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15 applications et services qui peuvent rapporter gros. Certains sont connus, d’autres beaucoup moins.

15 applications et services qui peuvent rapporter gros

Mais une chose est sûre, la quinzaine d’applications et services présentés dans le Radar Report de Zenith Optimedia a de quoi aiguiser l’appétit des annonceurs, des médias et des agences… Le concept Lancée en 2010, est une plateforme de questions/réponses.Ce média social simplissime donne l’opportunité aux utilisateurs de poser de façon anonyme les questions les plus indiscrètes à n’importe qui. Les réponses peuvent se faire sous format texte, photo ou vidéo. The-10-best-tv-apps-8714658. Say goodbye to lonely nights in.


Engage with friends online while you watch your favourite shows with this social TV app. IntoNow identifies what you're watching and makes it easy to share on Twitter or Facebook, as well as helping you to discover new shows. Free, iOS, Android 2. NetFlix. Meilleures Pratiques Pour Utiliser Le Bouton « J’aime » de Facebook. Selon Facebook, le bouton « J’aime » est « le moyen le plus simple et le plus puissant pour créer une expérience sociale riche sur votre site internet. » Il vous permet de « construire durablement des connections durables avec vos clients existants et de créer de nouvelles sources de trafic vers votre site internet. » Dans un nouveau document PDF de 3 pages, Facebook présente les meilleures pratiques à connaître pour ajouter le bouton « J’aime » sur un site Internet ainsi que pour le configurer avec pertinence.

Meilleures Pratiques Pour Utiliser Le Bouton « J’aime » de Facebook

Buffer for Facebook - Coming Soon. Apps & Pages Top sur Facebook. 7 Facebook Banner Tools To Customize Your Profile. Want to spruce up your Facebook profile and be the envy of all your friends?

7 Facebook Banner Tools To Customize Your Profile

Here are seven tools that are guaranteed to take your profile to the next level. To be perfectly honest, the difference between one tool and the next is practically unnoticeable, with most providing an identical offering: A library of profile banners to go at the top of your profile and a tool to create your own custom profile banner. For those who used to have a MySpace profile, many of you will recognize these services as they’re similar to MySpace profile layouts.

While selecting one from the other is probably as easy as picking a name that you like, we figured we’d list as many of them out for you as possible. This is pretty much the standard tool to make yourself a profile banner. This site is extremely easy to use. MyFBBanners, found here, is an extremely useful tool, aside from the fact that it’s just like the others. Blingify is a relic of the MySpace layout days. Add-a-Link : Top outil Facebook ! iDTGV. Comment Utiliser Facebook Question Pour Votre Page Facebook. Comment Créer Une Landing Page Facebook Avec Iwipa ? Tutoriel Vidéo. The ToDo List. How Your Website Can Use the Facebook Send Button. The following is an excerpt from the Facebook Marketing Bible, the comprehensive guide to marketing your company, app, brand, or website using Facebook.

How Your Website Can Use the Facebook Send Button

The full version of this article is available through a Facebook Marketing Bible subscription. Work for Us. Iframe + Static FBML + Welcome Tab = iwipa (1) For Websites - Facebook developers. As mentioned, the code above uses the common defaults for the options available when initializing the SDK. You can customize some of these options, if useful. Changing SDK Language In the basic setup snippet, the en_US version of the SDK is initialized, which means that all the dialogs and UI will be in US English. You can change this language by changing the js.src value in the snippet.

Take a look at Localization to see the different locales that can be used. <script> (function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document)); </script> Reppler. Facebook Social Marketing Application based on open graph Optimization. Tool to community-manage multiple facebook pages. 10 Ways To Update Facebook & Twitter Simultaneously. Some Facebook and Twitter users argue that the two should not be combined, and it’s unwise to flood your followers and friends with the same content.

10 Ways To Update Facebook & Twitter Simultaneously

On the flip side, there is often a lot of content that is of interest to both your Facebook and Twitter friends, and finding a way to easily share that information across social networks can be a timesaver. iFrames for Facebook Pages by Wildfire Social Media Marketing. "Facebook Question" is coming... Cet article a été publié il y a 3 ans 1 mois 11 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour.

"Facebook Question" is coming...

Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Smart Tweets for Pages. FanGager launches to rank and reward brands’ social media superfans. 13 January '11, 03:40pm Follow While social media provides a real opportunity for brands to engage with their fans, keeping track of the current state of a social media campaign is still a relatively vague affair.

FanGager launches to rank and reward brands’ social media superfans

Aiming to solve this problem, a new service called FanGager has launched to identify and reward the most avid fans of brands online. By analysing activity across a brand’s social media presences, FanGager creates a database, identifying the most active fans, tracking their activity and producing reports about overall engagement. FanGager also allows brands to reward their most avid fans with points, badges, virtual gifts and prizes.

Although some social media users may sigh in dispair at this kind of buzzword-heavy “brand engagement” service, businesses have a real need to quantify the results they get from the time and money they spend on social media activity. Social Map. Who deleted me on Facebook? TheFriendMail: Facebook via Email + Facebook Email Alerts. Facebook BreakUp Notifier : suivez l'évolution de la situation amoureuse de votre élu(e) ! Mardi 22 février Réseaux sociaux - 22 février 2011 :: 12:01 :: Par Isabelle-Mathieu.

Facebook BreakUp Notifier : suivez l'évolution de la situation amoureuse de votre élu(e) !

Demande de permission. Demande de permission. PDF for Pages sur Facebook. I Shared What?!? Simulator. EMEA_deals_businesses_FR.pdf (Objet application/pdf) BranchOut sur Facebook. Cross-platform Face Recognition. Engage, Grow and Monetize your Fan Base through social media. Facebook nouveaux profils : L’application Schweppes. Top 75 Apps for Enhancing Your Facebook Page. Have you customized your Facebook page?

Top 75 Apps for Enhancing Your Facebook Page

There are thousands of apps that can help you engage with your fans. In this article I’ll focus on the top 75 Facebook apps. These apps allow you to customize your landing tabs, add your blog, add videos and photos, add chat, add polls, contests, geolocation, scheduling, email, ecommerce and much more. Raven Facebook Tool. The Facebook tool from Raven Internet Marketing is designed to manage and analyze multiple Fan Pages, improve efficiency in engaging with fans and generate custom, branded campaign reports. With the integration of Google Analytics, not only are users able to monitor their Facebook Insights from within Raven Tools, but they can also monitor their visits from their Fan Page to their own website. Open Audience Manager. Open Audience Manager helps marketers with large web sites embed Facebook’s Like button into their web pages and subsequently publish newsfeed updates to Friends of any page.

Whether a site needs 100 or a million Like buttons, it generates the required code and Open Graph metadata for each individual web page and offers a web-based management system to track how “likable” the various pages are. Ways the product benefits social media campaigns Coolest feature Integrating with brands’ websites for automated re-marketing.

Infused Palermo. Infused Palermo is a way for brands to provide fully functioning stores – with inventory browsing, shopping cart and checkout capabilities – directly onto their Facebook fan pages. It also allows brands to offer affiliates fully functioning stores, rather than just display ads, to break through physiological click-off barriers. After the jump – what you need to know about Infused Palermo. Context Optional. The Context Optional Social Marketing Suite is designed to help brands engage their Facebook communities for the long term. It’s built to scale with needs, capable of supporting a large number of pages, large number of enterprise administrators and tens of millions of fans. Buddy Media. Buddy Media is a Facebook management system based on a scalable platform, secure architecture and straightforward administrative tools.

The Buddy Media Platform is used by brands to connect with their current and future customers using the power of Facebook’s social connections. It allows brands to launch, maintain and measure their Facebook presence across multiple countries and languages. After the jump – what you need to know about Buddy Media. The application in a sentence The Buddy Media Platform is a Facebook management system chosen by many of the world’s largest brands and agencies. Ways the product benefits social media campaigns The Buddy Media Platform allows brands to establish, grow, monitor and measure their Facebook presence with custom, interactive social content.