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Best Buy Refuses To Stop Misleading Customers With Secret Website. Establish the %$#! Out of Your Brand (Right Now!) with These 37 Free Resources. There’s so much information available to help online entrepreneurs become successful, I’m surprised more of us haven’t gone cross-eyed.

Establish the %$#! Out of Your Brand (Right Now!) with These 37 Free Resources

What I’m not surprised by is the number of online entrepreneurs who are still struggling, who are reading blogs and soliciting advice, waiting for someone to throw them a frickin bone. When I first started out, I was stuck in that place, and it usually happened for one of two reasons: I didn’t know enough about the technical side of building a brand, so my creative voice became lost within the learning.I took advice I read too literally and didn’t make it my own.

And sometimes, the advice was just too vague: Be authentic. Tell a story. Since there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to do this, how do you know if you’ve found your right way? What helped me move from amateur (or rather, completely lost) blogger to seasoned, was getting to know each and every step of the process. Plan 2. 7 Ways To Craft A Consistent Social Media Brand by Kristi Hines 3. General Management - Managing Online Reputation: What to Listen for, and Where. The cost of managing an online crisis or reputation issue can seem limitless: PR, advertising, loss of sales, lost productivity, distracted executives, competitive maneuvers, additional customer service, litigation—all can burst budgets.

General Management - Managing Online Reputation: What to Listen for, and Where

Worse, bad news travels online at turbo-charged speeds: A negative tweet or nasty video can end up on mainstream media within hours. Think Domino's pizza prank, Kenneth Cole's Cairo tweet, or Gap's logo redesign. A 2011 global study on crisis preparedness by Burson-Marsteller & PSB found that 79% of business executives expected a crisis within 12 months, about 59% had experienced a crisis in their current or previous company. Yet, although 81% said digital and social media increasingly influence reputation during a crisis, half the companies polled still didn't have a crisis plan. Companies know to factor in social media as a key—if not foundational—element of a reputation monitoring strategy, but they fall short in having a systematic approach: 10 Steps to Create a LinkedIn Company Page. 200+ Infographic Resumes, an escalating trend - Blog About Infographics and Data Visualization.

Pinterest Board of Infographic Resumes Back in January of 2010, I posted 16 Infographic Resumes, A Visual Trend that highlighted the start of the trend of infographics and data visualization moving into resumes.

200+ Infographic Resumes, an escalating trend - Blog About Infographics and Data Visualization

Why 16? Because that’s how many good examples I could find at the time on the Internet to showcase the concept. Two and a half years later, that post continues to be one of the most viewed blog posts on Cool Infographics with an average of 3,500 views every month. A 2.5 year-old blog post! Since then, the idea of infographic visual resumes has exploded. The Cinderella Story example is the Chris Spurlock resume shown below.

Video Resumes and Online Job Interviews - Spark Hire. Pocket Resume (iPhone/iPad) Official website of the LunchMeet mobile app. Zerply. Welcome to (about dot me) : The Digital You. How to become a great Digital Strategist - Intro. Eye tracking study reveals 12 website tactics. Eye tracking studies have revealed valuable information about how people read and interact with websites.

Eye tracking study reveals 12 website tactics

One study, Eyetrack III, published a summary of their eye tracking results for news sites. While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website. In no particular order, here are 12 results I found particularly interesting. 1.Headlines draw eyes before pictures. This might be surprising for some people since the trend has been to add photos and graphics specifically to draw the eye. But the participants in this study looked at headlines, especially in the upper left of the page, before they looked at photos when they landed on a page. 2.

This means you should front-load your headlines with the most interesting and provocative words. 5 Things Lady Gaga Can Teach Marketers About Community Building. What do Lady Gaga and direct-to-consumer marketing have in common?

5 Things Lady Gaga Can Teach Marketers About Community Building

The answer is a lot. Building communities all starts with finding a common thread that brings people together. Experiences help define or typify what a community is all about. A community can be extremely close knit, yet very different when looked at on an individual level. But the commonality is that every community has a soul, and to tap into its soul in a meaningful way unlocks all its secrets. Before joining experiential marketing agency MKTG INC as their Executive Creative Director two years ago, I worked extensively in the music industry. I worked for five years at Island DefJam, a label that has a wide-ranging artist roster covering everything from hip-hop to R&B to country. These artists applied this unspoken value for community to their fans as well. That's how these music artists carefully cultivated strong communities of fans that felt cared for--because they were.

