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Future Studies

We need to get a lot better at imagining the future. We live in an era of fast changes. Ten years ago, YouTube was unthinkable, social media did not exist (Facebook was founded in 2004), we got our movies on tapes at video stores, cell phones did not have cameras, and so on. If you are reasonable, you have to expect ever greater changes in the next ten years. Maybe you think you are open-minded and can think clearly about the future. Then close your eyes and imagine a world… … where the PC and Windows are all but a memory… … where driving a car yourself is considered reckless…… where paper books are like vinyl records…… where the last TV station closed down years ago…… where the notion of putting kids in a classroom to learn at fixed hours is considered barbaric…… where working more than 10 hours a week for money is considered strange…… where corporations have been declared obsolete… Can you imagine a world where these things are true?

Scifi novels become obsolete very fast because scifi writers have failures of imagination. How original! 23 incredible new technologies you'll see by 2021. 20 Furniture Marvels For The Futuristic Home. Design will keep changing to suit the most current of trends, tastes and functionality needs of today’s buyers. The same can be evidently seen in mobile phones, PC keyboards, gaming consoles and even in mugs. These creative means to re-invent product designs as we know it are not lost in another important aspect of our daily life: home furniture.

Granted some designs will look cooler and more comfortable than others, but pay extra attention to futuristic designs. This is why I’d like to highlight some futuristic designs in furniture that could possible grace our homes in the not-so-distant future. Read Also: Cool Futuristic/Concept Gadgets That Really Inspire Z. Concoon Bed Wasserbetten has taken design to new intergalactic heights and touched the rings of Saturn with this amazing bed using innovative technology, and incorporating a Yacht design. Innermost Asteroid Lamp Kure Family Dining Table Hi-Can High Fidelity Canopy EBB "Bathroom Furniture" Nuab Sofa Cloud Ecotypic Bed Exspoze Table i-Sopod.

The 12 Trends That Will Rule Products In 2013. Near the end of 2012, a group of us at Ziba got together to review what we’d learned over the course of the year. Working with dozens of clients who serve customers around the world, we designers spend a lot of time observing people as they interact with technology, services, and experiences, noticing how they seek solutions to everyday problems and make decisions. In the process, certain patterns emerge so forcefully that they’re practically unavoidable. Meeting over three sessions spread out over a week, 23 Zibites (designers, researchers, and creative directors) discussed the patterns we’d seen, and distilled them down to the 12 insights we thought were most current and useful, to us and to our clients.

Each one is presented here, as a brief essay that suggests how it will affect business practices in 2013, and as an illustration created by one of Ziba’s designers. 1. The mind is a competitive environment. Be okay with the chaos. 2. Listen, learn, and enable. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Is 3D printing the key to Utopia? | Technology | The Observer.

Magic trick: a 3D printer makes a plastic rabbit. Photograph: David Neff You know the problem: the dishwasher that has cleaned your dishes faithfully for 15 years suddenly stops working. You call out a repairman who identifies the problem: the filter unit has finally given up the ghost. "Ah," you say, much relieved, "can you fit a new one? " At which point the chap shakes his head sorrowfully. No can do, he explains. Up until now, this story would have had a predictable ending in which you sorrowfully junked your trusty dishwasher and bought a new one. Eh? It works like this: a designer uses computer-assisted design software to create a three-dimensional model of an object. What comes irresistibly to mind the first time one sees a 3D printer in action is Arthur C Clarke's famous observation that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".

Why? The disruptive significance of this has yet to dawn on many governments and corporations. Quite so. Andrew McAfee: What will future jobs look like? Future & Web... Futurism. – A Study of Future Trends and Predictions by Futurist Thomas Frey.

Foresight. Emerging Trends. Print - 110 Predictions For the Next 110 Years. · People will be fluent in every language. With DARPA and Google racing to perfect instant translation, it won't be long until your cellphone speaks Swahili on your behalf. · Software will predict traffic jams before they occur. Using archived data, roadside sensors, and GPS, IBM has come up with a modeling program that anticipates bumper-to-bumper congestion a full hour before it begins. Better yet, the idea proved successful in early tests—even on the Jersey Turnpike. · Climate-controlled jackets will protect soldiers from extreme heat and cold. The secret to all-weather clothing, according to former MIT student Kranthi Vistakula, is Peltier plates, which can be used to warm you up or cool you down by sending an electric current across the junction between two different metals.

. · Nanoparticles will make chemotherapy far more effective. . · Electric cars will roam (some) highways. . · Athletes will employ robotic trainers. . · Bridges will repair themselves with self-healing concrete. H+ Magazine | Covering technological, scientific, and cultural trends that are changing–and will change–human beings in fundamental ways. Companies. Future Possibilities. Future of Humanity Institute - Future of Humanity Institute. Trends. 10 voorspellingen voor de volgende 100 jaar. 10 innovaties die onze toekomst zullen veranderen. De website van de New York Times publiceert die heel binnenkort onze levensstijl zullen veranderen.

Hier volgt een selectie van de tien meest opmerkelijke uit de lijst. Het Finse bedrijf Myontec ontwikkelde recent een nieuw soort ondergoed dat via electromyografische sensoren informatie over je spieren verzamelt. Deze informatie stuurt je onderbroek dan naar een computer waar die wordt geanalyseerd. Voorlopig is het ondergoed vooral bedoeld voor atleten en sportcoaches, maar het potentieel voor ook de minder actieven onder ons is duidelijk.

Mark Rolston van de designfirma Frog heeft één groot probleem met laptops en tablets: de functionaliteit blijft beperkt tot het computerscherm. Adaptive Cruise Control is een soort van cruise control die de snelheid van onze wagens automatisch aanpast aan de auto die voor ons rijdt. De ErgoSensor monitor van Philips kan, op basis van je pupillen, berekenen of je rechtop zit of niet. Ten Brink Foodretail. Fotografieworkshops in kledingwinkels. Het ‘reces’ van de recessie “We nemen allemaal graag het woord recessie in de mond, maar we mogen niet vergeten dat de term recessie pas van toepassing is wanneer het bruto nationaal product minstens twee opeenvolgende kwartalen achteruit gaat. Ondanks de vele doemberichten was dat tot nu toe nog niet het geval”, doorprikt de geboren optimist Herman Konings het pessimisme van heel wat retailwatchende collega’s meteen.

Wel heeft de consument zich duidelijk al een attitude van recessie aangemeten, geeft de trendwatcher toe. Zelfs wat de kerstaankopen betreft, want dat de consument zoveel aan kerstcadeaus uitgeeft, bevestigt volgens hem – hoe paradoxaal ook – dat we in een crisisperiode verkeren. Het is een psychologische basiswet dat de mens bovenal behoefte heeft aan warmte en menselijkheid. Dat vorige vrijdag een aantal betalingsrecords gesneuveld zijn, vindt hij daarom eerder een bewijs dan een tegenspraak. Bron Retail Detail. Individual Futurists. Video: De top-tien voorspellingen voor 2012 door de World Future Society.

Visionair: Germen op 29 december 2011 De World Future Society doet de volgende tien voorspellingen over de komende jaren. Sommige zijn voor de hand liggend of oubollig, andere verrassend. Check de video. De voorspellingen in het kort: 1. Het leerproces wordt socialer en spel-gebaseerd, de zogeheten gameificatie. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Germen Ik heb een studie tropische plantenteelt aan Wageningen Universiteit gevolgd met de wat naïeve gedachte om de wereld te verbeteren. Meer artikelen - Website. De 'zwarte zwanen' voorspellingen voor 2012.


"20 inventions that will shape the future" - What will the future look like? 14. New Banking Systems Although many blame financial innovation for getting us into the current mess, experts agree on the need for a far-reaching overhaul of the global financial system, from the individual level right up to the top of the tree. 15. Pop-Up Businesses Futurist David Zach, who consults with companies such as 3M and Abbott Labboratories on emerging business trends, sees success for companies that tackle a single project before disbanding. They will assemble teams, rent temporary office spaces, and satisfy a certain need. 16. In cities such as Chicago, technology enables commuters to track the (natural gas-powered) buses. 17.

Biotech drugs, which are made from living cells, provide some of the best efforts at curing diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and HIV. 18. PFNC, an El Paso company, is refurbishing leftover shipping containers into housing units for people living in dangerous or substandard conditions. 19. 20. 1. 2. 4. Institutes/Think Tanks. Forecasts.

Consumer, Hipster, High-tech

Actua Predictions. 'Kleinschaligheid is big business' Welke maatschappelijke en economische trends verwacht Herman Konings en wat doet hij zelf met zijn geld? Van onze medewerker Herman Konings is trendwatcher bij het Antwerpse onderzoeksbureau nXt. Bent u een belegger? 'Nee, al klinkt dat misschien vreemd voor iemand die de zoon is van een regiodirecteur van wat destijds de Generale Bank was. Mijn vader was van eenvoudige komaf en werkte zich op door te focussen op persoonlijk contact met de klanten. Hij heeft de bank groot gemaakt in Zonhoven.

Hoe is uw vermogen gestructureerd? 'Ons geld zit in langetermijnsparen, wat obligaties en een beetje steen. Trendwatcher of beleggingsadviseur, het lijkt niet zo'n grote stap. 'Voor een aantal banken schets ik maatschappelijke trends waarop beursanalisten dan voortbouwen.

Technological Revolution