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Getting started with WebGL - WebGL WebGL enables web content to use an API based on OpenGL ES 2.0 to perform 3D rendering in an HTML canvas in browsers that support it without the use of plug-ins. WebGL programs consist of control code written in JavaScript and special effects code(shader code) that is executed on a computer's Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). WebGL elements can be mixed with other HTML elements and composited with other parts of the page or page background. This article will introduce you to the basics of using WebGL. It's assumed that you already have an understanding of the mathematics involved in 3D graphics, and this article doesn't pretend to try to teach you OpenGL itself. How Far is the Reach of WebGL on the Desktop - Renaun Erickson WebGL WebGL is definitely making some great in-roads into desktop browsers. There are a lot of other HTML5 features that round out WebGL for games, for example check out some AAA web demos here.

Open Standards for Real-Time 3D Communication The German 3D software developer Bitmanagement Software GmbH who are in the board of directors of the Web3D Consortium in Mountain View, California, USA has released the new authoring tool "BS Content Studio", which enables a wide audience to create interactive and Internet ready 3D content. This tool will sustainable accelerate and simplify the work-flow and time necessary to compose, animate and optimize 3D models and interactive content for the web and standalone applications. Even "non 3D specialists” can be now in the position to generate 3D real-time applications easily. HTML5 Website Showcase: 48 Potential Flash-Killing Demos So you’ve heard all rumors about HTML5 would take over Adobe Flash. While most web community argues that it’s possible or not, you must be wandering what makes HTML5 so powerful that even giant company Apple wants to use it to replace Flash. That’s why this post exists, we’re not going to talk about what HTML5 can do, but show live demos of magical things that HTML5 can achieve with other language like JavaScript, so get ready to be inspired.

Porting 3D graphics to the web — WebGL intro part 2 Introduction In the first part of our WebGL series, we walked through a very simple introduction to WebGL, explaining what it is and how it can be used, and dissected a simple code example. From here on in, we will start looking at WebGL in more detail, focussing on individual tasks and techniques. This time, we’ll look at drawing more complicated models in 3D graphics editing applications, and porting them to WebGL. The rationale

3D computer graphics software 3D computer graphics software produces computer-generated imagery (CGI) through 3D modeling and 3D rendering. Classification[edit] Modeling[edit] 3D modeling software is a class of 3D computer graphics software used to produce 3D models. Individual programs of this class are called modeling applications or modelers. 3D modelers allow users to create and alter models via their 3D mesh.

10 cloud IDEs let you ditch the desktop Code in your browser The migration to the cloud has turned into a stampede as the world turns to browser-based calendars, email clients, word processors, and spreadsheets to replace the hassle of maintaining a desktop with the right software. Through this revolution, programmers have stayed glued to their command lines and desktop IDEs out of a mixture of habit, simplicity, and speed. That is starting to change. Currency Of The Revolution, Or Tool For Online Vendors? The Many Faces Of Bitcoin [Feature] It’s become an annual event: the fall of Bitcoin. You’ve probably read about it multiple times, and maybe even believe that the online, decentralized currency is already gone forever. It isn’t.

NoSQL showdown: MongoDB vs. Couchbase Document databases may be the most popular NoSQL database variant of them all. Their great flexibility -- schemas can be grown or changed with remarkable ease -- makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, and their object nature fits in well with current programming practices. In turn, Couchbase Server and MongoDB have become two of the more popular representatives of open source document databases, though Couchbase Server is a recent arrival among the ranks of document databases. In this context, the word "document" does not mean a word processing file or a PDF. Rather, a document is a data structure defined as a collection of named fields. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is currently the most widely used notation for defining documents within document-oriented databases.

The dark side of the beloved Python Python, the popular dynamic language, offers conciseness and a strong community. But it is dogged by the transition from the 2.x family to the 3.x line. The language shows up as one of the most popular languages on the GitHub code-sharing site, accounting for 8 percent of code on the site and trailing only JavaScript, Ruby, and Java. But not all is rosy in the Python realm. After four years, programmers still are navigating a difficult transition from the 2.x to the 3.x version of the language because the 2.x version has been maintained in parallel, giving developers a reason to put off a migration to 3.x. Developers using the language cite benefits in ramp-up time and library support.

Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/Navigation in 3D This tutorial was created with Blender v2.49 To move around in your scene you have to be able to pan (move your viewpoint left/right/up/down), rotate and zoom. The easiest thing is to pan; we have to talk a bit about rotating and zooming. Perspective vs. orthographic view[edit] Google upgrades Web toolkit, Eclipse plug-in May 03, 2011 Follow @pjkrill With upgrades to its GWT (Google Web Toolkit) and Google Plugin for Eclipse released on Tuesday, Google is backing more HTML5 functionality and enabling improved access to Google services for developers who use the Eclipse IDE.

How to Record Screen in Microsoft Windows 7: 17 Steps Steps Method 1 Using ScreenRecorder

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