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Facebook Changes We’d Actually Want To See

Facebook Changes We’d Actually Want To See
If you had a dollar for every person who posted their hatred of the new Facebook layout, you’d be able to give Mark Zuckerberg a run for his money. Okay that’s a guess, and most likely a wrong one, but you get our point. When Facebook made its most recent set of changes the Preteen Panic Meter hit “Justin Bieber Has A Girlfriend” levels, and while that demographic made the most noise (mostly high-pitched screams), we weren’t too crazy about the adjustments either. Here are the Facebook Changes We’d Actually Want To See:

Eight Absurd Texts That Make You Wish Your Mom Didn’t Have An iPhone Dad’s Birthday Surprise Mom Always Knew Mom Discovers Internet Lingo That’s No Way To Celebrate Your Anniversary What Do Dad And Mondays Have In Common? Mom Watched A Dateline About Push Pops

Propaganda Parodies Part 2: Join the Proctological Corps! Three wonderful WPA tourism promotion posters, smoothly converted into pro-oil posters. In case the WPA abbreviation is new to you, it stands for Works Progress Administration and was the largest of the American New Deal agencies during the Great Depression of the 1930's. Mainly, it employed people who would otherwise have gone unemployed in building bridges, schools, parks and so on, but also had a host of talented artists on board, some of whom churned out one outstanding poster after another. Like the originals these are based on, many promoted various US tourist sites to americans. While I'll be the first person to advocate a critical look at the motives behind wars, looking beyond the lofty ideals and rosy rhetoric modern leaders are so good at delivering nowadays (liberty, democracy, peace etc.), the pedantic know-it-all in me must protest the suggestion that all wars today are fought for oil.

Tales Of The Stoner Sage: Conspiracy Keanu We’ve all been there: you’re a trouble-making teenager taking your first bong rip with a circle of friends while skipping algebra. After everyone has been satiated, a transformation takes place. Suddenly, one of your friends has figured out the entire freaking world and has no choice but to elucidate his new-found wisdom to the crowd. And so we introduce Conspiracy Keanu, the sage of stoners: what fb is like Yup, this pretty much nails it. No notifications Your ex looks adorable and has a new girlfriend Some creepy guy you met once "likes" every single thing you post Reading someone's fight1 new message from your crush Somebody posts something kinda mean aimed you Mevlüt Akajamalarmaladee adds you as a friend Looking through someone's thousands of pictures of themselves Hiding your high school friend's profile because all she posts are baby pictures and uninformed political rants People re-posting funny pics from their Tumblr Reading some bitch's song lyric status People posting ”gettinggg drunkk like whoa” Groups filling up your newsfeed Reading a ton of boring happy birthday messages to some random friend Getting a ton of messages on your birthday Dozens of invites to events you'd never attend Downloading a free mix someone posted [adapted from here]

Romantic Quotes For Great Quotes Search ~LOVE~ Romantic Quotes | UNITED"From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being."~Baal Shem Tov FOUNTAIN OF LOVEI only wish to be the fountain of love From which you drink, Every drop promising eternal passion." 15 Oxymorons" An oxymoron is a combination of words that contradict each other. Here are some of our favorites. 1. virtual reality 2. original copy How Rich People Travel Rich people prefer luxurious ships, wagons and trucks to travel. Their transport modality is very expensive, and the interiors are very cool!

Students are students In general, the life of a student is hard, but the student life still remains in memory as the most fun. And that is the sames all over the world. Lots of Jokes - Did You Know? Q. Why do men's clothes have buttons on the right while women's clothes have buttons on the left? A. When buttons were invented, they were very expensive and worn primarily by the rich.

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