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The Flipped Classroom

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10 Teacher Picks for Best Tech Tools in Pre-K to 12th Grade If there was ever a year for teachers to beg, borrow, and steal good ideas, this is it. All good teachers know this is how we get better, and this is a curated list of tech tools that I have begged and borrowed from others—and I didn’t have to steal any of these as there has never been a year when teachers were more generous. Based on my own teaching of college students as well as the responses of 1,461 virtual learning academy participants—pre-K to 12 teachers and administrators—to survey questions on impactful tools that I conducted from May to December 2020, and over 70 webinars and virtual learning sessions I’ve conducted in that time, these are the top teacher-tested tech tools I have identified. My learning has happened with my own students and through my own mistakes, and I received great ideas from educators across the U.S. and around the world. I will continue to use these tools and recommend their use regardless of student level or how we deliver education moving forward.

108 Ways to Use Word Clouds in the Classroom…Word Clouds in Education Series: Part 2 Welcome to a series of posts devoted to the use of Word Clouds. I know you will find new information… whether you are a seasoned user of word clouds, or brand new. I enjoy working with teachers and helping them use word clouds in their lessons because they are a great way to get any teacher started with integrating technology. In the last post you discovered 12 Tips in Using Wordle. In fact you may wish to read it if you have not as of yet.

Online Tools for Teaching & Learning – Designed by students in EDUC 595A at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Welcome to Online Tools for Teaching and Learning! This site was designed to help you identify online tools that you might use for teaching or learning. Each page includes a wealth of information about a specific tool (e.g., price, ease of use, description of the tool, innovative ways to use the tool for teaching and learning, how the tool fits with the SAMR model) to help you evaluate the tool and determine whether to use it in your practice. This site was created as part of a collaborative class project at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Students in the class conducted in-depth research about four online tools and designed pages for each tool (see 2016 Tool Reviewers page).

How Flipped Classrooms Change from Schools to Colleges Infographic Blended Learning Infograpics How Flipped Classrooms Change from Schools to Colleges Infographic How Flipped Classrooms Change from Schools to Colleges Flipped classrooms are changing the way education is being imparted all across the US.

How to Make Writing Cover Letters a Little Easier How to actually stop doing the things you know aren't exactly good for you. It’s a chore to write and a challenge to nail a cover letter. To whom it may concern… Dear hiring manager… Hello, I’m reaching out to express my interest in… Some of the ugliest phrases in the English language, right? Writing a cover letter is, scientifically speaking*, the hardest and most annoying part of the job application process. Toeing the line between professional confidence and unhinged bragging, rote recitation of work experience and quasi-memoir, all while keeping things to a tight single page?

Definition of Flipped Learning Released March 12, 2014 To counter common misconceptions and bring clarity to discussions about “Flipped Learning,” the governing board and key leaders of the Flipped Learning Network (FLN) announced a formal definition of the term. They also released the Four Pillars of F-L-I-P™ and a checklist of eleven indicators that educators must incorporate into their practice. The group of experienced flipped educators also draws a distinction between Flipped Learning and a Flipped Classroom. While often defined simplistically as “school work at home and home work at school,” Flipped Learning is an approach that allows teachers to implement a methodology, or various methodologies, in their classrooms.

Moodle CLOZE editor Use this website to generate CLOZE quizzes for Moodle (all versions) and/or to try out the CLOZE editor integration for Moodle. This editor was built at the Chair of Applied English Linguistics at Universitaet Tuebingen (Prof. Dr. Kurt Kohn), Germany, by Andreas Glombitza (andiglombitza(at) and Achim Skuta (achim.skuta(at) You can find more documentation here on We are currently maintaining this software as a private project. 10 ways to use Nearpod in the Classroom - Last week, Nick Acton, Primary Apple Specialist Trainer and Apple Curriculum Coordinator at JTRS, shared ideas on how to make the most out of Nearpod in the classroom. We are re-posting the original article he posted at Learning Inspired. Nearpod is an interactive presentation and assessment tool that can be used to amazing effect in the classroom. The app’s concept is simple. A teacher can create presentations that can contain Quiz’s, Polls, Videos, Images, Drawing-Boards, Web Content and so on.

The Flipped Classroom Guide for Teachers As technology becomes increasingly common in instruction at all levels of education from kindergarten to college, the modern classroom is changing. The traditional teacher-centered classroom is falling away to give students a student-centered classroom where collaborative learning is stressed. One way educators are effectively utilizing online learning and changing the way they teach is by flipping their classrooms. What is a Flipped Classroom? High school teachers Aaron Sanns and Jonathan Bergman were the first to flip their classrooms.

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