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Back to basics – writing professional emails I’ve been teaching English for 16 years, and there are very few courses I’ve taught which haven’t requested email writing practise – business or general English. Although most learners in the workplace who have some element of regular communication in English already write emails, most need reassurance that they’re doing a good job. I work in Germany and there are a few issues that arise time and again – Can I/ Should I really use small talk in emails? Are abbreviations and smileys unprofessional? How can I be more polite and diplomatic? This Website Shows You What Reading Is Like When You’re Dyslexic A website created last week is providing a fascinating look into what some forms of dyslexia look like, and the results are a must-see. The goal is for people without dyslexia to appreciate how hard it can be to read or do math for their peers who do. The website isn't an across-the-board view of what it's like to have dyslexia, but it's an eye-opening experience to see words and letters so distorted. “A friend who has dyslexia described to me how she experiences reading. She can read, but it takes a lot of concentration, and the letters seems to 'jump around,'" the site’s introduction reads. Dyslexia is a learning difference affecting the way the brain processes written and spoken language.

Creator Processing ... Personal $ Svg $20 ✓ Up to $75 merchandises for personal use. Term Extraction General parameters When making HTTP requests, you can pass the following parameters (either in a GET request or POST request). Required parameters: either text, url, or text_or_url must be supplied. Filtering The parameters below can be used to filter out certain terms The Seven Best Short Animated Films for the Language Classroom - Kieran Donaghy Animated films are ones in which individual drawings, paintings, or illustrations are photographed frame by frame. Traditionally animated films have been associated with children, however, nowadays they are designed to appeal to everyone. With the increased ease of creating animations, there has been a huge rise in the number of animated films being produced, and the vast majority of these are short animations. Many of these short animated films can be exploited in the language classroom as they are short enough to be used in a single session, offer a complete narrative in a short space of time, have a unique capacity of grabbing and holding students’ attention, and deal with contemporary subjects and issues, such as bullying, racism, sexism, homelessness, and human rights, which are relevant to students’ lives.

Dsxyliea A friend who has dyslexia described to me how she experiences reading. She can read, but it takes a lot of concentration, and the letters seems to “jump around”. I remembered reading about typoglycemia. Wouldn’t it be possible to do it interactively on a website with Javascript? Sure it would. Feel like making a bookmarklet of this or something? How to Transform Your Classroom With Augmented Reality Augmented Reality is changing education. What started out as something that was simply “cool” has become a way to engage learners like never before. In fact, while I was first introduced to Augmented Reality through the Aurasma App, I never imagined that while walking through a trendy neighborhood in Washington D.C. this past summer, I would come across the first public interactive augmented reality mural dedicated to the life of the actor Paul Robeson.

VOCABPROFILE ENGLISH Home > VocabProfilers > English Input method A Type or paste short to medium size text (200,000 characters/35,000 words max = 60 secs) into window and click Submit_window. Non-Lexical Proper Nouns: Recategorize these words as 1k. [Type, paste, or dbl-click textarea items]. The Seven Best Short Films for ELT Students - Kieran Donaghy I’ve been writing lesson plans designed around short films for my website Film English for six years. Teachers often ask me how I find the short films I use in my lesson plans. The answer is quite simple: I’ve watched literally thousands of short films and developed an instinct for the type of engaging and simple short films which will work in the ELT classroom. In this article I’d like to share what for me are the seven best short films for the language classroom. The Mirror

Do Not Fear Shakespeare: created with Zunal WebQuest Maker 1. In your group, choose one of the five acts from the book Romeo and Juliet. This is first come first serve so I suggest you pick which act you would like to translate quickly. 2.

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