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Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes. So, after being gone all last week, this has been catch up on the house week.

Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes

Mostly laundry actually. Man, who knew that a weeks worth of laundry from 5 people could be so daunting. Yikes!! But I am kind of behind on my cooking and baking as well since I've been gone and cleaning. Not to mention, I needed an Oreo fix! Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes 1 box brownie mix, 8x8 inch size 24 Oreo Cookies 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a 12 muffin cup baker with paper liners. Prepare brownie mix according to package directions. Makes 12 servings Recipe from The College Column. The Pioneer Woman Cooks. Iced coffee is my life.

The Pioneer Woman Cooks

When I wake up, often around the time party animals on the west coast are just heading home, I start each day not with a cup of freshly brewed hot java, but with a tall, blessed glass of creamy iced coffee in a glass. Top Awesome 20 Christmas Easy Food Hacks. Top Awesome 20 Christmas Easy Food Hacks Posted by admin on Dec 5, 2012 in Food Preparation | 8 comments Christmas is one of the happiest holidays during the year.

Top Awesome 20 Christmas Easy Food Hacks

Following the Thanksgiving and waiting for New Year, the Christmas is all time favorite holiday in the USA and around the world. Baked Egg Boat recipe. Chocolate Cake, Cupcake, and Cheesecake Recipes. 50 Things to Make With Bacon. The Cook Abides. The Food in my Beard.

34 Insanely Simple Two-Ingredient Recipes. Cooking Tips and Secrets, Chef Chuck Kerber. Chef Chuck Kerber Cooking Tips Never wash mushrooms!

Cooking Tips and Secrets, Chef Chuck Kerber

If the fungi have dirt or debris on them, simply brush it off with a cloth. Water will saturate the mushroom, leaving them tasteless and soggy. Leave your butter out. Make sure your meat is room temperature before cooking. When making meatballs or meatloaf, add some water to the mixture- the end result will be a moist and delicious. When making quick breads or cookies mix the dough just until it comes together. Just because it reads Organic, doesn’t mean the nutritional content differs from a non-organic product. Don’t buy pre-chopped garlic in water.

Combine those bottles of left-over white and red wines to use for cooking later. Always rinse your rice before cooking until the water runs clear. For perfect hard-boiled eggs- start the eggs in a large pot with cold water and a tablespoon of salt. Naughty Shirley Temple Jello Shots. Ingredients: Cherry jelly powder Orange jelly powder Maraschino cherries with stems* Lemon lime pop Vodka Grenadine (optional) Mix 1 cup of boiling water with the cherry jelly powder.

Naughty Shirley Temple Jello Shots

Stir until completely dissolved. Add 1/2 cup cold vodka, 1/2 cup cold water and a bit of grenadine (grenadine optional). Pour the liquid into mini muffin tin, filling them up half way. Cut the bottoms off of the cherries so they stand up and place one in each muffin cup. Mix 3/4 cup of boiling water with the orange jelly powder. Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes. Well these naughty little treats are well….naughty but oh so necessary.

Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes

There are a bit like my Brownie Covered Oreo’s from last Christmas but enhanced with layers of peanut butter and a double decker stack of Oreos in each little brownie cake. They are simply prepared in cupcake liners. Hope you enjoy this ultra sweet little cake. Unfettered F-U-N . . . Rainbow Jelly Shooter!

Rainbow Jelly Shooter Its been a whirlwind at the test kitchen.

Unfettered F-U-N . . . Rainbow Jelly Shooter!

The book is progressing (crossing fingers that it is going to press in early December!) , we have been working on a little something (three little somethings, actually) for, and about a million more actions items cropping up here and there, many of which have not received appropriate attention and are currently housed in a bin marked "anxiety provoking". One of the highlights of our week was a lovely chat with Erin over at, who mentioned that they were hosting a Double Rainbow Week, which sounded like such fun! Peanut Butter Crunch Shortbread Recipe. These little five-ingredient Peanut Butter Crunch Shortbread elephants marched their way into my kitchen the other day.

Peanut Butter Crunch Shortbread Recipe

Even though they’re made with peanut butter (get it – elephants? Cooks-in-College. The Ultimate Sandwich Recipe: Feast your eyes on this! First things first, the CellarVie Wines team cannot lay claim to being responsible for the making of the ‘Ultimate Sandwich’.

The Ultimate Sandwich Recipe: Feast your eyes on this!

This remarkable feat of culinary engineering, complete with the beautiful pictures displayed below, arrived in our inbox courtesy of an anonymous email chain on Tuesday afternoon. Jamie Oliver would undoubtedly and perhaps quite correctly, not endorse this as a healthy meal, and it certainly isn't for the faint-hearted but we thought it was a bit of fun nonetheless. So feast your eyes on the ‘Ultimate sandwich’… Ingredients (a guideline) 1 hard crusted Italian bread 3 rib eye steaks 500g mushrooms 1 onion 8 rashers of unsmoked back bacon Swiss Cheese slices Worchester Sauce, Dijon Mustard, horseradish or condiments of your choosing. Salt and pepper to season.
