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BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers ... - Charles M. Eastman. BIM in Small Practices: Illustrated Case Studies. Rachael Davidson, HT Very useful for small practices...diverse, well-written with a good range of experiences and topics.

BIM in Small Practices: Illustrated Case Studies

The case studies are all interesting in their own right. Richard Fairhead, Bblur Architecture. Amazon. Amazon. Papers - BIM Framework. The BIM Framework blog summarizes conceptual parts (models, taxonomies, classifications, etc.) appearing in published peer-reviewed articles.

Papers - BIM Framework

Each post include a number tags (typepad categories) including those identifying the article where the model was first published. Papers type A are published peer-reviewed papers with the blog's author (Bilal Succar) being the sole or primary author.Papers type B are peer-reviewed papers with the author being a co-contributor (e.g. second or third author).Papers type C are reports, position papers or other articles where the author acted as a significant or aknowledged contributor. Below is a list of papers linked to posts: @malcurat – Delicious. - Le temps maîtrisé. BETOM ingenierie - Bureau d’études techniques et d’ingénierie en bâtiment, industrie et infrastructure.

BIM & maquette numérique pour l’architecture, le bâtiment et la construction - Livres d'architecture - Archilivres librairie d'architecture.