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Could these five thought patterns be making you age faster? Jenn Liv How can one person bask in the sunshine of good health, while another person looks old before her time?

Could these five thought patterns be making you age faster?

Humans have been asking this question for millennia, and recently, it’s becoming clearer and clearer to scientists that the differences between people’s rates of aging lie in the complex interactions among genes, social relationships, environments and lifestyles. Even though you are born with a particular set of genes, the way you live can influence how they express themselves. Some lifestyle factors may even turn genes on or shut them off. Deep within the genetic heart of all our cells are telomeres, or repeating segments of noncoding DNA that live at the ends of the chromosomes.

We agree it’s WEIRD, but is it WEIRD enough? The most recent edition of Behavioral and Brain Sciences carries a remarkable review article by Joseph Henrich, Steven J.

We agree it’s WEIRD, but is it WEIRD enough?

Heine and Ara Norenzayan, ‘The weirdest people in the world?’ The article outlines two central propositions; first, that most behavioural science theory is built upon research that examines intensely a narrow sample of human variation (disproportionately US university undergraduates who are, as the authors write, Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic, or ‘WEIRD’). Inspiring Social Artists. The Work Required to Have an Opinion. 27 Questions To Ask Instead Of “What Do You Do?” I love the little traditions that develop organically at Buffer.

27 Questions To Ask Instead Of “What Do You Do?”

One of them is to welcome each new teammate with a long email chain of happiness that begins with that person’s introduction. More often that not, the introduction has a certain ratio: 1 part what this person will do for Buffer and has done for work in the past 2 parts who this person is in the world—a mom, a breakdancer, an ex-Marine I love this 1:2 ratio because it speaks to a simple truth we strive to recognize as a team: We are more than our jobs. As much as we may love working, it can’t be the thing that defines us fully. Working hard or hardly working : PoliticalHumor. How to get cryonically frozen in 12 foolproof steps. What History Teaches Us About Having an Affair. The Story of Us: Intro — Wait But Why.

This is society.

The Story of Us: Intro — Wait But Why

Felicific calculus. The felicific calculus is an algorithm formulated by utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham for calculating the degree or amount of pleasure that a specific action is likely to cause.

Felicific calculus

Bentham, an ethical hedonist, believed the moral rightness or wrongness of an action to be a function of the amount of pleasure or pain that it produced. The felicific calculus could, in principle at least, determine the moral status of any considered act. The algorithm is also known as the utility calculus, the hedonistic calculus and the hedonic calculus. How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene. One of the first professionals to scientifically study habit formation was the world-renowned plastic surgeon Dr.

How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene

Maxwell Maltz who wrote Psycho-Cybernetics in 1960. Maltz discovered that it takes a minimum of 21 days to form new habit patterns. He said, “These, and many other commonly observed phenomena tend to show that it requires a minimum of about 21 days for an old mental image to dissolve and a new one to jell.” How long does it take to become an expert? "Simon and Chase's (1973) '10-year rule' is supported by data from a wide range of domains: music, mathematics, tennis, swimming, and long-distance running.” In 1981 Carnegie Mellon Professor John Hayes "calculated an average of about 20 years from the time individuals started to study music until they first composed an outstanding piece of music. The elite violinists rated “practice alone” as the top musical activity related to their improvement.

What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team. So Rozovsky started looking for other groups she could join.

What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team

A classmate mentioned that some students were putting together teams for ‘‘case competitions,’’ contests in which participants proposed solutions to real-world business problems that were evaluated by judges, who awarded trophies and cash. The competitions were voluntary, but the work wasn’t all that different from what Rozovsky did with her study group: conducting lots of research and financial analyses, writing reports and giving presentations. The members of her case-competition team had a variety of professional experiences: Army officer, researcher at a think tank, director of a health-education nonprofit organization and consultant to a refugee program.

Despite their disparate backgrounds, however, everyone clicked. Eight Tips for a Great Teacher Letter of Recommendation. Hey high school teachers!

Eight Tips for a Great Teacher Letter of Recommendation

Today, we're talkin' teacher recs. This is actually the first time I've ever written a blog to this group of unsung heroes in the college application process. While I have never been a teacher myself, I can imagine that there are plenty of teachers who view writing countless recommendations as a pretty daunting task to add on top of your already full plates. This blog should shed some light onto what colleges are looking to glean from your letters and how you can write effective and informative letters on behalf of your students. Humanitas. Multiply Intelligences. Experiential Ed.