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4 Things Men Are Really Doing When They 'Play Devil's Advocate' Against Feminism. I just did a radio show.

4 Things Men Are Really Doing When They 'Play Devil's Advocate' Against Feminism

I was asked to come on to talk about street harassment. More specifically, I was asked to discuss this article I wrote on “tatcalling,” or the experience of my tattoos being used as supposed invitations for catcalling (an article that I think people loved, by the way, based on the number of death threats I received post-publication). So I already knew exactly what to expect. After being asked a few broad-sweeping questions that repeatedly prompted me to address the oft-claimed defense that street harassment is “just a compliment” (and, uhh, being told that my last name “sounds made-up”), the host specifically asked for other tattooed women to call in and discuss their experiences with their body art and street harassment.

So I really wasn’t surprised when the first call answered was from a dude. And I know exactly why he called, why he felt so compelled to share his unoriginal thoughts. Right. But maybe I’m being unfair. And it is a guise. 1. 2. 3. Do Women Talk Too Much? (Hint: Science says no)

Rape culture

17 of History’s Most Rebellious Women. Privilege. New Comic!


Note: A version of this comic without the word ‘fuck’ can be found here. Another note: a poster of this comic can be purchased here. Alternative libertaire. Non-mixité : deux petits mots qui donnent lieu à de grands débats.

Alternative libertaire

Celles qui en sont partisanes se voient très vite taxées de vilaines féministes séparatistes. Pourtant, c’est un outil politique émancipateur, essentiel dans le processus de conscientisation propre aux luttes féministes. Campagne de sensibilisation sur le consentement: Être attentif au langage non verbal. Campagne de sensibilisation sur le consentement: Être attentif au langage non verbal Pour communiquer ses envies et ses attentes, il est toujours plus facile d’utiliser le même mode de communication des deux côtés.

Campagne de sensibilisation sur le consentement: Être attentif au langage non verbal

Par exemple, si j’utilise des mots pour exprimer un besoin, une envie ou une attente, il sera plus facile pour l’autre personne de répondre avec des mots. Si la forme utilisée est le langage non-verbal, on peut s’attendre à une réponse sous la même forme. Projet Crocodiles. 10 Amazing Women Who Led Rebellions. History Male revolutionaries such as Che Guevara have gone down as heroes for leading rebellions against “the Man.” But forgotten by history are the women who took on far greater powers than Fulgencio Batista. Throughout the ages, women have led rebellions and revolutions which took on the might of the Roman Empire and the vast wealth of the British East India Company. 10 Yaa Asantewaa Yaa Asantewaa, described as the African Joan of Arc, was Queen Mother of the Edweso region, part of the former Asante Kingdom and now modern-day Ghana.

When the Asante began to resist British rule, the British Governor, Lord Hodgson, demanded that they turn over their Golden Stool, used as a throne and symbol of independence. Shortly after, on March 28, 1900, what was left of the monarchy was assembled and the British Captain demanded the Stool. This speech caused the Yaa Asantewaa War for Independence to break out on the same day. 28 Most Iconic Feminist Moments of 2013. During an appearance on Fox's Sean Hannity Show, Zerlina Maxwell was invited to speak about guns, rape, and violence.

28 Most Iconic Feminist Moments of 2013

As a rape survivor, she had a lot of notable reasons to shame conservatives who believe the solution to ending rape resides in giving out more guns. "I think the entire conversation is wrong. I don't want anybody to be telling women anything. Non, c'est NON ! Rapport de la journée de réflexion sur les violences sexuelles. 101 Everyday Ways for Men to Be Allies to Women. Des féministes étudiantes rétablissent les faits sur la Coalition des Humoristes Indignés. Plusieurs choses ont été dites à propos du spectacle de la CHI.

Des féministes étudiantes rétablissent les faits sur la Coalition des Humoristes Indignés

Même sur l’axe du mad, un blogue à tendance satirique comptant dans ses rangs quelques humoristes, les opinions divergent. Par la présente, nous donnons une tribune, aussi modeste soit-elle, au Comité Femmes GGI qui est à l’origine des contestations entourant le spectacle qui a enclenché le débat. Dating tips for the feminist man. Reviewed by Media Co-op editors. copyeditedfact checkededitors' pick [?]

dating tips for the feminist man

Dating tips for the feminist man Blog posts reflect the views of their authors, and are not subject to Media Co-op journalistic standards. Dating Tips for the Feminist Man This post is in honour of male feminists and their dating rituals. The Feminist Guide To Non-Creepy Flirting. No one wants to come across as “creepy”, especially not to the attractive person they’ve just approached.

The Feminist Guide To Non-Creepy Flirting

In the case of men who approach women, the word creepy doesn’t even need to be said. A cold shoulder, quick step, or plain old rejection from a woman or her group of friends can signal to some men that they’ve just been dismissed as a “creep”. So what exactly is a creep? A creep isn’t always the spray tanned, aggressively narcissistic jerk who treats women like crap as a way of hitting on them. A creepy person could be anyone of any gender or sexual orientation, well-meaning or otherwise, who makes someone else feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or wary.