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School Librarians Poised To Support Student Success, Information Literacy Survey Shows

School Librarians Poised To Support Student Success, Information Literacy Survey Shows

Related:  Week 1: What is a literacy? (*=Key reading)Edwebet108 - Virtual Library For Remote LearningWeek 6 Part 1: Media/News/Visual Literacy (*=Key reading)Week 10: Budget, Advocacy, Engagement (*= Key reading)Book/Media Reviews

*Kathy Schrock: Literacies in the Digital Age I have identified thirteen literacies that our students need to become well-rounded 21st-century citizens. These literacies are not taught as separate literacies but are taught across the content areas. If you find a link that is not working, please let me know the title and I will fix it! Thank you! Kicking Off Our You've Been Book'd Reading Program For The Year! Here Is How You Can Too! During Teacher Appreciation Week, we started something new from the library with a little help from our families at Van Meter in the VMEPC. I saw this adorable idea during Read Across America Week from Weaver Elementary on Twitter called You've Been Book'd! I love this!

School Librarians Are Teaching Digital Citizenship April Wathen photo: Jill Springer April Wathen, Kathy Lester, and Steven Yates. As technology and social media play an increasingly big role in the classroom, educators are faced with challenges of teaching students how to use technologies in appropriate ways, and how to be safe and responsible online—the basic tenets of what is known as digital citizenship, a close relative of digital literacy. Fortunately, classroom teachers often have an expert ally to assist them in getting the job done: their school librarian or media specialist. “Digital citizenship and digital literacy—and, in the bigger picture, information literacy—whether it’s print or digital, that is our curriculum,” says Gwenn Marchesano, a middle school librarian in Plymouth, Mich. “That’s what school librarians teach.”

Your School Library Media Specialist – Your School’s Utility Player – NJPSA and FEA As you start the school year, consider the ways that you can maximize the use of your school librarian. Your school librarian is your school’s utility player. A utility player is one that can play several positions competently, similarly, your school librarian is also someone that can fulfill several educational roles. Today’s school library is more than a warehouse of books. Not only are digital resources found in school libraries, but Makerspaces, STEM/Innovation Labs and a judgment-free space, making the school library feel welcoming, comfortable and safe. School librarians, certified as School Library Media Specialists in New Jersey, are instructional partners, program administrators, educators and information professionals who work with classroom teachers to design learning experiences that promote inquiry, critical thinking and the development of life-long learning skills.

Renovation Duration is Complete! Spaulding High School Library Students enjoying the new booths! The sounds of hammers, the groans of book movers, the sore hands from reshelving, and the anticipation of reopening are over! The renovation duration is complete and the library smells and looks like new. Seven Strategies to Teach Students Text Comprehension 1. Monitoring comprehension Students who are good at monitoring their comprehension know when they understand what they read and when they do not. They have strategies to "fix" problems in their understanding as the problems arise. Research shows that instruction, even in the early grades, can help students become better at monitoring their comprehension.

Five conversations to avoid this year This post has been languishing among my drafts for over a month. I keep coming back to it, trying to sweeten it up, and ending up with something more acerbic than what I started with. Just before the new year, Jennifer LaGarde (The Adventures of Library Girl) posted a thoughtful list of questions reflective librarians should consider in their practice this year. If you are looking for a constructive and positive post - something upbeat and hopeful - stop reading this now and read that instead. Not many people will like what follows, I have been trying to fix it, and it only gets worse. Critical readers in the (mis)information age Did you know that Chicago was the most dangerous city in the US in 2014? I didn’t. I would have thought it was some bigger city, but according to this set of FBI statistics of total murders, I was wrong. But actually, was I? It’s very easy to look at this graph at face value without digging much further into the narrative it presents. As readers, we absorb this information, particularly when it comes from a perceived authority, but do we question it appropriately?

Advocacy - Something for Everyone! I want all school librarians to be advocates for school libraries. It’s not just during budget season, and it’s not just when your job is on the line. That’s too little, too late. It’s not “just one more thing” to add to your already-full plate. It’s not optional. Advocacy is something that we should share, something we can each carry a small part of, collectively.

BEYOND THE BOOKS: Library Design Trends (James) While some have questioned their long-term viability, both public and private libraries are reinventing themselves and, according to the 2018 American Library Association report, continuing to serve as a valuable resource for diverse groups of people. Libraries face many similar challenges to those of retailers, as large numbers of people turn to digital resources. However, the convenience of digital shopping, reading, learning, communicating and so forth can be isolating and less rewarding. This is where public libraries can step in to provide positive interactions, teachable moments and a collaborative community experience available to everyone regardless of their financial status. Today’s libraries provide a myriad of resources beyond the books.

Silvia Tolisano- Langwitches Blog Reflection is an important component of the learning process. It can NOT be seen as an add-on, something to be cut if time is running short. We have all heard John Dewey’s quote: The Easiest Way to Use Jamboard in Google Meet A few weeks ago Google announced that Jamboard would be integrated into Google Meet. Earlier this week that finally happened in all of my Google accounts. This makes it easier than ever to use Jamboard in Google Meet. The old method that I used was fine, but the new integration is so much easier. Howard Rheingold: Check Facts With Crap Detection Resources - DML Central Want to know if someone plagiarizes a speech? Is the content on a website copied from another website? Do those song lyrics sound familiar?
