tip. These lines are connected with finer lines, like arteries, placed at intervals creating an irregular, angled grid on the surface of the leaf.

This pattern can look similar to a mosaic pattern. All 15 species of Fittonia vary in colour and although the leaves are almost always green, the lines on them can differ from white to a bright pink. Dracaena Plant Care: growing, planting, cutting. Diseases, pests, seed germination, leaves. Best air-filtering houseplants, according to NASA. Best Shade-Tolerant Vegetables - Organic Gardening. Even in shady conditions, you can bask in great garden harvests if you choose the right crops and make a few easy adjustments.

Best Shade-Tolerant Vegetables - Organic Gardening

By Colleen Vanderlinden When considering which crops to grow in shady areas, think of them in terms of leaves and roots. Crops we grow for their leaves (kale, lettuce, spinach) and those we grow for their roots (beets, carrots, turnips) will do fairly well in partially shady conditions. (The crops we grow for their fruits — such as eggplants, peppers and tomatoes — really do need at least six hours of full sun per day.) 12 Exotic Fruits and Vegetables for the Edible Landscape. Looking for something unusual to include in the garden?

12 Exotic Fruits and Vegetables for the Edible Landscape

Or maybe you have a section of fence that you’d like to cover with something useful? Beacon Food Forest : A Community Permaculture Project. Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought - Quartz. Universal Basic Income (UBI) proposals are gaining in popularity across the political spectrum.

Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought - Quartz

The measures would see governments hand a set monthly income to every single citizen within a country, either in addition to existing benefits or in place of them (depending on the details of the particular UBI proposal). Left-wing fans favor UBI’s ability to eradicate absolute poverty, while right-wing libertarians are drawn to its simplicity and reduction in bureaucracy. In Silicon Valley, startup investment firm Y Combinator has plans to fund a basic income experiment in the US, while Finland announced last year it would conduct its own extensive experiment. But how feasible is UBI to implement in reality? We spoke to five UBI experts to get their take on the practicalities of the scheme. Matthew Zwolinski, associate professor of philosophy at the University of San Diego: Prayer Plants Care Tips - Houseplant Care Tips. Common Name: Prayer Plant, Ten CommandmentsScientific Name: Maranta leuconeuraLighting: Moderate to LowWatering: Moderate to Heavy The Prayer plant is really a quite amazing plant.

Prayer Plants Care Tips - Houseplant Care Tips

Its foliage is mainly a dark green with red variations of veins running through them. The amazing part of the Prayer plant is that at night, the leaves fold up. Propagating Tolmiea menziesii (piggyback plant) - House Plants Forum. Edible Landscaping - Backyard Orchard Care. When considering edible landscaping options, a backyard orchard may make a lot of sense. However, it is important to consider that while fruit trees can be lovely and highly productive, they are not without maintenance. If you are considering fruit trees as a part of your edible landscaping designs, here are some backyard orchard tips on caring for your fruit trees.

Winter: Pruning Keep your fruit trees pruned for branch strength, tree health, ease of access, and size. How To: Make a One-Pot Indoor Herb Garden Most Popular Posts. Basil, thyme, sage. Indoor Herbs: A Growing Guide. You can grow herbs indoors this winter and add that just-picked taste to your meals, even when snow is drifting up against the kitchen window. You don't even need special lights—herbs fare just fine in a bright window. Here are the best herbs for growing on windowsills and the smart techniques you need to keep them happy and healthy until you can plant outside again. Smart Techniques for Growing Herbs Indoors Rooting a cutting Many herbs—including oregano, thyme, rosemary, and sage—are best propagated for indoor growing by taking a cutting from an existing outdoor plant. Top 30 Flowers For Bees. How to build a herb spiral. Many people seem to be interested in herb spirals, and rightly so if done properly they need little maintenance and can keep you in herbs all year round.

For me they encompass all manner of permaculture principles from how close to house you can get it to including a a small pond so frogs can do some of the slug hunting for you. Basically the idea behind them is to get as many different herbs as possible in a confined area. The spiral and the subsequent hight differences mean that you create a number of different environmental conditions which normally would not be possible in a small space.

4 Step Guide to Building a Herb Spiral. Want to make your own vertical herb spiral garden? This compact space saving design can be made with just a few basic steps. Construction materials and methods vary so after deciding on the best position and gathering your materials, you can have one built the same day. Growing Apple Trees In The Home Garden. How to dig and install a French drain. How to Build a French Drain. Water management is an important aspect in the design of a sustainable garden, for without water nothing grows, as I’ve said before, it’s virtually the very essence of life itself! French Drain Into A Wet Clay Mess - Landscaping & Lawn Care. Welcome to Seattle Tilth! — Seattle Tilth. Sno-Valley Tilth — Supporting organic and sustainable food production throughout the Snoqualmie and Snohomish watersheds.

The Essence Of Permaculture Gardening. Permaculture: Ten steps to an Organic no-dig Garden. Organic permaculture takes the closed loop one step further to include insects - both pest and predator. When pesticides are used against insect pests, both pest and predator are eliminated. As most insect pests breed much faster than predators in the food chain, the pests will return quicker than the predators, eventually causing havoc which will result in further applications of pesticides being necessary.

The need for continual pesticide application causes the evolution of pests which are immune to pesticides and stronger and stronger applications become necessary. In an organic permaculture garden, the balance is retained. There is no need for applications of pesticides, the predator and prey are maintained in a balanced loop with plants, animals and insects. As the food produced originates from the elements (organic, permanent), the natural elements of a permaculture garden are fully utilised and permanently protected.

The Soil. Permaculture & Gardening. Permaculture and Garden. Sustainable Gardening. Permaculture Now! Permaculture Seattle! Seattle Permaculture Network. Gorgeous Gardens From Garbage: How to Build a Sheet Mulch Permaculture Research Institute - Permaculture Forums, Courses, Information & News. Sheet Mulching (Lasagna Gardening) Check it out! Bay Area Permaculture. 1) Tall-Tree Layer: overstory of full-sized fruit, nut, or other useful trees, with lots of space between each tree to let in plenty of light (15-30 feet). Family-Scale Permaculture Gardening, by Tod P. The Rise of Suburban Farming. When our friends Mike and Rhonda moved into their new house a couple years ago, their yard was just like every other in the neighborhood: green grass.

Benefits Of A Backyard Suburban Garden. Crazy Suburban Gardener. Garden. A Man Replaces His Lawn With a Giant Vegetable Garden and No Regrets. Best Shade-Tolerant Vegetables - Organic Gardening. Best Vegetables to Grow in the Shade - Organic Gardening. 2013 gardening trends embrace meaning and purpose. Grow a Clover Lawn. Establishing White Clover in Lawns. Clover Lawns are in Vogue. Vegetable Seeds, Flower Seeds, Herb Seed, Garden Seed - Territorial Seed Company.

Seed Savers Exchange: Passing on our Garden Heritage.