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New Storytelling Formats

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Storyscaping. StoryscapingSM is how we help our clients create experiences and tell their story in ever-present and never ending ways by marrying imagination with systems thinking.


The power and intimacy of story is enabled through a vast interconnection of technologies and platforms that weave into the lives of connected consumers and make it ever-actionable, regardless of where or when a person comes in or out of it. Whether they're experiencing it in advertising, social conversations or clicking the buy button, StoryscapingSM creates a ubiquitous presence for a brand's story and promise in this always-on world of possibilities. Client Storyscapes Launch case study. Scan These Smart Pajamas to Read Your Kids a Bedtime Story. No bedtime routine with your kids is complete without a good story.

Scan These Smart Pajamas to Read Your Kids a Bedtime Story

And now, one Idaho-based company has added a futuristic twist to the age-old ritual. Smart PJs, based in Idaho Falls, Idaho, has designed unique pajamas for children that feature colorful polka-dor patterns. But this isn't any ordinary sleepwear: The printed dots on the fabric work like QR codes, as shown in the above video. Using a smartphone, parents can scan the dot patterns on their child's pajamas, unlocking a story with pictures and words on the screen. What's more, a free companion app can even recite the tales aloud. The Walking Dead Game. The Walking Dead is an episodic video game series based on Robert Kirkman’s award-winning comic books.

The Walking Dead Game

Season One of The Walking Dead won over 90 Game of the Year Awards. Season Two continues the story that began in Season One. Vines: 6 Secs Films. Tribeca Film Festival this year challenged people to use Twitter's Vine app to create six-second films — with a "beginning, middle and end" — for a chance to win money and notoriety.

Vines: 6 Secs Films

More than 400 Vines were submitted, and on Thursday after a panel judged the entries, the Tribeca Film Festival announced the 40 finalists. The #6SecFilms contest was broken down into four film categories: auteur, genre, series and animate. Here's a look at some of the finalists. Finalists in Auteur Category description: "These Vines told a story or script that was truly unique. Collapsus: The Energy Risk Conspiracy. Kentucky Route Zero. Lizzie Bennet - This is My Diary.

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Lizzie Bennet - This is My Diary

Working... The Lizzie Bennet Diaries Dr. 159,821 views 2 months ago. Coldplay Tastefully Rocks Comic Book Fans' Faces Off With “Mylo Xyloto” Coldplay’s brand of arena-ready rock songs tend to have an epic feel.

Coldplay Tastefully Rocks Comic Book Fans' Faces Off With “Mylo Xyloto”

Apparently, not epic enough, however, as the band has now turned to comic books to heighten the significance of those songs’ stories. The Mylo Xyloto comic book series launched digitally on April 16, exclusively through Apple’s iBookstore. These comics are available for all iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices. Building from the multiplatinum 2011 album of the same name, Mylo Xyloto tells the story of an Orwellian society ruled by a government dictatorship that rules by fear and overstimulation through media and propaganda. No word yet on how “Every Tear Is a Waterfall” factors into the story. Mystery on Fifth Avenue. ParaPark. Ingress. Fablegirls - A Storytelling Experience in a Traditional World by Mattia Nicoletti.

Fairytales are one of the first forms of storytelling and they are still very much used to teach kids ethical values.

Fablegirls - A Storytelling Experience in a Traditional World by Mattia Nicoletti

In a technology world where we are always have a screen in front of our eyes (television, computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) fairytales can be told in many different ways with the opportunity of interaction. Readers/viewers/readers may add elements to tales and transform them in something totally different. Riccardo Milanesi, an Italian creative, started an online project last year named Fable Girls to test how fairytales could generate engagement.

His idea is to use cinemagraph, a photo technique that allows minor repeated movement in a still photograph, to tell visual updated versions of fairytales through their female leading characters. Fable Girls has some key elements: Cinemagraph technique Suicide girls in the role of the protagonists Interactivity In Red Riding Hood users could choose the music and fairytale finale. Share This. The Silent History an eBook Experience, The silent epidemic began in the year 2011.

The Silent History an eBook Experience,

Children around the world were born without the ability to learn language. They didn’t babble as babies. They didn’t speak as they grew older. They couldn’t understand what their parents were saying. They seemed to show no interest in using language at all. THE BXX. Ravezombie: Dang, I was in the middle of watching this too.


Any chance of the videos coming back? It was such a great idea for a series.trina: In the meantime check out the movie on YouTube: Thanks for checking us out! The site remains but, yes, the videos have been taken down. We are working on other projects so stay tuned! Acorn: I think they took the site down bc none of the videos are workinglibertymoon87: i cant see the videos with firefox or chrome but with explorer the video keeps loading and loading but nothing happened. what to do ?

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